Chapter 4

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Cleopatra's pov

I was stood against the wall in the infirmary room waiting for Ness to get her cut cleaned, she was insisting to the nurse that she didn't need a plaster but failed miserably as the lady covered it saying "it will prevent it getting infected." Wednesday hated it knowing it makes her look weak, which I could agree with as I have it too. The boy from fencing class, Rowan was sat behind us getting his blood pressure taken, his facial expression showed he's done this a lot. "Your Cleopatra and Wednesday Addams, right?" he asked while the nurse took the blood pressure cuff off and moved away, "Rowan." He awkwardly smiled, I could tell he was uncomfortable I'm pretty sure everyone could.
Looking at him with an unamused expression, I couldn't for the life of me understand why he was stricking a conversation up with us, or will at least trying. "I know how you feel." he said.

Ness,who was now by my side ready to leave, looked at him and said "I guarantee you don't." I turned around heading for the door until he started speaking again "my mother promised me I'd fit in somewhere. I never thought it was possible to be an outcast in a school full of outcasts. But it looks like you two gonna give me a run for my money." he smiled, was he trying to get sympathy from us? maybe be friends? who knows. He gestures to his forehead "uh sorry about the nick." I looked over my shoulder briefly saying "no good deed goes unpunished." Finally being able to leave I open the door for Ness to leave first, hearing the water dispenser bubble we stop, turn around to find nothing there and continue on.

Reaching the doorway to outside I realise it was raining, my favourite type of weather. My sister puts up an umbrella, I had no idea where it came from, and stepped out into the rain. I follow after her embracing the rain falling all around me, damping my hair and clothes. She was about to go under the archway when she suddenly stopped which caused me to stop, "do you hear that?" she asked me. I looked up to see something moving but couldn't make out what I was with how heaving the rain was getting. As it was getting closer I realised it was a gargoyle as it hit something on the way down, it was going to drop straight on us, so without thinking I shoved Wednesday using my telekinesis when I heard someone say call my name. " Cleo!" and was thrown back, my head hit the floor next thing I know I've blacked out.

Xavier's pov

I had just come back from my jog when I heard something scraping so I went and checked it out to find Cleo move Wednesday with her power when I shouted "Cleo!" and tackled her out the way before she got squished. She blacked out, "is my sister alright?" I heard Wednesday ask. "I'm not sure can you help me take her to the infirmary." We got Cleo up off the floor and into the medical room where the nurse checked her and said she has no damage just a small bump. It was a relief to here that, Wednesday left after 20 minutes saying she's got something to do so I sat waiting for Cleo to wake up.

Another 15 minutes I heard a groan come from the bed, she opened her eyes and shot up asking "where Ness?!". Holding up my hands I said "take it easy she left about 15 minutes ago, nurse said you have a small bump", I watched as she reached up touching her head, hissing at the pain. "Last thing I remember was me and Ness where walking back, I was enjoying the rain," she said looking over at me "when my twin stops and I look up hearing a scraping noise, when suddenly it fell so I shoved Ness with my telekinesis" looking away, she continued slowly moving to get off the bed. "Then I heard my name being called as I watched the gargoyle coming straight at me and I thought, at least I'd have an imaginative death" her eyes dart to mine again before saying "then you tackled me out the way, why?" furrowing her brows at me.

I leaned back sucking in a breath of air before saying "just returning the favour" clicking my tongue. "I guess."
I laughed slightly "mhmm, most people just say thank you" tilting my head smiling. I heard her mumble a small  "thank you" before making her way to the door. I followed after catching up to her "do you wanna hang out for a bit we can go get coffee?" I asked. She paused for a moment before saying "I'd like that"

Cleopatra's pov

I paused for a moment before saying "I'd like that" he smiled leading the way. We got permission to go to Jericho and were on our way. It was a 25 minute walk there, once we made it into town we enter this little cafe called weathervane. " What do you want?" he asked me. "I'll have a crossiant and mochaccino with 2 shots of expresso please, just tell me how much I owe you after yeah?" I told him, he went up and ordered then came back with our stuff on a tray. "So how much do I owe you?" I asked him after he sat down, "you don't owe me anything, don't even think about giving me anything." We spent at least 20 minutes after that asking random questions, "what's a quote that's stuck with you?." I said "Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires. By William Shakespeare, you?" He replied with "A beautiful body perishes, but a work of art dies not."

We spent another 10 minutes before leaving, on the way back through the town I see this little creepy antique shop that I must go in called Uriah's Heap.  "Hey Xavier, can we go in there?" I asked stopping infront of the doors, "sure why not." We go in and look around, I find some creepy little trinkets I want for my room and Xavier just follows me around claiming he doesn't want anything. He suddenly said "hey do you like that dress?" it was a dark green almost black, v-neck tight long sleeve maxi dress with lace details. I went over where it was hanging and grabbed it, "it's stunning it'll go well with a pair of my heels."

I payed for my stuff and even brought Xavier a few things as he played at the cafe, we walked back to Nevermore, he walked me to Ophelia Hall dorm entrance as boys aren't allowed inside. "I had a good time thanks for that," I said. "Me too" he replied before I continued "I got you a few things back at Uriah's Heap since you wouldn't let me pay you back." I handed him a new set of paintbrushes, a drawing book and Smoky Quartz & Obsidian bracelets for protection. "Thank you I actually needed new paintbrushes and a drawing book," he smiled then continued "and I will wear these from now on." That left a small smile on my face before I turned and started walking to my dorm, I looked over my shoulder saying "See ya later Xavi!" not waiting for a reply I spend to my dorm. Little did I know the boy meant it when he said he would wear those bracelets from now on.

I know I went off script but I wanted to throw in a little Xavier and Cleo moment.

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