Chapter 5

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Cleopatra's pov

That left a small smile on my face before I turned and started walking to my dorm, I looked over my shoulder saying "See ya later Xavi!" not waiting for a reply I spend to my dorm. Little did I know the boy meant it when he said he would wear those bracelets from now on.

~Meanwhile with Wednesday~

Wednesday pov

I left Clea in the medical room and made my way back to my dorm as it's my dedicated writing time. When I got in I put on La Llorona before sitting down to start writing, it was 10 minutes after when I heard my bed squeaking, I turned my head towards the noise before getting up to investigate. Flicking the cover over to reveal Thing, "I knew it! Hello Thing, I can't wait to tell Clea what I found" I said, he tried hiding under the cover again as pretending I could see him. I reached forward to grab him as he grabbed onto my bed frame, Holding on for dear life, before I yanked him off. "Did you think my highly trained olfactory wouldn't pick up on the faint whiff of neroli and bergamot in your favourite hand lotion? I could do this all day." Thing was wriggling about in my grasp as he tried to escape, pinning him down on the desk I ask "surrender?" he starts tapping the table wishing to be free. Once he's standing on his finder tips, I get straight to asking the questions, "Mother and Father sent you to spy on Clea and I, didn't they?," shaking his finger 'no' I say "I'm not above breaking a few fingers, and you know Clea would do a lot worse than me." I can tell he's going to break soon, "that they thought one of us wouldn't find out proves how much they underestimate us," doing his sign language to try and explain our parents are only worried for us. "Oh, Thing, you poor, naive appendage. Our parents aren't worried about us. They are evil puppeteers, who want to pull our strings even from afar." he's gone silent as he knows I'm right, "The way I see it, you have two options, Option one," leaning forward I quickly grab Thing, "I lock you in here for the rest of the semester and you go slowly insane trying to claw your way out, " he grabs the desk trying to get a good grip but ends up making scratches on my desk. "ruining you nails and your smooth, supple skin. And we both know how vain you are. Option two." I place hi back on the desk before continuing on " You pledge your undying loyalty to me and Clea." Thing paused for 5 seconds before kneeling down, "Our first order of business is to escape this teenage purgatory and hope Clea is onboard," he taps on the desk asking if I have a plan, "of course I have a plan, and it begins now."

I'm on my way to Jericho in this green 7 seater, Volkswagen Sharan SE TDI, Nevermore Academy car that Principle Weems is driving. She's taking me to my first therapy session, we make it into town and she's parked outside the building.  "Dr, Kinbott's office is on the second floor, other Nevermore students swear by her." Weems said, I looked at her and said "you'll be here until I'm done?" hoping she'd leave me here so I can escape. "Perhaps afterwards we can visit the Weathervane for hot chocolate." she then smiled at me, "Principle Weems, this feeble attempt at bonding is beneath you." I say as I get out then say "and chauffeuring your students around is below your pay grade." As I go to shut the door she quickly says "given you and your sisters history, I'm sure you're intent on running away, I'm here to prevent that from happening."

We both have a little stare down before I say "I wish you luck." then proceed to slam the door shut and walk in to the last place I want to be. 'If that woman has any brains she should know that with me and Clea we both have the brains and the muscle in any of our operations and always cause some sort of ruckus.'

Walking into the building, I meet my sickly sweet therapist who is waiting to greet me. We get to the second floor barely making it into the room before she starts chatting away.
"I read the notes from your school counsellor" Kinbott says as she shuts the door after me. "Mrs. Bronstein. She has a nervous breakdown after our last session but she quit her job after Clea's session" I say walking to the middle of the room. "Ahh I have a session with Cleo tomorrow morning." She says before continuing "Go ahead and take a seat." She gestures to the sofa type chair in front of her, as I do she asks the most stupidest question ever! "How did you feel about that?" I look at her briefly before looking past her spotting something and say "You aren't gonna least long after Clea. And vindicated. But someone who crochets for a hobby isn't a worthy adversary."
She smiles looking still looking at me "Adversary? I hope we can forge a relationship based on trust and mutual respect," I look at her and scoff "this is a safe space, Wednesday. A sanctuary where we can discuss anything. What your thinking, feeling, your views on the world, personal philosophy." She finished. "That's easy. I think that this is a waste of time. I see the world as a place that must be endured, and my personal philosophy which is also Clea's is kill or be killed." I say staring at her.
"So, for instance, when someone bullies your brother, you and your sister response is to dump piranha in the pool." She replies, waiting for my response. "As my sister would say 'Never bring a knife to a sword fight, unless it's concealed.' Which she right" I tell her with my usual face, staring straight into her eyes hoping she would be scared, alas my attempts continue to fail. "Point is, you both assaulted 4 boys, and showed no remorse for your actions. That's why you're here." She finishes, trying to get me to feel guilty but they deserved it. "One lose a testicle, another a few toes and the others lose a few chunks of flesh in different places. My sister and I did the world a favour. People like Dalton shouldn't procreate and his friends learnt there lesson. I've answered all your questions" I tell her, getting up to leave wanting nothing more to get out of here, but seems luck is against me as Kinbott starts talking again. "We're not done yet. Therapy is a valuable tool to help you understand yourself. It can teach you new ways to deal with your emotions. It can also help you build a life that you want." Kinbott says.
" I know the life that I want." I say to her, getting fed up of this woman.
"Tell me about it. Everything said in the sessions is strictly confidential. Do your plans involve becoming an author? I understand you've written three novels about a teen girl detective Viper De La Muerte. Can you tell me about her?" She asks.
"Viper is smart, perceptive, chronically misunderstood." I reluctantly respond. "Any luck getting your work published?" Kinbott questions.

~time skip~

I go to the bathroom to make my great escape when suddenly I knock a candle over. Kinbott hears and asked "Is everything okay? You can't hide for the rest of the session." I replied, "I'm alright. Just preparing myself for uncomfortable journey." Before looking at the window, hitting my bag I ask for the nail file from thing. Picking the lock on the window I climb out and walk over to the wall, spotting a drain pipe. Getting on the wall, I grab onto the drain pipe and I slide down.

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