Love Bites

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This is a request for katy23456bug

Summary: Y/n lived with her boyfriend who abused her all the time. But what happens when Andy saves her from him.

Third POV

Y/n was sitting on the floor crying, a bruise forming on her eye. "Oh stop crying you're fine. I'm going out with my friends and when I'm back you better be cleaned up.", he said leaving. Y/n got up off the floor and decided that it was time to leave. She packed up a bag and walked out the door.

A month later Y/n was slowly getting her life back, she saw on social media that their was a concert happening for one of her favorite bands. She decided that if she wanted to get her life back she would need to go out in public at some point so she bought the tickets.

 She decided that if she wanted to get her life back she would need to go out in public at some point so she bought the tickets

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The concert day came and she was very excited because not only was she able to go out but dress as she wants. She got to the venue and looked around, she wanted to be at the front to get the full experience. The band walked on stage and started playing. Y/n was rocking out not even caring about what was going on around her. She happened to look up right as Andy was staring at her. They made eye contact and he winked at her. 

 The concert ended and Y/n filed out with the rest of the people when she was pulled into an alley and pinned to the wall with a knife against her throat. "You think you can just leave me! You will never be free from me!" Y/n looked at the man and gasped when she saw who it was,"I'm sorry Dave. I'll come back with you just please don't kill me." "And why shouldn't I kill you? You seem to think you are free to do whatever you want and dress however you want. Maybe I should teach you a lesson.", he responded as he reached under her skirt with the knife and nicking her on the thigh. "No please don't!', she yelled and Andy was walking  by and heard her. He ran down the alley towards the noise and saw the interaction, he ran at Dave and knocked him down. Before he could get back up Andy ripped his throat out.

The rest of the band saw Andy run down the alley and followed suit finding the body on the floor and Andy covered in blood. "Andy! What have you done?!", Ashley yelled at him. "I didn't have a choice he was gonna rape her and probably would have killed her." The band now noticed Y/n standing there terrified and covered in blood. "Shit." Jake said and walked over to Y/n, he took Y/n's hand and bit it softly just enough to get the venom in her blood stream  to knock her out. Jake picked her up carrying her back to the tour bus, the rest of the band following suit. 

When they got back to the bus Jake put her in the bunk area on a bed then walked back to the others. "What the hell were you thinking? Killing a human!", Ashley yelled at Andy. "Like I said before I was saving her. He was gonna rape and kill her." Jake looked at Andy, "Yes you saved her but at what cost? She can never go home and the code says we have to kill her. She knows about our kind thanks to you." "You will not kill her! There are other ways to keep her quiet." "Like what?" "I can turn her. She will become a vampire and have no choice but to live with us." "Andy you know the rules, you can't turn someone without having a connection.", CC chimed in. Andy sighed, "I know CC but the only other choice is killing her. We shouldn't have to kill her because I made a mistake." "We'll keep her tonight but we have to make a choice on what to do tomorrow. Also someone needs to cover that cut on her leg, her blood has a very strong smell.", Jinxx said walking away the other band members following him. Andy brought Y/n to the couch and set her down then went to shower the blood off him then come back with the first aid kit. 

When he came back Y/n was awake sitting up on the couch. "Hey you're awake. If you want to you can use the shower to get that blood off you. I have a shirt in the bathroom for you to use since your clothes are covered as well." Y/n just nodded and went to the  bathroom. Ten minutes later she came out and sat next to him on the couch. "Um I'm sorry. I managed to get all the blood off but my cut started bleeding again." Andy sat on the floor opening the first aid kit, "It's fine I can clean it up for you. May I?" She nodded as he started to clean up her cut. Y/n flinched when he touched her thigh. "Are you ok?", he asked. "Yes I'm fine. I've just not had someone touch me like this in a long time." Andy smirked and set the stuff aside. He then licked the blood off her thigh then sucking. "Mhm, what are you doing?", Y/n moaned and asked. "I am cleaning your cut for you. You taste very delicious.", he responded by moving his lips up her thigh. He bit her gently with his fangs. Y/n let out a loud moan and pulled him up by his hair, "What are you?" "I am a vampire my dear and I want to ravish you but I would never do something to a woman who did not want it.", he smirked. Y/n thought to herself what could go wrong as she laid down pulling him with her. He was on top of her looking down at her, "Do you consent?" She looked at him nodding. He smirked and kissed her.

Time skip cause ya'll know what went down

Andy woke up the next morning before Y/n did. He looked at her seeing all the bite marks he left on her body, he smirked proud of himself. He got up and covered her with a blanket, he kissed her head then walked out to have a smoke. A couple minutes later Ashley walked out, "You slept with her?" "Yes I did but don't worry she consented. Plus maybe this will keep her alive longer. Her blood is very delicious. I lost myself last night but not so much that I drained her." Ashley scoffed, "Why am I not surprised you drank her blood too. You'll sleep with any woman you think is pretty." Andy put his cigarette out, "This one is different. It's like her blood is made for me. I think she's my mate." 

Months past by with Y/n and Andy constantly having sex and going out together. Y/n was starting to get past the life she had with Dave. Y/n and Andy were backstage in his dressing room. She was against the wall as he was kissing her neck. "Ah Andy." He pulled away wiping his lips, "My god baby you are delicious in all ways But I need to get out there and perform for my fans."" I understand I will be standing on the side watching you. I love you." She said giving him a kiss. 

After the concert Ashley called a band meeting, "Andy it's been months and I speak for all of us when I say it's time to turn her. Surely you guys have fallen in love by now. I mean we hear it every day and night." "Yes before we went on stage she told me she loved me so I will be turning her tonight." 

Later that night Andy turned Y/n. They made love all night under the stars. Their love and passion deepened every day for all eternity.

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