Photos that create true love

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Summary: Black Veil Brides need a new photographer but what happens when they fall in love? Can their love survive in a world full of fame and ambition?

Third POV

"We need a new photographer.", Andy sighed sitting down. "We know, we have been looking at profiles all day. We have one interview today, they should be here any minute.", Ashley replied as the door bell rang. Andy got up walking to the door, he opened the door and he was stunned by the beautiful woman standing in front of him. "Hello I am here for the photographer interview." Andy snapped out of his thoughts, "Um yeah, come on in. I'm Andy." "Y/n.", she replied and walked in towards the living room. The interview went on for an hour and Y/n got the job. 

A month later

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A month later

Third POV

The band was loading up their gear on the tour bus while Y/n was going through her bag to make sure she had everything before they headed off. 

The band walked on stage and started playing. Y/n walked around into different positions for photos of the band that would make them look their best. After the set everyone was planning on going to the bar but Y/n and Andy declined heading back to the bus. 

"Want to watch a movie?", Andy asked her as he plopped down on the couch. Y/n sat next to him, "Sure, lets watch Batman." Andy smiled and put the movie on. After the movie ended Y/n stood up yawning, "I should go to bed. I got those pictures I need to develop. tomorrow." Andy stood up, "I'll go to bed to." They walked back to the bunk area and stood at Y/n's bunk. "Well um goodnight." Andy looked at her with admiration then kissed her. Y/n was caught by surprise but kissed back. Andy walked them backwards to her bunk and laid her down getting on top. "Wait Andy if this is just a one night stand I don't want to do this. I have feelings for you and this will break me." "I have feelings for you as well." She smiled and closed the curtain to the bunk.

Time skip cause ya'll know what went down

Third POV

The next morning Y/n woke to an empty bed and sighed getting up and throwing clothes on. She walked into the living area and saw Andy making breakfast. "Good morning baby, I thought I would make you some breakfast." Y/n smiled, "I thought you left me." "Y/n I told you I like you. I wasn't lying. I want you to be mine." "I want to be yours and you to be mine." 

Months later

Third POV

Y/n and Andy have been together for five months now, they moved in together once tour ended. Y/n was scrolling through Instagram on their shared bed when she came across a picture of Andy kissing another woman. Y/n stood up stomping out of the room in anger  to the kitchen. "What the hell is this Andy?!", she yelled shoving the phone in his face. His eyes went wide as he stared in shock, "I can explain." "Explain that you cheated on me?! I' want you to be mine'  it was a load of crap!" "Y/n?! It wasn't a load of crap. I do want you to be mine. I did not cheat on you. I was leaving a meet and greet when a girl pulled me into her and kissed me. Someone must of caught it on camera. They obviously didn't catch  on camera that I pushed her away." Y/n sighed, "I am so sorry I assumed. I should've just asked you calmly instead of freaking out." Andy pulled her into a hug, "It's ok baby. Just promise me from here on out you will come talk to me instead of freaking out." "I promise." He smiled kissing the top of her head.

From that day forward they had their share of problems but they always talked it through because in their hearts they knew that they were meant to be.

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