Chapter Ten: A Heart of Gold

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 After everything had settled and everyone was okay, Jotaro and I headed back to our hotel. We gave Josuke and the other's each a goodbye. We'd be leaving tomorrow around 1:30, the Speedwagon foundation scheduled us a boat so we could get back to Tokyo easily. 
 I groaned as I fell onto the couch in our hotel room. Jotaro took his jacket off of me gently and hooked it up by the door. I sat up and looked at him as he sat down next to me. 
 "It's over. Right? There isn't anyone else we need to fight?" I asked.
 "Yes, we can relax." He smiled at me as he laid his head down on my lap. I smiled back down at him and played with his hair. "Words can't describe how thankful I am that you came and helped me out, I don't know what I'd do without you." He sighed. I softly laughed as I looked down at him. 
 "Oh, I don't need thanks. I need you to smooth things over with my boss when we get home." I muttered with a slight glare on my face. Jotaro raised an eyebrow at me. 
 "Uhh.. Sure, if that's what you really want." He mumbled with a small grin on his face. His hand slowly moved up before it cupped my face. I leaned my head against it and sighed. 
 "I don't think I'll ever complain about having a boring life ever again, after all of this.. I'm exhausted." Jotaro slightly glared at me. 
 "Boring?" He sat up. 
 "You know what I mean.." I sighed as I waved my hand dismissively. "I didn't mean so much as boring.. I was really talking about a normal life." I muttered as I looked down at him. Jotaro let out a small 'ah', and I noticed a small frown on his face. "I-I.. I hate dealing with stand users. I hate being a stand user. My whole life.. I've stood out, I'm so tired of it. And I'm so worried... What if Jolyne has a stand? What if we can't give her the normal life we never had?" I finally stopped to slowly breathe. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. Everything was so overwhelming. Jotaro stared up at me, his facial expression softening as he sat up. He pulled me closer to him and cupped my face. He wiped a tear I didn't know was there away. 

 I slightly laughed as I tried to pull away. "Sorry, I don't know what came over me." I softly smiled at Jotaro, his expression didn't change. And he let out a deep sigh. 
 "I understand." He said. He glanced between the floor and my face before his gaze looked right into my eyes. "She'll have a normal life, you have a normal life. And if she is a stand user.." He sighed. "We'll take care of her, she'll be just fine. She has me. And she has you. God.. Do you now know how amazing you are, Noriaki?" Jotaro's face shifted into a small grin before he leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "You're incredible, you can handle anything and everything. It may be hard, but I know you'll get through it. You're so strong, you've been through so many more things than I have been in..
 And If I went through everything you had gone through.. I think I'd break. And if you can't handle what the world throws at you, I'll be by your side. No matter what. I'll never turn my back on you. I love you." Jotaro smiled at me. I softly smiled back before I moved and laid down on his chest. 
 "That means a lot to me.. Thank you, Jotaro." I muttered as I wrapped my arms around him. He gently caressed my hair and I closed my eyes. "Thank you.."

 I woke up without Jotaro next to me. I quickly sat up and looked around. "Oh good, I was just about to wake you up." I turned around to see Jotaro putting his coat on. 
 "We need to head to the docks soon, remember the Speedwagon Foundation is coming to get us and take us back home?" Jotaro reminded me as he adjusted his coat, he softly smiled at me before turning his whole body towards me. I yawned and stretched my arms. 
 "Yeah yeah, I'll be up in a minute." I muttered as I slightly laughed. I slowly stood up and began to get dressed and pack up my few things I had brought with me.

 The cold air hit Jotaro and I like a bus as soon as we stepped out of the hotel. I shivered as I clutched my coat closer to me. Everyday the weatherman was wrong, they should definetely hire someone else. 
 We walked down the cold streets of Morioh, which were mostly empty. Until we came across a group of familiar people. 
 "Yo! Ms. Kakyoin, Mr. Jotaro!!" Josuke called out to us as he turned around. I slightly groaned at the 'Ms.', but I'll let it slide this time. He smilled at us as we walked up to him, Okuyasu, Koichi, Yukako, and Rohan.
 "You almost missed it, we're saying goodbye to Reimi." Koichi said. Reimi? I looked over Koichi and the others. There was a girl with pink hair standing in front of all of them. She smiled at me. Her face soft and angelic. 
 "You're Jotaro Kujo and Noriaki Kakyoin, right?" She said, smiling at Jotaro and I. We both slightly raised an eyebrow. She knew us? She softly giggled. "I'm Reimi Sugimoto. And.. I'd like to thank you both for all you've done for me. If you both hadn't shown up in Morioh, I'd still be stuck here. But you both have done so much for me. I can finally be free." She walked up to Jotaro and I. She smiled up at Jotaro and turned back to me. 
 "You probably don't remember me." Reimi smiled as she stared into my eyes. 
 "N-No.. Am I supposed to? I'm sorry." I frowned as I looked down at her. 
 "Morioh Middle school, english 5th period. I sat behind you. You always seemed so lonely. I wanted to talk to you so badly. But I never really got the chance to.. Until this one day, I was being bullied by these three boys. They wouldn't leave me alone, I was with Rohan, walking him home. I thought they were going to beat us up or something. And then you showed up.. And you scared them off. And I never got to thank you.. And now I get to thank you even more for what else you have done for me! 
 I'm so happy I have this chance, to say goodbye to you and thank you for everything." My eyes slightly widened as I remembered, I had done that for her back in middle school. Back when I still lived in Morioh. Reimi had tears beginning to form in her eyes. Everyone was staring at her and me with confused and shocked expressions. Reimi finally wrapped her arms around me and tightly hugged me. I slowly hugged her back. 
 "Goodbye... And thank you.. all of you.

 Jotaro and I boarded the speedwagon foundation boat with Joseph after saying goodbye to everyone and Reimi. I sighed as I looked down at the water as the boat started up. 
 "Hey! JoJo, Kakyoin!!" Jotaro and I both heard familiar voices shouting our names. We both turned around. I gasped as I saw Avdol and Polnareff. 
 "Avdol! Polnareff!!" I shouted as I ran up to them and gave them both a hug. Jotaro followed me closely behind. 
 "It's good to see the both of you.. But you could've shown up sooner! Do you know everything we just went through!?" Jotaro asked in fake anger. Avdol chuckled. 
 "It's good to see that you both haven't changed too much in the past five years." Avdol said as he smiled at both of us. Polnareff and I were still hugging. 
 "I don't know about that.. They seem pretty different." Polnareff laughed as he let go of me. "But we brought someone that might make you forgive us for being late.." Polnareff smiled at both of us before opening up the door to the boat's cabin.

 Jotaro's eyes widened as well as mine did when we saw Jolyne running out from behind Avdol and Polnareff. Jotaro ran over to her before I could and scooped her up in his arms. He kissed her forehead and lifted her up into the air, I smiled and rushed over to them. 
 "Daddy!! I missed you so much!!" Jolyne said as she hugged Jotaro. 
 "I missed you too, JoJo.." Jotaro muttered as he smiled at me and took my hand, pulling me closer to him and Jolyne. I smiled as he kissed me on the cheek. 
 "It's finally over, isn't it?" I asked Jotaro. He smiled and nodded. 
 "Yes, no one like that will ever bother us again. I promise." He reasurred me, Hierophant Green wrapped a tentacle around his arm and I slightly laughed with a grin. 
 "What's that?" Jolyne asked, slightly pulling away from Jotaro as she looked at his arm. We both froze.
 "H-Huh?? Wh-What did you say, Sweetie?" I asked, horror on my face.
 "What's that Green thing on daddy's arm?"

 "Goodbye Morioh, Heart of Gold"


 Word Count: 1570

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