A Song That Created True Love

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Summary: Remington asked his childhood friend Y/n to go on tour with him but what happens when they sing a certain song together? 

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Third POV

Y/n and Remington have been friends since they were kids. They lived next door to each other their entire lives but now they're all grown up doing different things. Remington formed a band with his brothers and Y/n was working at a coffee shop. Remington got a record deal and it was time to go on his first tour but he didn't want to leave Y/n behind because he would miss her too much. Y/n was getting ready for work when she heard a knock at her door. She walked to the door opening it to see Remington standing there. "Hey what are you doing here Remy?" "May I come in?" She nodded and they walked to the couch sitting down. "This has to be quick I was just about to head out to work." "My band is going on their first tour and I was wondering if you would like to go with us?" "I can't just give up my life here to go on tour with you Remy. What about my job?" "Well that's the thing, I not only want you to go on tour with us but I want you to be our merch person. You have always been there for me, supporting our music no matter how hard it was." "Yes I would love to go on tour with you." Remington smiled and hugged Y/n.

It was the day of warp tour and Palaye Royale was on stage playing their hearts out when the song finished Remington had a thought. "So this next song is called Ma Cherie and typically its a duet so I would like to invite my childhood friend Y/n to come up here and sing it with me.", he said turning to Y/n who was on the side of the stage watching them. She glared at him then walked on stage grabbing a microphone. Remington looked at the band and they started to play the music as he started to sing. After a couple of lyrics Y/n and Remington looked into each other eyes singing the line, "Ma Cherie time won't be enough to make you fall in love with me." After the song ended Y/n ran off stage going to the dressing room. She wasn't sure what she felt but she felt something and it was deeper then she thought it could ever be.

After the set ended everyone walked off stage but only Remington went to the dressing room. He saw Y/n sitting on the couch eating nutella with a spoon staring at the wall. He walked to her and sat next to her, "Hey are you ok?" Y/n looked at him, "Uh yeah but I need to tell you something. When we were singing I realized that my feelings are deeper for you than I thought. Remy I'm in love with you." He smiled pulling her onto his lap kissing her. "I'm in love with you too Y/n." She smiled placing her finger in the nutella jar then smearing it on his nose. He pulled out his phone taking a selfie of them with the caption, 'Everyone meet my beautiful girlfriend Y/n who thinks its funny to put nutella on my nose.'

Time skip to months later

Y/n and Remington have been together for five months now and she's always with him she became the merch coordinator. They both posted pictures of each other all the time but some fans didn't like that they were happy. Y/n would always read the comments because their was good ones more than bad ones but one night she got caught up in the bad ones. They all said the same thing she was only dating him for his fame and money, that she wasn't enough for him and they should break up.  She put her phone down walking to their shared bunk and laid down crying. 

A couple hours later the band came back and Remington went to his shared bunk with Y/n. He saw her asleep with dry tears on her face. He sighed and sat on the bunk next to her, "What did you read baby?" Y/n woke up and looked at him, "Hey baby." "Are you ok?" Y/n sighed sitting up, "No not really. I was scrolling through our comments on our pictures like I always do. I like to read the fan's comments that support us but I got caught up in the mean ones. Remy I'm not enough for you." "Y/n don't say that, you are everything to me. I don't care what the fans think. I only care about you. Let me prove it to you." "How are you going to prove it to me?" He looked at her smirking then laying her down and closing the curtain.

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