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'Father why did mommy leave the house??' I mumbled as i held onto my teddy tight. I was standing on the houses porch as i watched my mother drive away.

'It's your fault..' He grumbled, with tears in his eyes.

'Its your fault!' He said again a little louder, as he clenched his fists. He was clenching them so hard his arms started to shake and turn red.

'ITS FUCKING YOUR FAULT!!' He screamed as i flinched away from his yelling, he had suddenly pushed me down the porch as i fell onto my butt with a loud thug.

'YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS CHILD!' he screamed again as hes eyes turned black.

'daddy no..' I murmured.

'DADDY PLE- PLEASE!!' I yelled.


'STOOP!' I screamed, as i opened my eyes sweaty and panting for air. I gasped as the air flew into my lungs, looking around i had just realized that it was just a dream.

I hated dreams like these, i despited them. Those memories made me feel miserable. The past is really hard to forget, but you can never erase and escape your past. You have to learn how to live with it, but its hard.

It's really hard...

I covered my face with my palms as i sighed relieved that it was just a dream. Wiping off my tears i only started to realize were i was. I was sitting on a cold floor, as a shiver ran through my back. I slowly looked around noticing that i was in a dark room. It looked like a cell but the only difference was that here were no doors, no windows nothing. I was alone, alone in this darkness.

As the thoughts from yesterday started to kick in. The fear of me closing my eyes and not opening them again, was gushing over me.

My body has never experienced this much pain than ever before.

I was drained physically and mentally, loud voices started to fill the room. Of people cheering. yelling and screaming.

I pushed my knees against my chest and covered my head and my ears.

Tears started to fill my eyes, crying miserably i couldn't help but yell. It felt like a thousand voices were screaming in my head, it felt like they all were yelling at me..

After a few minutes of silence Rose came to my mind.

'Rose! Rose please..? Are you there?'  I begged as i  leaned against the wall trying to calm my self.

'Rose im begging you..please answer ..' I  growled as a tear slipped my eye. I hope she's okay...

When a thought only now crossed my mind, there was no way i had suddenly almost barely started to feel my pain ease. When i realized that Rose was probably helping me ease the pain. Which is really hard to do and really tiring on you're wolf. Oh my Rose i thought as i hit my hand against the wall.

'Fuck Rose!' I yelled, i had banned Rose from ever allowing her to do it, it can cause alot of harm for her. And at this state it was really critical for her to do so! So i wouldn't be surprised if she was passed out or even worse! I groaned as i hit my hand again.

'Ugh- fuck!!' I screamed again.

As i slowly tilted my head to the side i had noticed a small puddle. I slowly turned my head to the ground as i noticed my reflection.

My hair was greasy and looked like a birds nest, my face was beat up and all bloody. But it wasn't that what sent me into shock. My bright blue orb eyes were slowly loosing their color.

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