Zhu Zhanjin

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Meng yao desperately didn't want to go there and see all the disgusting looks given to him . Especially didn't want to see the look of resignation and betrayal from er-ge's eyes . He should look at him in pity and not   disappoint.

He just wishes er-ge would still look at him and smile like he used to but at the end of the day it's still a wish .

"Welcome to my reaction room."

" Yanyan are we going to react to me " said our unlan excitedly ." Luck is on my side today so It must be me right"  ( He saw LWJ smiling today 🥹) ( He is asking the same damn question everyday 😂)

" No it must be me , We should react to someone important first before
you " said Jin ling looking at jingyi smugly.
"A-ling  don't be rude to your friends " said Jiang Yanli strict but kindly .

" Unfortunately it's not you jingyi " Said Yanyan showing him a fake sad face while Xue Yang snickered seeing the exchange .

" Anyway you will know who you are reacting as you react . Also remember do not fight even if you see something unpleasant. That being said let's start reacting."

" Yeah , let's go yanyan " said the juniors excitedly .

"Who is this young master " Lan qiren asked curiously

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"Who is this young master " Lan qiren asked curiously. He is trying to be open minded to everyone after seeing his nephews .

" I will explain but before that remember my previous words and if anyone misbehaves there will be deadly consequences " said yanyan sternly as if people would turn blind eye to her words.

' Considering her avoidance of  telling the name it seems like it is someone not well accepted. Though I can't say I am not curious myself ' thought Xue Yang looking at scene infront.

"  Zhu Zhanjin as Jin guangyao" YanYan said in small voice.

" Why are we reacting to him ???!!" Screamed our angry grape hearing the name. The picture of that bastard holding his nephew hostage still fresh in his mind. Sometimes in dark when no one is looking he fears that he would have lost him that day.

As everyone's gaze fell on him Jin guangyao couldn't help but squirm in his seat . ' so much for avoiding their looks ' he thought passively.

Fueled by Sect leader Jiang's remark , many people including some juniors also started protesting.

Though the most high ranking cultivators except Jiang cheng seemed to have something in their mind that troubled them .

"As I said before we won't fight and see it open minded, let me remind you again the one you are reacting to isn't Jin guangyao but someone else who acted as him " Said Yanyan knowing this would happen before . ' No amount of warnings can help them , they are always the same ready to jump in the situation without knowing ' she thought looking at the scene ahead .

" Now that I think about it he is really cute " said an unnamed girl in the crowds. Although she was telling it to her friend but everyone heard it as they were silent after Yanyan's scolding.

Her words seemed to open the flood gates and everyone started to compliment his looks .

" Indeed he is cute " whispered Lan Xichen giving a sorrowful smile at Jin guangyao and taking his eyes off as he looked in his direction.

'Although everyone complimented the boy's and his looks but still it feels empty ' thought Meng Yao before looking at Xichen's direction 'Er-ge , I want you to be the one saying it instead but in the end I  was the one to betray you ' he thought as he continued to look at Xichen before noticing someone else staring at him .

As he looked around he noticed Second young master Lan looking at him with an complicated face . Although that was to be expected after yesterday's happening and it looked like the brothers did have a discussion.

" Let's continue reacting" said YanYan noticing all the complicated stares .

" Let's continue reacting" said YanYan noticing all the complicated stares

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"Zhu Zhanjin as Jin guangyao. He is 21 years old and He is a actor and a dancer "
" He is really talented " said Lan qiren finally after being silent till now .

" I agree " said XXC after noticing how people went silent seeing the picture and he wanted to make it less awkward even though he doesn't know JGY much . ( I am basing it off as book and in book XXC had left to wander before MY came to position )

WWX winced seeing the innocent look in Jin guangyao's eyes as he has seen how fast he can change his expression and how ruthless he can be while hiding behind this innocent face .

Unbeknownst to things going in Main family's mind . People from other sect who never met Jin guangyao in life or having only heard of him couldn't help but continue to compliment him after LQR and XXC'S comment .
" He is indeed beautiful"

" He seems so kind " ( 🥹)

Such compliments kept rolling one after another and YanYan smiled seeing the wholesome picture. ' well looks like the cultivation world can be wholesome if they want .'

" Let's react to him dancing "

" Wow he is a really good dancer " said Wei Wuxian being amazed at him .

"Indeed" said XXC.

" He looks so good in white robes "

" Finally something that is NOT vulgar " remarked Lan qiren looking at his nephews .

" Lan er gege , don't be jealous you are always the best for me  and stop glaring at the screen" whispered WWX to his vinegar drinking husband .

' Gross' though JC who had the misfortune to hear the husbands talking.

' Why are his nephews like this ' Qiren has given up on even scolding them now.
" Hahaha We should totally try playing that game " said Wei Ying while smirking at his Lan Zhan.

' Is no one going to talk about how this video is implying that the Sect leader Lan and the Former sect leader Jin are in a relationship ' thought cultivators outside of great clans and people of the clans were so used to seeing Wangxian and their dog could find nothing wrong . ( They are traumatised 😂)

" This much is for Jin guangyao and see you tomorrow"

( If someone finds the way I portrayed JGY as wrong , suggest me so I can change it . Also I don't think he would feel guilty for doing things he did . he would only find betraying LXC's trust as his sin so I didn't redeem or something)

Well then see you next time . Also the posts will be frequent from now on and forgive for taking this long.

Who do you want to see for next chapter
Jiang Yanli or Nie Mingjue

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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