Chapter Four: House in The Villas

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 I woke up to the sun coming in through the curtains, the same way I've always awoken. I sat up and looked to my side. Jotaro sat next to me reading a book. 
 "Morning.." I groaned as I scooched closer to him. "Whatcha reading?"
 "Good morning," he replied as he closed the book. "And just something random I found." I nodded. "I'm sorry to ask questions so early but; What happened yesterday?" Jotaro asked. I raised an eyebrow. "When you didn't move out of the way when Kira had one of those bombs planted, you seemed horrified yet not really there. What happened??" 
 "I... I don't really wanna talk about it right now." I sighed as I sat up. 
 "Alright then, make sure I'm the first person to know when you do talk about it." Jotaro muttered as he got out of bed. "We have places to be today, so you should get ready pretty soon."
 "Sounds good.." I yawned.

 We walked through the cold Morioh morning, despite it being the middle of summer. We finally approached a small little neighborhood, the neighborhood we tracked Kira's house to.
 "Josuke and the other two should already be there waiting outside for us," Jotaro let me know, I nodded and slightly picked up my pace. We finally stumbled accross the right address and as Jotaro predicted the three high-schoolers sat outside waiting for us. We exchanged greetings.
 "How exactly are we gonna get inside?? The door's locked." Josuke pointed out. Jotaro took no hesitation in kicking the front door down as if he was waiting just for this moment. "I guess that's one way.." Josuke laughed as we all walked inside.

 "So this is that bastard's house?? It's kinda cute, if I didn't know better I wouldn't think he killed people!" I said to Josuke and Jotaro as we sifted through Kira's bedroom. I turned to them and watched as Josuke opened up one of the many dresser drawers, he pulled out a strange bottle filled of... I don't even know. "What the hell is that??" I asked Josuke as I walked up behind him, he shrugged and opened the bottle.
 "I think they might be Bonito Flakes or something.." He muttered as he sniffed them, Jotaro was standing next to us and rummaging through a book that was in the same drawer. "Ew... They smell rancid." 
 "They're fingernail clippings."
 "WHAT!?" Me and Josuke both shouted as he threw the container on the floor. I shrieked when they almost hit my shoes and dodged out of the way.
 "It seems Kira has a very interesting hobby," Jotaro added as he handed the book to me. 
 "This guy keeps track of his fingernail growth!?" Josuke shouted as he looked over my shoulder into the book.
 "And since 1987! That's so gross!!" I slammed the book shut and slightly trembled in disgust. Josuke ripped it from my hands and flipped through it to a more recent entry. 
 "Ewwwww!! Recently, his right hand's thumb nail grew up to 30 cenimeters!!" 
 "How is that even possible!?" 

 "Are you all okay in here??" Koichi asked, we all turned to the doorway which him and Okuyasu stood in. 
 "Why are you guy's all shouting?? Did you find the arrow??" Okuyasu inquired as he raised an eyebrow.
 "No, but we found this gross book that's about Kira's-!" Josuke held up the book and a light flashed along with the sound of a camera shuttering. We all turned back to the desk, where the flash had come from. A picture printed out of a newer-looking camera that laid on the desk. "What the hell was that??" Me, Josuke, and Jotaro all exchanged a worried glance before I reached for the photo. 

 I held the photo up between all of us, just the same positions we had been in 30 seconds ago. There was a weird blurry part in the corner- I took off my glasses and handed them to Jotaro as I brought the picture slightly closer to my face. I gasped as I saw someone in the picture behind us with a knife. Who the hell is that?! 
 "What the hell?" I muttered as I took my glasses back from Jotaro. I glanced around, the guy in the picture behind us was nowhere to be seen. "Do either of you know who this old man is??"
 "YoU DoNT eVEn KnOW WhO I AM AnD yOu BrEAK iNTo mY SoN'S HoME?!" A voice shouted. We all looked around. No one. "In ThE PiCTuRE! IDiOTs!" My eyes widened and we all looked at the picture. "ThAT's BeTTEr!" I jumped as the old man in the photo behind us moved and talked. 
 "What the hell!? How is that even possible!?" Josuke shouted in confusion as he looked around. 
 "What's going on in there!?" Koichi asked from outside the room. 
 "This old man is talking to us through a photo!!" 

 "WHo ARe YoU CaLLinG OlD mAn!? I'm YoShIkAgE kIRa'S dAD, YoShiRo." The old man shouted at us. "AnD i'M HeRE To SToP YoU FrOM HurTINg mY PoOr BoY!!!" He screeched as the knife in the picture got closer to Josuke. 
 "Josuke! Get out of here!!" I shouted to Josuke, he ran towards the doorway at full speed. He was almost out when he was hit by some sort of invisible wall and thrown backwards.
 "What the hell!?" Okuyasu shouted. "Hold on guys!!" He said before running in. A slamming noise came from the other side of the room, we all turned and Okuyasu stood at the other entrance of the room. Koichi shrieked as he tried to put his hands in the room but they showed up on the other side. 

 Jotaro grabbed the picture from me as the old man got closer to stabbing one of us. He started to rip it up, piece by piece. And I was hoping it had worked, until I started feeling my insides separating. 
 "JOTARO!! STOP IT!!!" I shouted at him and ripped the picture from his hands. "Josuke!" I tossed the picture over to Josuke and he quickly repaired it with Shining Diamond, and our bodies turned back to normal. 
 "AHAhAHAhaHAaaAAAAhhHAH!!" The old man cackled. "YoU cAnT GeT RId Of MEeE!! Ha-" 
 "I just got another idea." Jotaro cut him off. I raised an eyebrow at him in suspicion. "It's better than that last one." He quickly added, Josuke exchanged a glance with me before reluctantly handed Jotaro the picture. "I figured him out. He can only hurt us and this room since he's in the photo with us." 
 "So we just have to put him in a picture by himself." Jotaro gave me that smirk I'd loved for over 10 years before putting the photo over the camera lens from the camera that still sat undisturbed on the dresser. 
 "NO! wAiT WhAt ArE YoU-!!" The camera flashed and erased the old man from the picture, and another one began printing out. "YoU MoTHeRfUCkERs!!!!" He shouted as he tried to escape the photo he was trapped inside. Jotaro grabbed the photo and dug through the dresser drawers, he pulled out a roll of tape and wrapped up Kira's dad in it. "WhAT!?" I grabbed a nail by the tape along with the picture and pinned it into the wall. 
 "Where's the Stand Arrow??" I demanded as I stuck another pin in. 
 "ilL NeVEr TeLl HAhaahA!" The old man cackled. Koichi and Okuyasu raced into the room with all of us. 
 "Can you guys watch him while we check the rest of the house?" Jotaro asked and Koichi nodded.
 "Leave it to us!" 

 I dug through more and more drawers, things laid all over the floor around me. I'd been doing this process for about 10 minutes and I still hadn't found anything slightly useful. Unless third place trophies mean anything. Third place every single time, what a bummer. I stopped for a moment to breathe when I heard someone clear their throat, I turned to the now open doorway. Jotaro stood there. 
 "I haven't found it yet. Have you?" I asked as I resituated myself to look at him, he shook his head.
 "No. But I was wondering if you were ready to talk about what happened yesterday with you going all blank." He explained and walked into the room. He shut the door behind him, I winced slightly. "Sorry, it's been bugging me all morning." He added. I sighed, 
 "It's just.. What that monster did to that poor woman. The wound she had. It reminded me of.. You know... Him. And about what he did to me. That's all, please don't worry." I smiled at Jotaro and heaved another deep breath. He stared at me for a moment before walking over and sitting beside me, he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.
 "You don't need to worry about him anymore. I took care of him, like I'll talk care of anyone who ever wants to hurt you like that again." He reassured me as he kissed my forehead and squeezed my shoulder. I stared at the smile that rested on his face before cuddling closer to him. "I promise, I'll never let anything like that happen to you ever again, or like what happened yesterday. I'm so sorry.." I sighed and shook my head.
 "It's not your fault, you shou-"
 "Yes it is. If I just came with you I could've saved you.." 
 "Jotaro, I-" I stopped when a loud shout came from another room, we both jolted up and ran to the sound. "What's wrong?!" I asked as I ran into the other room, Okuyasu and Koichi stood there with their eyes wide.
 "What the hell did you two do?" Jotaro asked them, putting put on his tough exterior. Okuyasu poorly tried to form a sentence, when I noticed the spot we had put that picture containing Yoshiro was empty. My eyes widened as well in realization. 
 "You did not!!" I shouted at them.
 "I-It was an accident, Ms. Kakyoin!! Okuyasu was just trying to- We-" Koichi stumbled as they both stared at me with an undescribable sorrow on their faces. I sighed and looked to Jotaro, he didn't seem that upset about it.
 "It's alright, we just have to find the arrow. He can do whatever he pleases." Jotaro said. 
 "Uh... About that.. You see, he kinda took that with him..." 
 "HE WHAT!?!?" Jotaro shouted at Koichi.
 "It was all Okuyasu's fault!!!"
 "My fault!? You should've told me what he was doing!! You're supposed to be smart!" 

 Not long after that little argument we all left, the sun was starting to set as me and Jotaro walked back home. I was deep in thought about how hard it would not only to be tracking down Kira but also the stand arrow. I sighed and leaned into Jotaro's side. 
 "Are we gonna be searching down the stand arrow more tomorrow?" I asked as I looked up to his face.
 "No, tomorrow I decided is a good time for you to meet the other people looking for Kira. So I set it up with everyone to meet up at the Morioh Cafe around 1:00PM." Jotaro explained as I heaved a loud sigh. "Don't worry, you'll barely have to talk." 
 "Yay!" I smiled at him as we stared at the setting sun. "I'm so tired," I complained and I felt Jotaro wrap his arm around my waist before scooping me up in his arms. I grinned at him,
 "Don't pass out before we get home," he muttered before continuing walking.
 "No promises." 

 Word Count: 1925

 it did not take two months dont even. hope you enjoyed besties cuz i finally got motivation and i might post another chapter tonight but idk! 
love y'all, misa <3

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