Chapter 2

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Cleopatra's pov

After another 20 minutes we finally arrived at the gates to Nevermore Academy. "at least, it's turning into a nice day" mother said to which I replied with "couldn't agree more with you mother". Pulling into the main entrance we exited the car and made our way to Principle Weems's office. Mother and father sat on the chairs, Wednesday on the stool while I opted to stand next to mother. "Wednesday and Cleopatra such unique names, I'm guessing Wednesday's name is the day you were both born and Cleopatra for the Eygption Queen ?" Weems said. I stare straight into her eyes while saying " We were born on Friday the 13th and no". Mother told her "Wednesday's comes from a line from my favorite nursery rhyme,'Wednesday's child if full of woe', while Cleopatra's comes from my favorite plant".After talking about when our therapy sessions are Weems decided to take us to meet out new roommates. First is Wednesday's. "Fuck me its like a fucking unicorn exploded in here" is what came out when I first walked in here mother and father laughed at what I had said while I could see my twins mouth slightly twitch. Father said "it's so vivid" next thing I know her roommate skips over and in a excited voice said "howdy roomie, are you okay you look a little pale?" Father replied "Wednesday always looks half-dead"."Welcome to Ophelia hall!" she steps forward to try and hug my twin but she takes a step back almost hiding behind me, "not a hugger got it". Mother spoke "please excuse Wednesday shes allergic to colour". After finding out the girls name which is Enid Sinclair and how gullible she is we left her and Wednesday as she's getting a tour so we to go meet my roommate and I hope the rooms not as vivid as my sister's room.

We enter my new room which is 4 doors down from Wednesday's. I'm happy to say the room is dark just how I like it. "Oh thank fuck my rooms not so bright" I was thanking whoever blessed me with this room. "Cleopatra this is your new room and I would like you to meet Yoko Tanaka". I take in her appearance she's got long brown hair, purple lipstick, sunglasses and she's wearing a hideously bright purple uniform, if they think I'm wearing that they've got another thing coming, as she does the same to me. "Hiya I'm Yoko hope you don't mind how dark the room is", "hi, Cleopatra and nah your all good I'm glad it's dark should see my twins room that shits bright". She laughs at my comment "guess you've met Enid then Cleo? Can I call you Cleo?" "Sure and yeah don't know how long my sisters gonna last in there". Weems interrupted us "Yoko can you give Cleopatra a tour and take her to get her schedule and uniform" I looked at Weems "if you try and make me wear that bright shit I'm fucking burning it". Safe to say I'm getting a black one like my sister. My parents left to say there goodbyes to Ness as she would finish her tour shortly as mines yet to begin.

"Nevermore was founded in 1791 to educate people like us. Outcasts, freaks, monsters" Yoko said as we walked down the dorm stairs. "guess I'll fit right in then" I stated. As we were walking towards the courtyard Yoko turned to look at me "okay so there's been a rumor swirling around how you and your twin killed 2 kids at your old school and your parents pulled strings to get you off". To satisfy her need for gossip I told her the truth "actually it was 4 kids but who's counting?". Opening the double doors we step into a courtyard shaped like a pentagon "welcome to the quad!" Yoko says, "it's a pentagon" was the first response out of my mouth "oh shit your right anyway let me give you some insite on Nevermore's social scene". "alright be quick though as I need to say goodbye to my mother and father"I told her. Yoko started explaining the group's "okay let's see, so the 4 main group's are the fangs aka vampires like me, most have been her for decades, furs are up next aka werewolves i'd suggest getting noise-cancelling headphones". I butt in "I'm assuming scales are sirens" Yoko responds "yeah your right that girl Bianca Barclay is the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty although her crowns been slipping lately, she used to date our resident tortured artist, Xavier Thorpe." I was looking over a him when he turned around a we made eye contact, I felt like I knew him from somewhere but couldnt place my finger on it, I broke the eye contact and continued listening to what Yoko was saying. "Last but not least-" she got cut off by some boy " Yo Yoko! your not gonna believe the shit I heard about your new roommate and her twin, they eat human flesh! totally chowed down on those 2 kids they murdered". Yoko moved out of the way until the boy realised I was right behind her this whole time. 'Like I'm sorry does it look like I'm going to eat human flesh I'm not a cannibal. "what kind of fucking sicko do you think me and my twin are? I'll have you know we don't eat people I prefer to feed my menagerie of pets and it's wasn't 2 it was 4". The boy looks a bit surprised and shocked at my response, "Ajax this is my roommate Cleo now off you go" Yoko pushes him away and continues her tour. "Sorry about that as I was saying Stoners aka gorgons always spend to much time getting stoned anyway let's take you to get your uniform and to get changed then you can say goodbye to your parents". We walked to the office making small talk, I went and changed into a black version of the uniform. Now to say my goodbyes, I made my way to the front of the academy seeing Wednesday still there 'hmm she must be waiting for me'. Almost making it to my mother and father until a force almost knocked me over luckily I caught myself before it was to late. Looking down I see it was my brother "I'm gonna miss you" he said raising his head I can see he's almost in tears. Looking down I said "I will miss you too but don't forget too much emotion is an easy target for bullies", giving him a squeeze on the shoulder I moved onto my over affectionate father "oh my favourite little doppelgänger" pulling me into a suffocating hug "I will miss you having you around" letting me go but still in arms length "how you remind me of your mother when she was younger, if I look at you any longer I won't be able to leave you here". "Yeah yeah get in the car before I end up throwing you in" I said, he started laughing as he got in the car, last but not least was my mother. "Oh my little Cleo I will miss having you at home I won't feel the same without you or Wednesday, I have some things for you!" She told Lurch to grab the two boxes and the other surprise from the boot of the car.
Reaching in her pocket she gives me a ring "this will help you when the time comes, in one box is a crystal ball so you can call us but not for the first week and in the other is your 2 deadly snakes" she said to me. "Omg! I can't believe you brought them all here thank you mother" Nyx ran to my feet I can hear her purrs, giving my mother one of my incredibly rare smiles and a quick hug, I meet Ness at the doors and we walk back to our dorms.

Okay so I'm not sure if this story's any good as it's my first and I don't really know what I'm doing.
So if you could leave some feedback it was be appreciated :)

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