You little tease

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Summary: Andy and his wife Y/n go to a rewards party for his band but she decides to wear something a little spicy to get Andy's attention. Requested by Katwolves

 Requested by Katwolves

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Y/n's POV

Tonight was the night of the rewards party, I've been looking forward to this night since I found the perfect dress to tease my husband with. I was doing my makeup when I heard a wolf whistle from behind me. I turn around to find my handsome husband. "Dam baby! How did I get so lucky to be yours?" I walked up to him putting my hand on his chest, "I could ask the same handsome. I love you in a suit." He pulled me into him by my waist, "How about we just skip the party and have our own here?" "Mhm as much fun as that would be I've already gotten all dolled up and I would like to get use out of it. You can just deal with me looking sexy all night knowing you can't do anything cause we're gonna be in public." I pulled away and walked downstairs to the car hearing my husband groan behind me because he didn't get what he wanted.

Third POV

Andy and Y/n arrived at the party, smiling and waving at everyone as they walked down the red carpet. Y/n saw the other members at the bar and walked towards them waving. "Hey guys!" Ashley wolf whistled, "Dam Y/n! You're looking hot tonight. How's Andy taking it?" Y/n turned around to look at Andy giving her a death glare, "Well lets just say that I am definitely getting it tonight. I told him we are not skipping the party." CC chuckled, "Well I can tell you one thing Y/n he can't stay focused and that dress is definitely making baby material." Y/n chuckled, "It's a good thing we don't mind having kids. If it happens it happens." 

Andy's POV

I stare at Y/n with a death glare as she's talking to the guys. I don't even notice Chris next to me saying hi. "Andy?", he asked waving his hand in front of my face. I snapped out of  it, "Hey Chris, sorry. My wife decided to wear a really sexy dress tonight and I can't seem to focus." Chris looked over at Y/n, "Yeah man she is very cute. You got really lucky with her." He patted me on the back and walked away. Y/n is so getting it tonight, maybe tonight will be the night we make our first child because I am not stopping until she can't walk the next day. 

Third POV

Y/n and Andy were having a drink at the bar when Andy put his hand on Y/n's thigh moving it up. Y/n grabbed his hand where it was, "Babe this is not the place." Andy leaned into her and whispered in her ear, "Baby I am so hard right now and it's at the point where I can't hide it anymore. So why don't we get out of here? I think we stayed long enough and I'm sure the guys won't mind." He nibbled her ear releasing a moan from her. "Mhm ok we can go. I want you as bad as you want me. Maybe tonight we will make our baby." Andy groaned at  her words and grabbed her hand leaving the building quickly.

After a long car ride they finally made it home. Once they got in the doors Andy pinned Y/n to the door kissing her as she slid his jacket off his shoulders. He pulled away to let her, "You've made me wait too long for you." He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him as he carried her upstairs. He dropped her on the bed and crawled on top of her. He kissed her again as she unbuttoned his shirt sliding it off of him. He sat up taking her with him, he reached behind her and untied her dress to reveal her sexy lace matching underwear. He smirked, "You just don't stop being sexy." He leaned down kissing her.

" He leaned down kissing her

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Time skip cause ya'll know what went down

Y/n's POV

It's been a month since that wonderful night I shared with my lovely husband. We went all night long, I couldn't walk the next day. I'm standing in the bathroom with a pregnancy test in my hand. I knew that dress would give us more trouble than we thought. The timer went off on my phone indicating it's time to check the test. I look at the test in my hand, positive. "He's gonna be so happy.", I said to myself as I heard the front door close. I walked out of the bathroom with the test in my hand. "Hey baby.", Andy greeted as he hung his coat on the hook. I held the test behind my back, "I have some news." "What's up?" I pulled the test from behind my back, "So you know that amazing night we had, well we created something. I'm pregnant!" Andy picked me up and twirled me around smiling, "Yes!" He set me down pecking me on the lips, "You should wear more clothes like that often." "As much fun as that would be I don't think so.I think we should start out with this one and maybe see about having more." "Ok honey. This kid is gonna be so lucky. Their gonna have the best parents and uncles in the world." 

Nine months later

Third POV
Y/n had the baby and named it Harleen after Harley Quinn. She couldn't talk Andy out of naming the baby after a batman character. In the years to come they had two more children, another girl and a boy. They knew that they chose the perfect people to make a wonderful family and of course Y/n did wear more spicy outfits for Andy. She was still beautiful to him even with the stretch marks. They knew they were meant for each other. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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