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'WAKE UP EVERYBODY! WAKE UP!!' A voice yelled, as it echoed through out the halls.

I slowly rubbed my eyes with my palm, with a slight yawn. I opened my eyes as a shiver ran through me. It was freezing, really cold, slightly shaking from the cold. I started to remember what happened before i had passed out.

I slowly tilted my head, when i realized i was laying on top of someones legs. They were a blue color, and the whole body of the person felt like ice. Her body had gone cold with dread.

When i realized, it was her. I quickly looked up in a whine, as i felt my ribs burn. I cursed underneath my breath, when i saw the woman.

Her eyes were closed, she was was pale as a ghost, her lips were dry and blue. Her body was cold, and the place i had sewed together was dried up with blood. I slowly shook her shoulder.

'W-ake... wake up-..' I whispered, my words barely coming out of my mouth.

But she didn't even flinch..I started to shake her more repeatedly.

'Cm-cmon...' Whispering i let out a sob.

There is no way she's...no- tears started to flow down my cheeks, as i kept shaking her in hopes to wake her up. Fear coursed through my veins.

I- i couldn't save her, i quickly took her hands as i placed them to my heart. Her hands felt cold and clammy. I felt like i might throw up, shes dead. And it was completely all my fault.

'EVERYONE WAKE UP!! AND GET UP TOWARDS YOU'RE CELL!!' Mens voices kept yelling through out the dungeon.

I hugged her limp body, while my body slowly shook from the cold.

Yea i barely knew her, but my heart still felt uneasy. I couldn't look at my hands as they disgust me. A woman died because i couldn't sew the wound properly. My father was right, im no use here outside the walls of our house.

It might sound stupid, but i really did think that i should die.

'YOU! Get up!' A mans voice yelled, towards my cell.

I only tightened my hold on her, as tears kept gushing down.

'I SAID GET UP!' He yelled again. But i still couldn't, i couldn't let go of her.

I heard the lock slowly turn, as the sound of the crusty rest doors opened. He's footsteps were loud as they slowly made their way towards me.

I felt my hair being pulled back, as i whimpered in pain. Hitting my back once more against the floor.

'WAKE THE FUCK UP!' He screamed as he looked towards the dead woman. He had slowly raised he's hand as he slapped her cheek.

'She's dead!!' I screamed, with pain in my voice. My body was aching, as i kept shedding tears.

'Tsk.' He grinned, looking towards me. He had black hair, with bright yellow eyes. They looked dull, and ready to kill.

My breathing intensified as, i slowly felt all of my pain coming back towards my ribs. I was shaking my head in despair with tears flowing down. I feared to close my eyes, i feared to leave her here. All alone.

The pain was squeezing my head, making me feel dizzy and sick to my stomach.

He had grabbed my wrist, dragging me across the floor towards the cells exit. He dropped me against the door, with a bang.

I whined once more, when i opened my eyes i saw everyone standing miserably in-front of their cells. Everyone looked drained, and just miserable.

It looked like everyone had lost hope, I turned my head to the left, when i noticed the little girl hugging her brother. As she stared at me.

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