Dream mites - s2e3

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After everything that happened with Michael and Jason, and after you go upstairs.
You get ready for bed.

Laying down in a comfy bed; pulling the covers over you; you relax.

Slowly slipping into a deep slumber as your brain continues with a dream.

You open your eyes only to be surrounded by all black.
"Hello?" You say into the seemingly endless darkness.

"Hello dear" a almost angelic female voice says back from the pitch emptiness.
You turn around a few times hoping to find the source of the voice.

"Who's there?" You spit out, continuously searching for the woman.

"You should wake up my dear" the voice says louder almost as if it is in your ear.

With a quick spin on your feet you turn around to be met with a bright light. Yet it wasn't white.

The bright blue light blinds your eyes as you go to cover them.

"No, no dear look at me" the voice says again as the light fades slightly.

Uncovering your eyes, you look towards where the light was only to see a path lit up by what seams to be black metal street lamps. Standing 10 feet tall.

You take a step forward towards the path in between the lights then pause.

"Are you dangerous?" You mutter meekly, hoping to not walk into a trap.

"No, of-course not" the voice says.

You know not to trust the voice at all but you sigh and continue down the path anyway.

The path seams to go on forever as you feel like you've been walking for ages.
Your legs start to hurt as your walking speed slows down.

"Keep pushing my dear, you have something waiting for you." the voice says again as you hear footsteps start to follow behind you.
Trying to turn around your realize you can't; as your legs continue walking almost like your controlled.
You body not listening to you as your mind starts to race at the footsteps getting closer behind you.

Spotting a door just in-front of you; you hear the footsteps quicken it's pace.

And with that your feel your legs pick up as you struggle to run to the door.
Your legs feeling almost as if they are not fast enough or you might fall any minute.

Reaching up to the door your finger tips make contact with the cold handle until your arm is pulled back big a large hand.
The lights above seam to dim.

The grip digs into your arm as your body gains control again and you try to push the hand off.
You turn around only to be met with the same boy you met at the house.

"Brahms?" You say softly which causes his grip to tighten on your arm pulling you towards him slightly. He pulls a knife out of his pocket getting ready to stab you.

You gasp as his knife makes contact with your chest.
Your eye sight fading.
You feel the crimson blood drip down your body underneath your clothes.

'Why arnt I healing?'

Your breathing picks up as your heart beat rings through your ears. He pushes the knife deeper into you as he leans you against the door.

A bright blue light glows behind him as you look back at it.

A fair, Carmel brown hand reaches out to rest a hand on Brahms shoulder as he leans down getting closer to your face.

𝘒𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘒𝘪𝘴𝘴 - 𝙎𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now