When Friendships End

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This was requested by spooky_music_lover

Summary: Y/n Radke is married to Ronnie Radke but what happens when a so called friend tries to ruin their relationship.

Third POV

Y/n and Ronnie have been married for two years and were also trying to have a child but with touring it made it difficult even with Y/n being on tour with them. The band was playing on stage while Y/n stayed behind. She was supposed to attend to support her husband but she was having a  stomach ache that hurt too much. The pain was the same pain she felt before when she miscarried the first time but she didn't want to hurt Ronnie again so she said nothing. The pain became too much conforming what she already knew and she was all alone in her pain but she though it was for the best.

The band walked into the bus laughing and talking. "Honey I'm back.", Ronnie called but was worried when she didn't immediately come out. "Hey Ronnie you coming with?", Derek asked, Ronnie turned to him, "No I'm good. Go ahead without me."  They left and Ronnie headed to the bunk areas. He saw Y/n laying on the bed sleeping and he walked towards her getting in the bed. She turned to face him, "Hey baby." "Hi, how are you feeling sweetie? Is the baby ok?" Y/n started crying at the mention of the baby. Ronnie pulled her into his arms. "I lost the baby again. I lost another child." Ronnie kissed her head, "It will be ok baby. We can try again." "What if I can't get pregnant again? I want a baby with you. I want to create something with you." "It's ok honey, we will try again and again to get pregnant. You got pregnant a second time. We can get pregnant a third time. I'm not giving up and I have faith that you will give us a child." Y/n cried herself to sleep in his arms.

A couple months later Y/n found out she was pregnant again. She was a month along and decided Ronnie should know. She had a feeling that this one would be the one. Ronnie and the guys were playing a show tonight. Y/n was on the side of the stage watching her amazing husband do the thing he loved other than her. 

The concert ended and everyone was walking back to the bus Y/n was holding hands with Ronnie smiling. "Hey babe before we walk into the bus I want to tell you something." Ronnie nodded and told the guys to go ahead. "What's up baby?" Y/n smiled, "I'm pregnant again! I'm a month along." Ronnie picked up Y/n spinning her around smiling, "This is amazing baby" "Are you gonna be this excited every time I get pregnant. This is the third time I've gotten pregnant and your reaction is the same every time." "Yes, plus you know what they say third times the charm. Now I think we should go back to the bus and celebrate this news with the way we created it.", he said grabbing her hand causing her to giggle. 

Ronnie and Y/n walked to the bunk area ignoring the guys. As soon as they got to his bunk Ronnie was all over her. "Wait the guys what if they hear us?" "We'll just have to be quiet.", Ronnie smirked and Y/n pulled them into the bunk closing the curtain behind them.

Time skip cause ya'll know what went down

The next morning Y/n woke up to Ronnie not in bed with her. "Hmm." She got up getting dressed but threw on Ronnie's shirt instead of hers. She walked out of the bunk area  to the guys standing there, "Congratulations!" Ronnie walked up to Y/n, "I wanted to throw you this party for our baby. I told the guys." Y/n hugged him smiling. Derek walked up to them, "I don't think I've ever seen Ronnie this  happy. Thank you for being his wife and soon to be the mother of his child." "Thank you that's very sweet Derek but I think me and Ronnie both make each other happy." Ronnie smiled putting his arm around Y/n's shoulder kissing her forehead.

Trigger warning: attempt rape and violence

 Jacky couldn't handle the fact that Ronnie was happy with Y/n when he was the one that was supposed to be with her. He walked out thinking no one noticed but Y/n did. She walked out after him, "Hey Jacky, are you ok?" Jacky turned to her, "No I'm not fine. You're supposed to be with me not him!" Y/n backed up a little scared, "Jacky what are you talking about?" He grabbed her arm squeezing hard enough to leave bruises, "I liked you first! Ronnie knew this but yet he still stole you from me! You are mine!" "Jacky you're hurting me." He ignores her pinning her to the side of the bus ripping her shirt off. "Jacky stop!", Y/n yells and as soon as she does the bus door slams open and Jacky is tackled by someone. The next thing Y/n knows is Derek wrapping a jacket around her and bringing her back into the bus. 

"How dare you lay a hand on my wife?!" Jacky stood up, "She should be my wife!" "I don't know what the hell you are talking about Jacky!" "Yes you do! I told you how I felt about her after your first date with her but you ignored my feelings and married her! If you hadn't gotten her pregnant she would leave you for me!" Ronnie got so pissed at the comment, he punched him so hard it broke his nose, "You are out of the band! You can finish the tour with us but after that you're out. If you touch or go anywhere near Y/n again I won't just break your nose ." Ronnie said and stormed off back to the bus. 

After the tour Ronnie kept his word and kicked Jacky out of the band. After what Jacky did to Y/n the rest of the band agreed with Ronnie's decision since they thought of Y/n as family. They needed to find a new lead guitarist so there was a break from the tour for a while. While on break Y/n gave birth to a beautiful baby girl they named Rose. 

Even though Y/n stayed home with Rose and Ronnie was on tour they always video chatted. Ronnie was in love with his little family, he was so in love that he wanted one more kid but to his surprise Y/n had twins, two baby boys. They named one Anthony after the memory of his brother and the other one Andy. Their family was big enough for them now but their love for their children and one another never stopped growing.

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