Chapter 2

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For the girl who saved my broken heart.

Chapter 2

Giana gazed out the window at the rain that beat hard on the glass, her tears streaming down her face in quick concession. She clung to the pillow, Cassandra's scent still lingering on it from that morning.

She couldn't believe that Cassandra was gone, but the empty space in the bed beside her was proof enough.

It was too much for her to accept, to really believe that Cassandra had left her, that she was on her way to California.

I just don't love you anymore.

The words were like a dagger to the heart, killing her slowly as she struggled to pull it out.

She got up and went to the bathroom, gazing at the tired broken reflection staring back at her from the long mirror sitting over the sink.

Just yesterday she had been smiling and laughing with Cassandra until she dropped the news that she was leaving her.

We both knew this wouldn't work out. It's time we moved on.

What had ever happened to forever? To the promises they had made, the nights spent talking into the late hours of the morning, had they all been lies?

The alarm went off, the clock blinking 5 o'clock, meaning she had to get ready to go to the university.

She rushed through her morning ritual, and hurried out the house at around 6:30, ignoring breakfast. When she reached the campus, it was empty, save for the few students who had come early and sat at some of the benches beneath the trees.

Another day of long classes, dumb questions and annoying kids, not that she hated her job as the Arts professor. She had worked hard to prove to everyone that her old professor was right to recommend her after he retired and she knew it was the best opportunity an artist like her could have gotten right out of University.

She trekked to her class, setting out her material for her first session, which sadly was at 8:15, giving her no time to rest. She hated the morning classes more than the students she was sure because at least they didn't get shit for coming in pajamas.

She dug through the drawers of her desk, and pulled out several markers and set to writing her name and the cliche title of the course, Art 101, on the whiteboard.

Satisfied, but still left with at least half an hour before her class, she sat down at one of the desks in the front row and began doodling on a sketchpad.

"Early for class, aren't you?"

Giana looked up with a start, surprised to see the tall young man sitting beside her. Before she could reply several other students came into the room and started taking their seats.

It was 8:15 already?

"Instructor's late. You know who he is? I bet its some cranky old man who thinks he should have been a famous artist, and not teaching a bunch of amateurs in this class," the guy from earlier teased.

Giana didn't reply, instead getting up and looking to see if any other students were coming. When she was sure most of her students were there, she picked up her sketchpad and walked over to the whiteboard.

"I'm Giana Lace, and I'm your instructor this year."

The students stared at her as if waiting for her to say 'gotcha' or 'just kidding'. She got this every year and had grown accustomed to people being surprised at how young she looked. In all reality, she wasn't much older than most of them, but she looked even younger than her age, which was a bit troublesome.

Big Girls Dont Cry (GirlxGirl~TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now