Chapter 12

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Giana paced outside the room nervously, peaking into the room every few seconds before recoiling back as she saw a bit of blood or a soaked bandage, focusing on her breathing to keep from freaking out as she waited for Bianca's bandages to be checked and changed.

The doctor had confirmed that Bianca didn't have a concussion, by some miracle she had somehow managed to fracture her ankle only, none of her other bumps and scratches being too serious. They still insisted on keeping her the night, which made sense but only made Giana more anxious.  She pulled out her phone, calling her sister, the phone ringing twice before Roxanne picked up.

"What's up, sis? Where did you and your girlfriend storm off to? You were both gone when I finished unpacking."

"There was an accident on the highway and Bianca got hurt. I'm okay but she's gonna have to stay the night for observation. could you bring some of my oversized shirts or a dress or something? And my handbag. I left my wallet in it."

Roxanne was quiet for longer than Giana was comfortable with, but she broke the silence before Giana could, sounding like she aged over the phone in a matter of seconds.

"Guess your cat is psychic. They've been stir crazy all day. I'm not going to even ask what happened. I'm just happy you are okay and hope your girlfriend isn't too hurt. Send me directions and I'll bring everything."

Giana thanked her sister before hanging up, the nurse coming out just then and she slipped into the room, Bianca looking annoyed until she saw Giana, smiling like a schoolkid that got an extra pudding at lunch. Giana couldn't hold back a chuckle and she sat in the chair beside Bianca's bed, leaning in to be closer to her.

"They say anything weird while they took the bandages off?" Giana winced as she said the word bandages, remembering the blood she had seen n some of them when she peeked into the room and Bianca laughed at her expression.

"No. They just insisted I had to stay the night and that my parents had been informed since they're my emergency contacts." 

At the mention of parents, Giana sat up, glancing at the door, wondering if they would be coming. Bianca saw her reaction and touched her arm, squeezing lightly to get her attention.

"They won't make it in time. They're live in Cali for work, but they said they'd have an associate from the Phili office check in and deal with anything that needs to be dealt with. Guess that means a new car for me." 

Bianca smiled but it was laced with a sadness Giana had never seen before, but it vanished quickly, Bianca pinching her cheeks and tugging them around.

"Don't worry about that missy. I've got my girlfriend here, so I'm not worried in the slightest."

"That's not what I'm worried about. Why are you in Seattle when your parents are in California? There are lots of great universities with business courses there." Giana bit her cheek as the question left her lips, wondering if she had pried too much, but Bianca just kept playing with her cheeks as she answered.

"Dad's super traditional, so he wanted me to go to the same school he and mom did. Mom also thought it would be a good idea to give dad some space while he came to terms with me liking women. He had a tough time with it since I'm an only child. Seems to think gay means no grandkids." She rolled her eyes wincing as she did, cursing under her breath about the bandages.

"Rainbow couples can have kids like any other. If they couldn't, Roxanne and I wouldn't be here. You'll have lots of options whenever you decide to have kids." Giana held Bianca's hand reassuringly, squeezing it.

"We know that now. Dad tried getting me to an IVF clinic last time I went home. He has baby fever worse than some women I have seen. I think it's his way of making up for having only one kid himself."

Giana chuckled as she imagined the man she had seen in the locket with grandkids and her mind drifted a bit further, thinking of Bianca as a mother and she shook her head before she went down that rabbit hole, but Bianca seemed to have a knowing look on her face and she leaned forward and kissed Giana's forehead.

"You'd be a great mom too."

Giana blushed at the statement but Caleb pushed the door open, interrupting the moment as he juggled a small mountain of snacks in his arms, James coming in behind him with a tray of food from the cafeteria. Caleb unloaded on the bed, taking a Cinnabon for himself before waving at the rest of the junk food he had probably waged war on a vending machine to get.

"Eat up. My two favourite women need their strength so we can make more art and take over the world!" James and Giana shook their heads at the man's exclamation, James placing the tray of the bedside table, Bianca taking a sub sandwich off it before Giana snatched it from her and gave her a fruit cup.

"Start with something light first. Then you get the sub." Bianca rolled her eyes at Giana, wincing again, but she ate the fruit cup begrudgingly.

"Only three hours as my girlfriend and you've already started babying me. I like it." James and Caleb both shared a look before Caleb let out a shrill whistle of celebration, jumping once and clapping his hands together" 

"I knew you two would get together! My intuition is never wrong!" Caleb clapped his hands again, turning happily, only to get hit by the door as Roxanne walked in, the large man hitting the ground with a thud but he was on his feet again in seconds, only looking slightly stunned.

James grabbed the man's arm and ushered him from the room before a nurse came to complain about too many people.

"I brought some toiletries, clothes and whatever else I thought you might need." Roxanne patted a duffle bag that seemed to be filled to capacity, more fitting for a weekend trip than a night in the hospital.

"Cassandra was back at the house when I left. She seemed adamant about knowing where you were and talking to you but I didn't tell her anything. Wasn't sure you'd want to see your ex while your girlfriend was in the hospital." Roxanne broke the news awkwardly, shifting on her feet as Bianca's gaze darkened and Giana became visibly upset but both remained silent, Giana rising from her seat and taking the bag from Roxanne.

"You can tell her that I said I'll call the police on her for trespassing and harassment if she's in my house when I get home, and I have no intention of talking to her about anything. She should have stayed in California." Giana grit her teeth, doing her best to not raise her voice as her anger grew. Roxanne nodded, hugging her tightly and her resolve fell, tears welling in her eyes but she fought them, blinking hard as she pulled back.

"I'll get her out of the house and make sure she doesn't get back in. Hurry up and get better sister-in-law so we can get to know each other." Roxanne hugged her one more time before waving to Bianca, pretending to be hurt when Giana punched her in the chest before she left.

"You have a great sister. Almost makes me jealous." Bianca tried to sound teasing but her voice was tense, obviously upset that Cassandra was still coming around to try something with Giana.

"I'm not going back to her. She burned that bridge herself and I'm not about to rebuild it." Giana dropped the bag into the chair and grabbed both of Bianca's hands in hers.

"Cassandra and I are ancient history. You are the future I'm choosing."

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