Chapter 9

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I'm disappointed that it took so long for me to get 300 votes but I guess that is just how life is -bawls-

Here is the long-awaited chapter my little minions. Hope you guys enjoy it. 

And no calling Miss Author! It makes me feel old! Just call me Kitten! =^.^=

Let me rule your mind with my smexy insanity

Giana rolled over in bed, swearing at the incessant ringing of her phone in her pocket and she pulled it out, answering it without looking at the caller I.D. "What?"

"Is that any way to greet your sister who flew halfway across the country to see you?" said the voice on the other end of the line and Giana fell off the bed in surprise and pulled back the phone from her head to see the call was coming from her house.

"When did you get in? Why didn't you call me?" she exclaimed, searching the room for the bag she'd brought, throwing it over her shoulder and rushing out the room, only to run straight into James's back.

She could hear the girl going on about something on the phone but she was a bit too dazed to pay attention.

"We'll talk when I get to home sis," Giana muttered, hanging up the phone.

James had turned to face her, his usual morning frown on his face meaning he hadn't had coffee yet.

"Was that Roxanne? I thought she was in Canada finishing her thesis," he murmured, his shoulders slumped warily and he rested his forehead atop Giana's head.

"She was but it seems she wants to plague me now. Time to wake up James. You have classes this morning and I have to go meet my sister at home." Just as she said that her phone began ringing again and she could almost feel Roxanne's anger in each ring for having been hung up on.

She cut off the call, turning the phone off and shoved it into her jeans pocket, dragging James into the kitchen, seating him at the table and putting on a pot of coffee while she raided his fridge of grape juice, pouring herself a tall glass.

"I don't know how you live on that in the mornings," James groaned, banging his head against the table.

"I thought you were going to get your beauty sleep last night," Giana teased, going back to the fridge to cut a big piece of cheese for herself, nibbling on it slowly like a little mouse.

"I had a moment of inspiration that couldn't wait. You must know what that is like Gigi," James spat back, a look of relief coming to his face at the ding of the coffee maker and he trudged over to it, pouring himself a mug, not bothering to add any milk or sugar, instead drinking the bitter black brew, a look of pure ecstasy crossing his face as it slid down his throat.

"You better hurry up and get home before Roxanne comes looking for you. I can wait another century before I see her again," James said, the look on his face showing that he still remembered the last time he'd met the woman, how she had tried to hook him up with so many girls he'd gone into hiding to get away from her before she gave up.

"Can't I stay here a little longer? I don't think she will come here...." Giana said but her voice wavered and even James knew she didn't believe that.

He put down his coffee and began pushing Giana to the door with her hunk of cheese, slammed the door behind her the moment she was out of the apartment.

"This is for your own good" he shouted as he locked the door.

He laughed as he heard her cries of protest before she caved and stomped down to her car, making the arduous journey into the tornado called Roxanne.

Big Girls Dont Cry (GirlxGirl~TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now