Chapter Eight: Familiar Mornings, Part. 2

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 I woke up to the sun coming through the curtains, which were left slightly open. I glanced beside me to see an empty dent in the bed. I groaned as I sat up, I reached off of the bed and grabbed my prosthetics, clicking them into place.
 "Noriaki, are you awake yet? We need to be out of here by 8:30." Jotaro called out before he opened up the door and walked in. I sighed as I threw myself back on our bed.
 "What time is it now?" Jotaro glanced down at his watch.
 "7:36, sorry but we'll be walking." I yawned and slowly got out of bed. I walked over to Jotaro and wrapped my arms around his neck, he did the same to my waist.
 "This will be over soon, right?" I asked,
 "I promise. I'm sorry I dragged you out here, I just really needed your help." I nodded as I broke free of our embrace.
 "I'm gonna change, you should go get ready the rest of the way."
 "You sure you don't need any help with that?" Jotaro smirked at me. I laughed before kissing him.
 "Ha! You wish!!" 

 We left the house at 7:58 and started our descent down the hill that led up to The Morioh Grand Hotel. It was so cold this early, but I didn't bring any extra clothes stupidly, the weatherman said it would be sunny so I thought that meant warm.
 After we arrived in the more popular areas of Morioh, with office workers and high schoolers wandering about, we ran into Koichi. Well, he noticed us walking by and flagged us down.
 "I don't know where I'd be without you guys! This is quite silly but, I may have forgotten the exact street we said we were meeting on! Haha, but I can just tag along with you two, right?" I nodded at Koichi with a smile.
 "Of course, we're always happy to help." He returned my smile as it began to rain. I groaned as two office-women ran by us giggling, we stood at the start of an intersection.
 "This is the spot, do you guys see Rohan?" Jotaro asked as we all glanced around.
 "Isn't that his car??" I asked, pointing at a red car parked on the edge of the road.
 "Yeah! Where is he??" Koichi asked before rushing towards the car, me and Jotaro followed him. The car door was left open and Rohan was nowhere in sight.

 "Where could he be??" I questioned as Koichi poked around in Rohan's car more, Jotaro slightly pushed me and bent down. He picked something off the ground, one of Rohan's earrings. "What the hell is that doing on the floor?"
 "I have no idea," Jotaro muttered as he put it in his pocket. I frowned, I began to feel uneasy as silence began to fall upon us, making it so all you could hear was the rain hitting the concrete sidewalk.

 "Hey! Have you seen a guy with green hair walking by recently?" Koichi's voice broke the silence, Jotaro and I both turned to him. A boy with medium-length orange hair stood in front of Koichi, staring at the ground. "Excuse me?" Koichi asked again, the boy gasped and looked towards Koichi.
 "I asked if you'd seen our friend! His name is Roh- wait.." Koichi paused. "Have we met?? You look so familiar!" Now that Koichi had mentioned it, I too thought that this kid looked familiar.  Where and when would we have run into this random kid?
 "Umm.. No, I don't think we've met before." The kid quickly responded as he put his head back to the ground.
 "Oh! My mistake then, sorry I got sidetracked. Have you seen our friend Rohan? He has green hair and this is his car." Jotaro poked me as Koichi kept talking to the kid, who gave back very short and vague responses. As if he didn't want to talk to us.
 "Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't this look like-" Jotaro pulled a picture out of his pocket. The photo of the kid we were going to question.. Hayato Kawajiri. I noticed the kid had a backpack on and read the name on the side. Holy shit.

 "Hayato Kawajiri?" I asked, finally speaking to him. He looked up at me, his eyes wide with fear. He slightly backed up.
 "Wait this kid is-!?"
 "Do you mind if we ask a few questions?" Jotaro asked, bending down to Hayato's height.  Hayato shook his head before turning around and trying to run away.
 "Woah there!!" A familiar voice shouted as Hayato was thrown back against Koichi and me. Josuke and Okuyasu had finally shown up. "Are you okay, kid? Sorry I slept in this morning and I'm still not totally awake." Josuke apologized "Wait.. That name on your bag-"
 "He's Hayato Kawajiri, and we were just about to question him." I interrupted as I glanced back to Hayato, who had started slightly shaking.
 "What!?!" I ignored them and put a hand on Hayato's shoulder and scooched Jotaro aside.
 "Hey.. So, this is gonna sound weird but- our friend we mentioned earlier was taking photos to find a certain person, and well." I pulled out the photo we had of him taking video of his father.   "This is your dad, Kosaku Kawajiri, right? We just wanna know- why were you taking pictures of him?" I smiled at Hayato as I put the photo back in my pocket. He was still shaking, "Don't be afraid to tell us." I added. Still shaking.
 "I-I.." He turned to look away from us, slightly moving away from me. "A-Ah!" He raised his voice. "M-My nose! It-it's bleeding!!" He shouted as he covered his face. "I-I th-think I need a d-doctor!! It's pretty ba-bad!" I frowned, and Josuke sprung into action.
 "It is? Let me see."
 "N-Nuh uh! I ju-just need a-a doctor, please!!"
 "No, that won't be necessary. C'mon and let me see," Josuke bent down to Hayato's height, Hayato's arm swiftly moved and he coughed before turning around. Did he just give himself a nose bleed? What's up with this kid? He removed his hand from his face, blood was gushing from his nose. I slightly backed up. 

 Josuke bent down beside him and took a look at Hayato's bleeding nose, while he kept shaking all the while. Shining Diamond appeared at his side and healed Hayato's wound without any trouble. 
 "Huh?? But- But my nose-!!" Hayato shrieked as he kept touching his nose. Josuke slightly laughed. 
 "It's all healed, sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier. I'm Josuke Higashskita, that there is Jotaro Kujo and his wife Noriaki Kakyoin, that's Okuyasu Nijimura, and that's Koichi Hirose. They are some of the nicest people you will ever meet, so since you have some time before school starts. Please answer their questions. It would really help." Josuke explained to Hayato. I smiled at him.
 "About those questions." I added, not wanting to get sidetracked again. "Our friend, Rohan, we mentioned earlier took this picture, which showed you taking a picture of your dad... Kosaku Kawajiri." I sighed, having trouble remembering his name. "We just wanna know why you would need to do something like that." I concluded, Hayato stared at me with horror in his eyes. 

 "I-I... Please! Please stop!! Don't ask me anymore questions!!" Hayato shouted at us as tears streamed down his face. We all jumped and were taken aback by his response. "Please.. Just stop.." He sobbed. This was starting to get annoying, what's with this kid?? If Rohan bothered to not run off as soon as we showed up we wouldn't have to deal with this. Hayato covered up his mouth with his hands.
 "What are you talking about, kid?" I glared at him. 
 "Do you have something to hide?" Jotaro asked. "Just spit it out and we'll leave you alone." Jotaro glanced at me, just letting me know how much he was keeping it together for this kid. 
 "Is there something wrong with your dad?" Koichi asked with a frown. Hayato started sobbing more and fell to the floor, he was shaking. 
 "A-Are you okay?" I asked as I scooted closer to Hayato. 
 "We haven't even asked anything bad yet and he's already freaking out." Okuyasu shook his head. "What's up with this kid?" He asked as he turned to us. Hayato had begun digging through his bag. As they all discussed I watched as Hayato pulled an object out of his backpack and held it in his hands. It shined slightly from the little light that was coming in through the clouds. Is.. That.. A knife?
 "N-No!! Hayato don't!" I screamed as I jumped towards him in an attempt to pull the knife away from his throat. 
 "Noriaki!! What's wrong?" Jotaro asked me. My eyes widened as I saw something small holding the knife away from Hayato's throat. Wh-What is that?... I paused, as Jotaro and the others started to question both I and Hayato's sanity. I jumped backwards. 
 "That's Kira's stand!!" I shouted as I stared at Hayato in horror. Jotaro grabbed me and pulled me backwards. 
 "So Rohan's dumb hunch was right?!" Josuke asked as he began to look around. "Where is he!? Where's Kira!?" We all summoned our stands in an attempt to get the stand away from Hayato. But we stopped. As if time froze, but not like it did when The World was activated. 
 "It seems you all found my dirty little secret, Killer Queen's bomb type 3: Bites the Dust." Kira's voice said. I glanced around, where is he!? Where could he be!? "You all are so stupid, as soon as you asked about me you were able to see me. Which means that I've already entered your pupils. You all are my bombs just waiting to go off, how sad. And you came this close too, but don't worry. You'll be able to join Rohan soon enough..."

 Word Count: 1665

 Uhh, I forgot I had this one already written too! Only two chapters left!! Yay!!!
(i edited it to add more to it so it was more of a chapter!)

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