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'Ugh.!' I groaned with my muscles stiffening.

My head was causing me so much pain, I couldn't think normally.

I opened my eyes only to see, that i was sleeping on a cold concrete floor. It was all cold and wet, i might add dirty as well. Didn't look like my room at all.

My gaze scanned from side to side, making me realize i was in a dungeon.

Panic flared in my chest, where am i?! I quickly jumped up, crashing back down to the ground.

'Calm down there.' A voice spoke from behind.

My hands went cold, with my body slowly starting to shake. I have never felt this kind of terror before. I was so afraid, i was panicking like a maniac.

I quickly turned my head around, scared to see what I'll witness. When i saw a middle aged woman sitting against a wall.

'Where..where are we.?' I gathered up the courage to ask. I wasn't so great with talking to people besides my brother, I was too isolated to have any communication.

The dungeon looked dull, and scary just like any other. It was full with rusted metal bars, and gross molded walls. This wasn't our packs dungeon thats for a fact.

It didn't quite help that these cold metal braces were attached to my ankles. Making me shiver from the breeze.

'We are in Dominos kingdom.' The lady coldly answered as she looked down.

Dominos Kingdom? I have heard a lot about this place. There's a book about its history, i had read it along time ago. I do remember that the mechanism was really weird here.

This was a place where all the innocent go, by innocent its meant the angel ones. Usually these pack members are weak, but own a sign of beauty making them look like angels from above.

This story had intrigued me along time ago that i had spent hours on reading it. 

There used to be two lovers, one lover was from the deep depths of hell it self who carried loyalty blood of saints. And the other lover was from Dominos kingdom, her father being the Alpha. Those two very different souls had fallen in love and mated.

Creating two beautiful boys who didn't own clear wolf blood. One of the boys had inherited royal blood from his father while the other one hadn't.

One of the brothers went to rule after his mother, the kingdom of Dominos. While the other brother who carried royal blood created his own pack from the deepest sources of hell, naming it the Lucifers kingdom.

These both packs are one of the biggest packs there are. But even so there are alot of rumors that the brothers themselves dont get quite along.

But how did i even get here?! I thought to my self as i shrunk back even more. Fucking Dominos kingdom??? Its one of the furthest packs away from us.

'You got taken here together with me, not long after the attack they had made their way into the bunker and gassed everyone out.' She rolled her eyes.

'They captured about 300 wolves, and the rest who didn't make it here died.' Shrugging she turned her head down.

Firstly how did she know what was i thinking?! And how could she look so not caring?

When suddenly my brother came to my mind, making me feel a dull ache in my chest. And the sudden thought of dying here, and never getting the experience to meet my mate made me feel weak to the stomach.

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