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'Good morning father.' Rosy numbly greeted him, as his steps slowly and heavily dragged into the kitchen.

The view Rosy saw was just like every other day. Those beautiful brown eyes she used to look up to, the eyes she used to adore. They were now covered by dark and heavy eye bags from not sleeping enough.

It kind of made her feel sick, seeing his tummy hanging out from the nasty old shirt he has been wearing for years. And even so the bald spot on he's head wasn't any cleaner.

I thought as i loaded freshly baked potatoes onto a plate.

Those heavy steps slowly stopped, which made me freeze for a second. 'Where is Marcus?' He asked, with the breath of alcohol lurking around the room making me gag.

If you were wondering Marcus was my older brother who turned 25 recently, me and him have been like two droplets in a pot. We always did everything together, well since i can remember at least.

'He just got called in, i fear there might be rouges hanging around.' Rosy quickly answered as she placed down a plate full of food.

Rosy stared down at the food with a worried feeling aching inside. Their pack had been under constant watch as there has been signs of rouges lurking around. Which made her feel worry for her and her brothers safety.

'Great.' He said, as rosy watched him take the first steps towards her.

Fear crept up her spine, her eyes couldn't help but watch him at every step he took. I don't know whether i should stay as still as i can or move.

From the sudden fear Rosy squeezed her eyes shut trying to find some sort of relief.

Rosy let out a shriek of the sudden pain crashing through her skull.

He was dragging her by the hair, as she couldn't help but scream from the pain it caused her.

But it doubled up, just as he slammed her against the ground. She had landed down with a loud thug, with panic seized into her eyes.

Rosy laid down on her stomach as she tried to gasp for air. It felt like her organs just got squished.

'FUCK!' She cursed abruptly as he slammed his feet on her back. Making another yell escape from Rosy with tears forming into her eyes.

'Stoop moving!' He yelled as he stomped on her back harder.

Tears started to shed down Rosys eyes, am i seriously gonna get killed by my own father? The only thing she thought about right now was death.

The excitement he feels, of hearing me suffering makes him only more ruthless.

He leaned over as he put he's nasty hand over her mouth and pressed it over her jaw tightly.

'You don't like to keep you're mouth open don't you?' With his eyes all wide, he had the nerve to smirk.

Rosy was on the verge of passing out, her eyes watching her own father trying to stretch out her own mouth. Rosy felt disgusted with her throat tightening up every second.

'I have to somehow make you stoop talking.'

'Don't i?' He gave her a pleading look.

It made Rosy want to vomit, as the thought of him being her own father seemed insane and terrifying.
Her tears started to look like a waterfall, while she gagged onto her own tears, Rosy thought this was it.

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