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I started to tremble from the fear i had in me, from fear of loosing my Rose. And the fear of being here, and thoughts of what they will do to me haunted me.

It made me terrified, like i couldn't properly breathe. This was just so much to process, but the one thing i was greatfull for was my brother being alive.

My eyes began to water, as i reached out my hands. I tried to not gag from the sight, these hands weren't able to save a woman. These hands fought against their own father..

I started to pant for air, my hands started to briefly shake. I felt anger rise up on me, I don't know why but i felt so much hatred of. Why was i in so much pain? What did i do to deserve this.

My teeth gritted against their own will, as i let out a snarl towards Marvin.

'Why didn't you let me die.?' I asked him full with rage. And then i just snapped, as i pounced on him. Making us both fall down to the ground.

"Luna calm down!" He yelled in shock, trying to get me off.

I grasped his neck tightly in a choke hold "please kill me!" I screamed with tears, as the last word came out shaky.

'Thomas call for help!' Marvin yelled, as he tried to push me off.

'I want you to end me..' i stuttered.

'I can help you, just please calm down.' Marvin slightly spoke.

I got off of him from fear 'no! I don't need help!' I furrowed my eyebrows, and stared at him.

'Please..please just let me go.' I whispered, watching him slowly get up.

'I can't do that.' He replied.

'We- well if you won't let me go! I will go by my self!' I yelled, running towards the doors.

When my hand suddenly got snatched back.

'Ow!' I yelled, trying to wiggle out of his hold.

He pulled harder which made me whine even more from pain.

When suddenly two male doctors, rushed in and held me by my hands as i protested against them.

Stop let me go!' I yelled with a squeak, as i let out a whine. My ribs kept hurting, and i could barely stand on my own two feet. When suddenly the pain took my breath away, as a needle was burst into me. Making my vision become blurry. When everything turned black once more.


'ughh.' I groaned letting out a yawn.

I slowly opened my eyes, as i looked around. When i realized where i am, fear took a hold of me. As i jumped out of the bed.

I-im back at Lucifers bedroom? I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What am I doing here?

I let out a sigh, as my belly cramped.

'Ow..' I whispered, clenching onto my stomach.

My eyes darted from left to right scanning the room, ah! The doors, i quickly ran towards them.

My legs feeling wobbly from pain.

I twisted the door knob but it wouldn't budge. I pulled them and nothing worked.

'Stupid doors!!' I yelled, as i banged on them.

'UGHH!' I yelled once more with a bang. Am i ever gonna be able to get out? I couldn't stop thinking about whether my brother was safe or not.

I couldn't stop thinking about my wolf Rose. And the sudden click, as i remembered that poor little girl with her brother, who i had left all alone there.

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