Xiao Zhan

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The room bustling with crowd as the cultivators from all over the sects filled the room while excitedly gossiping and betting on what they will see today .

"Sizhui !  Who do you think we will react to now, what if it's me " jingyi said shyly.  (I am cringing so hard rn😭)

" Believe me , If it u I am leaving this room" said Jin ling who seemed embarrassed of his friend's antics.

"Hmmp I bet they aren't gonna show you, young mistress "
" You! I will break your legs " screamed jin ling.

"Stop it both of u it's early in the morning  I am still sleepy and about who we are reacting today we can ask YanYan about it . Look she is there"  said Zizhen looking at YanYan fiddling with the thing she called mobile phone.

"YanYan!! Who we are reacting today" screamed jingyi drawing the attention of people around him who were also quite intrigued to find who they are reacting to.

"First take your seat then I will reveal and it's time react anyway."said YanYan as if she was sleep deprived.

The chorus of several okay sounded throughout the room as people start taking their seats.

"So let's start . As some of guessed we are reacting to Wei Wuxian's actor today"
"See Lan zhan I told u it's gonna be me today" said Wei ying proudly as if he decoded a complex curse.

 As some of guessed we are reacting to Wei Wuxian's actor today" "See Lan zhan I told u it's gonna be me today" said Wei ying proudly as if he decoded a complex curse

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"Whoa!!" Said Wei ying with star eyes. " That's me . my actor is so handsome"
"Senior Wei , your actor is so cool. I want to be like him when I grow old " said Jingyi.
"Me too" said Zizhen.

All the juniors from different sect seemed to agree with jingyi for the first time.

"His name is Xiao Zhan . He's a Idol, model and actor"

"But he looks too stone-faced to act  like Wei Wuxian's usual face. If he is copying his YLLZ look I am ok but ...." said Jiang Cheng knowing full well about his shixiong's

" even though he is handsome , I agree with a-cheng " said Yanli with guilty.
"Believe me he's far from stone-face. Here, I will show you. I was gonna show u his goofy side next anyway" said YanYan with a smirk.

" See he's just a little bun trying to be brave " said YanYan said with adoration .

"He's soo cute just like a-xian" said Yanli while looking at the man who had same bunny teeth as her brother.

"I agree lady Jin . He does look like a-xian a lot , especially that bunny teeth . Doesn't he Wangji " said Xichen looking at the who seemed  to be lost in their own world.
(It's their world Xichen we're just in it 🙂)
"Mn" replied Hanguang-Jun.

"Now we will react to him with Wang Yibo"

"Now we will react to him with Wang Yibo"

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"They are so hot and cool. I aspire to be like them " said Zizhen with determined look.
"I agree" replied Sizhui who was silent till now.

"Wait he looks taller than Wang Yibo. Is he taller than Yibo and somehow he seems a bit older than him"  Questioned Jiang cheng.
"Yeah, He is taller than Wang yibo and yes he is older than Yibo . His personality is calm but chaotic when he is comfortable and with some close" replied YanYan.

"Can we see him being wei qianbei and chaotic . Also I am hungry can u get something for me " said Jingyi with pleading eyes.

"Ok , Now we will react to their shenanigans when they are together and about your food we are almost done so you can eat after this"

   ( They only see Yizhan here )
"They are so funny and chaotic " said jingyi laughing uncontrollably  while rolling on the floor.

" Wait so you are saying they bicker so much that it doesn't bother anyone at this point" said Nie Huaisang who seemed a bit silent today as if he was contemplating about something.

"Yes people around them have  learnt to ignore them just like you guys ignore Wangxian's presence in the room"
"Also I almost forgot but now we will react to Xiao zhan as Wei Wuxian "

"I also forgot to mean that this was sung by Xiao Zhan himself"

"It's scary how Wei Qianbei can become both intelligent villain whom everyone feared to dumbest guy ever lived and also master Xiao has a beautiful voice" wondered sizhui.
"Ayuann" whined Wei Ying upon facing betrayal from his favourite son .

"I was just saying truth" shrugged Sizhui.
"  Master Xiao portrayed Qianbei  really well . I almost became scared while watching him as Yilling Laozu" Said Jingyi ignoring the banter behind him .

"That's all I wanted you to react today .  If you have any question let me know"

"Well who we will react to next " questioned Jingyi voicing the question going on everyone's mind.
"Well that's a suprise" replied YanYan.

"But you said we can ask you anything " Said Jin ling.

" But I didn't say that I will answer them."
Several groans could be heard in the room.

"You can ask that to our viewers let's see if they can guess that. "

Sorry for late update . My pre broads are near💀.

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