The Night Their Lives Changed Forever

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Summary: Y/n and Johannes go out on a date like every other night but this one would be different than the others.

Summary: Y/n and Johannes go out on a date like every other night but this one would be different than the others

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I was in our room getting ready for our date but I was super nervous because tonight is the night I'm telling my husband I'm pregnant. I turned my head hearing the door open to see my handsome husband. "Wow my love, you are looking very hot tonight. Why don't you say we stay in for the night?", he smirked walking towards me. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me to him, "Mhm as much as that would be I'm hungry and want to go out because we might not be able to again." He looked at me confused, "What do you mean?" "Don't worry baby lets just go.", I responded by kissing him.

Third person POV

They were sitting at the table eating dinner when a bottle of wine was brought to the table, "None for me thank you." The waiter walked away, "Baby are you ok? You usually have one cup of wine at dinner and you said we probably won't get out again for a while." Y/n smiled, "Well I know we haven't been married long but we do make love often without protection which is ok because we are married but we never talked about kids but now we must, I'm pregnant honey." He looked at her with a big smile on his face, "We should go home and celebrate." They got the check and left. The whole car ride home at every stop light Johannes couldn't stop kissing Y/n.

When they got to the house Johannes carried her inside and into their bedroom. He laid her down on the bed and took off his suit jacket. Y/n went to unzip her dress when Johannes climbed on top of her grabbing her hands pinning them above her, "Leave it on. I want to make love to you with it on." For the rest of the night they made love. In the years to come they had more kids and fall in love with each other more everyday.

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