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Suddenly the truck harshly stopped, i guessed we were here where ever they were taking us.

the truck doors slowly opened, when i saw the light, i couldn't help but close my eyes and take in a breath of fresh air.

I know that i said i wanted to die, and i really did. But i had to find my brother i just had to. So i looked at the guards, which were slowly escorting the people coming out of the truck.

Soon it was my turn to get out, but instead i launched to the left.

I transformed to my wolf without the help of Rose, as i darted off. I couldn't run properly, as my legs kept wobbling. And the rib sticking out through my fur, hurted so bad. But the thought of my mate and brother made me push. Made me run as fast as i could.

I could hear growling come behind me, as guards dashed behind me. But even in this state they weren't able to keep up with me, i was no use but my legs could run. I ran from my father all these years, i guess it pays off.

I didn't know where i was running, i just ran towards the wood.

My paws crushed the sticks beneath me, as the slight sun shined above me. Making me feel the most free I've had. Even with the vulnerable pain in me.

When suddenly i was thrown to the side, as a wolf leaped from the right throwing me to the ground.

I fell with a growl, as i howled hearing another bone break. As i laid there, i could hear them transforming back, as they changed their clothes.

I quickly turned to my stomach, as i slowly crawled backwards in a hunting position. I stared towards anyone who dared to step closer towards me.

They all were men, really tall they sent me the shivers. They looked terrifying but their energy seemed, trustable?

When suddenly a man reached out he looked in his 20s.

'Hey, calm down.. i am from your pack. You can trust me..' he slightly spoke coming closer.

I sniffed the air lightly, and he was right. He smelled like us, like he smelled like my pack.

What? How is that possible?!

I could hear some guys laughing behind him.

'Is she one of them?' A voice hushed.

'She looks like a kid.. how could she run so fast.?'

How did he catch up to me? I- he really must be from our pack. Our pack was known to be one of the fastest runners so..he must be.

When my eyes suddenly widened from shock, a person i thought i might never see again.

My brother was standing behind them all in the very back.

I howled, to get his attention. I tried to stand up but i was too weak. When suddenly a stinging sensation stung my back.

I started to feel dizzy, like the forest was moving. I dizzily turned my head around to notice a needle stuck on my back. Just when everything turned black.


I opened my eyes only to notice my self getting carried, I looked around to notice a man carrying me, and guards escorting us away.

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