Chapter One: Welcome To Morioh

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 I breathed in and out as the paint splattered across the canvas. It was completely quiet, peaceful, just me. Until the phone in the kitchen began to ring. I sighed before continuing what I was doing. And then it stopped ringing. And then started again, and then stopped, and then again. I groaned and rolled my eyes before I quickly wiped my hands off on my apron and rushed towards it. I picked up the phone and held it to my ear.

 "Noriaki Kujo speaking, who is this?" I asked into the phone as I leaned against the wall, hiding the annoyance in my voice. I needed to get this painting done by tomorrow or else I'll be a dead girl walking.
 "Hey, Noriaki. Why didn't-" 
 "You promised to call me yesterday, and you didn't." I quickly cut my husband off. I heard him sigh into the phone.
 "I've been busy, I'm sorry. Why didn't you pick up the first ring?" He asked.
 "I was busy, actually." I replied.
 "Okay, sorry for disrupting you." He replied, saracastically. "But I need your help though, you know how the Speedwagon foundation sent me to Morioh?" I nodded, despite him not being able to see it.
 "Yeah, what about it??" I questioned as I walked over to the kitchen counter and sat down on one of the chairs. One of my hands pressing down on the cold surface of the marble counter-top.
 "I need you to come to Morioh." . . . What??
 "I thought the Speedwagon Foundation also told you, and me! That I was not fit to fight because I could get 'hurt'!" I snapped at him as I looked down at my prostethetic legs. 
 "Yeah, I remember, but they told me that the urgency of this situation would need your help." He protested. I slightly rolled my eyes and sighed. "I'll pay for your train ticket." He added, I inhaled sharply and tapped my fingers on the counter.
 "What do I get in return?" I laughed.
 "You're kidding, right??" He asked, annoyed.
 "I don't know, Jotaro~, am I?." I smiled, laughing again. He was dead silent. "I'm kidding." I quickly added after a few seconds. He nervously laughed before continuing.
 "Anyways, you'll need to board the next train here. Which will be departing at.." He paused for a moment. "7:30 P.M." He said.
 "What?!" I shouted into the phone. "It's 3:13!! Are you serious!?"
 "Yeah, so you'll have to get ready fast, pack only impor-"
 "What are we gonna do with Jolyne??" I cut Jotaro off. He sighed.
 "Just take her to your mom or my mom, she'll be fine with either of them for a few days."
 "But we always leave her alone!! And I don't want my daughter hating me!!" I shouted at him,
 "Our daughter. And why would she hate you??" Jotaro asked. I paused..
 "Whatever. You have a point, as much as I hate to admit it." I sighed. "I'll go get her and myself ready, then drop her off at your moms. Deal?"
 "Sounds perfect, I'll be waiting for you."

 I set the phone down on the counter before standing up, slowly making my way to the hallway. What's happening in Morioh that would make it so I have to go there?? I wondered as I walked up to Jolyne's room. I slowly opened up the door, a quiet creak slightly echoing. She was still sleeping. I sighed before walking in and slightly shaking her.
 "JoJo, it's time to get up." I whispered as I shook her shoulders a little more. Her eyes, the same lavender hue as mine, slowly opened up.
 "Mommy?" She mumbled as she turned to me. I smiled.
 "Mhm, we need to get ready to go. I'm gonna be dropping you off at grandma's for a little while, is that okay??" She slowly nodded before sitting up, I picked her up tightly in my arms before taking her out of her room.

 I shoved all mine and Jolyne's stuff into the back of my car. I made sure it fit before slamming the back door shut. I climbed into the front seat and secured Jolyne's beside me. I sighed before turning the keys into ignition and starting up the car.

 "Why do I have to go to grandma's??" She asked I as pulled out of our driveway.
 "You remember how daddy went to Morioh to help people??" I asked as we turned onto the street. I glanced at her as she nodded. "Well, he thought he could do it by himself but he really needs my help." I added on.
 "I wanna come!" Jolyne whined.
 "I know you do, but it's dangerous."
 "How?? How could it be so dangerous??" I sighed.
 "It's complicated, if it's the way I think it is then.. I'll tell you when you're older. Okay??" I explained, but I could tell she didn't care.
 "But I wanna come." Jolyne groaned.
 "Do you not wanna go to grandma's??" I asked, she mumbled something to herself. "What was that??" She sighed.
 "That kid across the street bullies me." She frowned.
 "What!? That-" I paused... I completely forgot his name. "That kid! He bullies you??" Jolyne nodded. "Have you stood up for yourself??" She shook her head. "You know what hurts kids feelings the most?? From my experience, flipping them off." I said.
 "I'm gonna get in trouble, though." She sighed.
 "No you aren't!" I glared at her as we zoomed down the highway.
 "Yes! I am! Grandma will be super mad if I do that!"
 "Not if you explain! Grandma Holly is quite the understanding woman," I reasoned with Jolyne, she mumbled somthing to herself again. "I'm  guessing you don't want to explain it to her, right?" Silence. "Well, every language has a way to say fuck off, I could teach you different ways, then you won't have to explain or get in trouble!"
 "But what if Grandma knew the language?"
 "She won't! And it's a good skill to have, Jojo! People from all around the world need to fuck off sometimes!!"

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