Chapter 5 - Plan B

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The cold rain did nothing to wash away the disappointment Bianca felt. She had been handed the opportunity and had let it slip through her fingers.

She trudged back to her car, upset at herself. Now Giana wouldn't even look her way during class. She was sure Giana would avoid her at all costs.

She turned on the engine, not in any hurry to get back to the university. Her mind flickered back to the man that had been at the sculpting class. He had shown interest in her work and if she wasn't mistaken, he was looking to get Giana in as one of his clients. If she got into his gallery Giana would interact with her more than just in classes. She pulled out the card Giana had given to the students he'd selected and called the number. If this worked out the way she wanted she would be happier than a turkey that survived Thanksgiving.


"I'm here to meet Mr. Jarden," she told the maître d'.

He scanned the reservations and a smile spread across his lips as he found the name.

"Ms. Lace, Mr. Jarden is waiting for you. This way." He led her through the restaurant, the gold and white décor looking of such delicate beauty that she couldn't help but admire it. He held open a door at the back of the restaurant into a more private area, the room a dark maroon and crimson, contrasting the pure elegance of the rest of the restaurant.

She'd been surprised when Caleb had called and insisted that they meet at Carte Blanc, one of the most expensive restaurants in town, saying he wanted her to sign a contract immediately.

They approached the table, a young man sitting there that she was neither Caleb or Cyrus. He wore a grey suit that hung loose over his slender body, a fedora the same shade pulled low over his face, hiding who he was. She took her seat and the maitre d' disappeared.

"Glad you could make it Giana," her host said and she frowned as she recognized the voice.

"Bianca?" The girl pulled off the fedora, laying it aside.

"Caleb was busy this evening so he had me handle closing the contract with you," she explained, laying a folder on the table and pushing it over to her.

"Why would Caleb send you to deal with the contract?" Confusion washed over Giana as she watched Bianca pull her hair from the tight bun it had been in earlier, tendrils of black hair cascading over her shoulders. She was surprised she'd ever mistaken Bianca for a man. The suit had been loose enough to hide the fact whilst still looking flattering, which in itself proved to be a feat considering Bianca was a woman in all senses of the word.

"He liked my artwork and I am a business major. He got a two for one when he brought me in. Didn't he tell you?" a smug grin tugged at the woman's lips. "I guess he didn't."

She took the folder and began reading the contract, surprised at the staggering figure Caleb had put on the few pieces she'd shown him. They were each priced at far more than she made in three semesters at the university combined.

"I made sure that the deal was good enough to keep you interested," Bianca said, smiling like the cat that had gotten the proverbial cream. "All it needs now is your signature then we can celebrate."

She hesitated for a moment, wiping her damp palms on the little red dress she was wearing before taking up the pen that had been inside the folder. It was an impressive offer, one she might not get if she went to other dealers. No sooner had she signed the document had Bianca swapped the pen in her hand for a glass of wine.

"I don't drink," she said, putting down the glass.

"It's just one glass. Celebrate. You just signed the deal of a lifetime," Bianca urged, pushing the glass back into her hand.

One glass could do a lot of damage she thought, remembering how low her tolerance for alcohol had been in high school. She'd passed out after half a beer at a party and had woken up with the worst hangover ever the next morning in the back seat of her best friend's car.

Bianca insisted again, pouring some of the wine from Giana's glass into her own and she relented. Surely it wouldn't be like that now, that was years ago. She lifted the glass, toasting Bianca.

"To great art." She sipped the wine, the sweet red liquid rolling over her tongue and she tasted the vine ripened grapes, the years of diligent fermentation that had gone into making the heavenly drink she was savouring. She hadn't even realised she had finished the glass and before she could even protest Bianca had filled her glass, just as a waiter came to their table with food.

"I hope you don't mind that I ordered," Bianca said, shooing the waiter away before he could say anything.

Giana looked at the plate before her, not at all minding Bianca's choice. Pasta lay in a creamy sauce that accented the grilled lamb that was also on the plate beautifully and the wine complimented the dish beautifully. They chatted as if they were old friends and Giana found it hard to remain guarded with Bianca, having not enjoyed someone's company this much in what felt like centuries. By the time they had finished the meal Giana had drank only two glasses of wine but the room was swimming around her and she was glad she'd taken a cab instead of driving.

"You know, you are really cute," she blurted out before she could stop herself. "And you look really good as a guy but I like you better as a girl."

Bianca laughed but it quickly faded as she realised that Giana was not quite herself.

"Giana, how much did you drink?"

Giana blinked, slightly confused by the question, tilting her head to the side.

"I think I should carry you home," Bianca said, leaving no room for debate as she paid the bill that had been brought earlier, moving to help Giana from her seat.

Giana stumbled as soon as she stood, her legs feeling like overcooked spaghetti in black three-inch heels, Bianca's arms wrapping around her to keep her up, leading her out of the restaurant to her car.

"I shouldn't have drunk that second glass," Giana whispered as she slid into the passenger seat.

Bianca shook her head at the situation. She had been hoping to have a lovely evening with Giana but instead, she was trying to make sure Giana didn't throw up in her car.

It wasn't long before she pulled into Giana's driveway, opening the car door for her as she seemed too gone to do it herself. The woman stumbled as she got out of the car and Bianca had to help her to the front door.

She fumbled with the keys trying to keep Giana upright at the same time. The door slid open and she ushered Giana to the couch but the woman clung to her, refusing to let go.

"You know, if I wasn't your professor I might date you," Giana mumbled, looking up at Bianca.

Was she serious? Many of the professors dated their students and Giana just had to be the one that followed the rules.

"Why follow the rules? No one has to know." Bianca looked down at Giana, moving to kiss her when she realised the woman had passed out. With a dejected sigh, she lifted her, carrying her to the bedroom and preparing her for bed, deciding to spend the night rather than drive back to campus this late.


Giana groaned as she woke, her head pounding like someone had beat her head in with a cinder block. She stretched her hand to the bedside table and looked up surprised when she found a glass of water and two aspirin on top of a note. she picked up the paper, reading it.

Will be back soon love. Went out to get breakfast.


She struggled to remember the night before, only coming up with memories of having dinner with Bianca and her undressing her.

Oh, God. What had she done?

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