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'I am not gonna repeat my self Roslyn.' He hissed, i could feel his eyes on me. I could feel the anger in him, but it didn't matter.

'Oh shut up!' I yelled.

'You don't even care so why bother and ask?!' I loudly blurted out, i was scared to open my eyes. I was scared to look at him.

Suddenly a loud bang was heard, i flinched as i quickly turned my head around to notice him gone and the doors closed.

I could hear the slow, dragging beat of my heart. I was scared from him, as i shrank back in fear.

The flashback of him screaming at me, shouting as he drags he's feet towards my bedroom. The fear brought tears to my eyes.

I hate getting flashbacks from thing's i don't want to remember.

I sucked in a sharp breath and gathered up all of my courage as i walked towards the bathtub.

I looked at the water filled with bubbles, and the scent of vanilla. I let out a slight moan of pleasure, i haven't taken a bath in weeks.

I slowly put my leg in, then another one followed. I slowly kneeled down and layed back against the bathtub.

I gritted my teeth together, as i hissed from pain. As the water slipped right through my fresh scars.

After i had cleaned my self, i got out and looked around for some clothes i could wear.

I mean there was no point of me taking a shower if im gonna have to put back my dirty and half ripped underwear.

He couldn't leave any clothes for me could he? I sighed as i took a towel in my hands and rapped it around.

Slowly making my way towards the door i stopped, i put my ear against the door and tried to listen for any hearable sound.

'Are you gonna take forever to get the fuck out? I don't have all day.' Lucifer hushed.

My eyes widened in shock, as i flinched back.

He really had to stand just right in front of the door i groaned, as i put my hand on the door knob and twisted it open.

I looked up and noticed him standing right in front of me, as i tilted my head up noticing him towering over me.

His eyes grew wide, and his pupils flickered from side to side.

'I-i don't have any clothes.' I whispered.

'Really? I didn't even notice you standing there naked.' He rolled his eyes, as he slowly turned around and walked off.

Sarcastic much.

I rolled my eyes as i followed right behind.

'You don't have to drag your ass right behind me.' He loudly blurred.

I stopped as i watched him walk towards a gigantic door, opening the door i couldn't believe what i saw.

A sigh had escaped my lips as my eyes widened from excitement.

It was a full walk in closet! I couldn't believe my eyes. The closest was gigantic full with clothes on the racks and shoes all around!!

A small smile crept up my lips, i hadn't even noticed that Lucifer turned around. 'You like it?' He raised and eyebrow.

'MHM!' I nodded from the excitement i had.

He let out a small laugh, it felt like the walls he had all around had crumbled. His glance turned soft like his lips, and those pearl eyes looked straight from heaven.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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