Chapter 13

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"Is this wheelchair necessary?" Bianca shifted around in the wheelchair as an orderly pushed it to the front of the hospital, the doctor having discharged her earlier.

"It's for your own safety and much faster than you with the crutches" Giana shook her head as she walked beside the wheelchair, carrying the duffle bag over one arm and the crutches under the other, careful to not swing them at anyone. James was at the front in the car waiting for them, having come since Giana didn't have her car.

He came out and helped Bianca get into her crutches, having had to use them himself a few times and the orderly left once he saw they no longer needed him. They were in the car another eternity later as Bianca took some time to adjust to the crutches and insisted on getting the hang of it by herself.

Giana got into the back seat with her, James watching and smiling as they snuggled, shifting his rearview mirror to get a better view, his ears stretching to hear what they talked about, but their whispers were too low for him to hear.

"Do you two want to head to my place or Giana's first? Roxanne is bound to be in the house and I don't know if any of us are ready for that...fiasco." James saw the confusion on Bianca's face and realised she hadn't gotten a full dose of Roxanne.

"We're going to my place. If we put this off any longer Roxanne will come to your house." Giana's words struck James and he immediately set his destination as Giana's house, sorry that he was making sacrificial lambs of them but he had enough chaos to deal with at his place with Caleb and Cyrus camped out there.

Bianca rested her head atop Giana's, playing in her hair, Giana's hand curiously reaching up and grabbing Bianca's hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Playing in your hair. Your curls are addictively beautiful." Bianca's words surprised Giana, her hand tightening its hold on Bianca's.

"Stop messing around. My hair is an awful disaster. I haven't brushed it in two days."

Bianca lifted her head from Giana's and grabbed her face in her hands, forcing Giana to look into her dark, brooding eyes.

"Your hair is gorgeous. It is the most beautiful shade of red and the curls frame your face perfectly when you wear it down. That's not saying it isn't cute when you have it up in a hybrid waterfall-poof on top of your head or a messy bun. Your har is absolutely stunning, so no calling it a disaster." Bianca pinched Giana's nose as if to drive the point home, but was surprised by the tears that suddenly welled up and spilt from Giana's eyes before she was attacked with a hug-

Bianca looked at James in the rearview mirror and he simply nodded, his eyes sombre, letting Bianca know all she needed to and she wrapped her arms around the small woman crushing the life out of her. They spent the rest of the ride like that, Giana's tears stopping somewhere along the way, but Bianca kept holding her, silently wondering how fucked up Giana's ex was that just a compliment of her hair would make her this emotional.

As they pulled into the driveway Roxanne ran outside, Nelson in her arms but the cat fought for freedom and dashed back into the house to hide, surprising James who knew the cat to take every opportunity it got to be outside.

Giana pulled away and wiped her face, quietly apologizing but Bianca stopped her with a kiss, whispering against her lips.

"No apologies."

Before they could say anything else, Roxanne ripped the car door open and almost yanked her sister backwards out of the car. Giana barely caught herself and slowly exited the vehicle before turning to assist Bianca, this taking another eternity as the driveway was uneven and Bianca found the crutches even more frustrating.

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