Chapter Five: New Allies

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 After being in Morioh for about 5 days I was finally able to meet all the people I'd be working with alongside Jotaro. He'd left an hour before I had woken up to talk to everyone about.. well. Me I guess. I sat in the hotel's bed for about 20 minutes before getting up and getting ready.
 The Morioh Cafe.. The same one I was brought to when I first got here. I sighed as I set my hairbrush down and put my glasses back on. I scrutinized my reflection for a moment before I yawned. I left the bathroom and slid on my shoes, and then finally left.

 I walked down the busy streets of Morioh by myself, it was too warm. Tokyo, even on the beach, had been unreasonably cold this summer so I'd brought a jacket. But I found myself taking it off almost immediately. 
 I did my best to remember the directions Jotaro had told me the night before. I eventually found it despite how vague they were. I noticed Jotaro and a bunch of other people sitting at the table we sat at when I met Josuke and Okuyasu. I walked up to them all and set my jacket in an unoccupied chair. Everyone jumped.
 "You're finally here." Jotaro mentioned as he turned to me.
 "I was 100% on time!" I sighed as I sat down on my coat, I glanced around and anaylzed the faces staring at me. It was silent for a moment, until Jotaro cleared his throat. 
 "This is Noriaki Kujo, the person you've all been waiting to meet." He announced, everyone who I hadn't met had their eyes slightly wider due to the same last names. I ignored it and smiled before bowing. 
 "It's a pleasure to meet all of you!" I exclaimed, quiet again. I stared at everyone with my face slightly red. Did I mess up?? The girl I'd been eyeing finally spoke up,
 "I'm Yukako Yamagishi, it's nice to finally see you in person." She said as she gave me a slight smile. She turned to the man sitting next to her and elbowed him. "Scared, Rohan?" She muttered to him with a glare. He glared at her before talking himself. 
 "Rohan Kishibe.." He blurted out, still glaring at Yukako. I slightly gasped to myself,
 "Oh! Are you um- You write manga, right? I've seen your stuff at conventions before!" I smiled at him.
 "Something like that."

 "I thought I recognized you... Don't you paint? Abstract, if I'm correct." Rohan sighed, I nodded. "It's not half bad stuff," my eyes grew wide. 
 "You like my work?" I asked Rohan in disbelief.
 "Yes, now don't get cocky about it. I just know good- okayish looking art when I see it, that's all." He rolled his eyes. 
 "That's what really made me drawn to your artwork as well!" I replied in the same snarky tone  with a smirk on my face. Rohan rolled his eyes again, 
 "Hmm, you must be bad at seeing the truth behind a masterpiece. I can see that clearly in your artwork."
 "Knock it off, Rohan!" Josuke finally said something. "God, you're always such a dick!" 
 "Maybe I wouldn't be if I wasn't around imbeciles all the time!" Rohan shot back. 
 "It's not our fault we're not smart! Why are you so angry about it when it has nothing to do with you? Huh!?" Okuyasu shouted back. 
 "All of you knock it off!!" Koichi shouted over everyone starting to insult each other. Jotaro and I sat in silence, he made it seem like this happened a lot.
 "Listen to Koichi or so help me!!" Yukako screamed as she slammed her hand down on the table. I turned to Jotaro, who was still completely unfazed. 
 "These makes me realize we should've give Avdol and the others more credit for dealing with us when we were teenagers." I muttered. 

 After they all finally calmed down Jotaro explained my stand to all of them and how I could be of help. I just sat there in silence and nodded or added on to what he was saying every once in a while. He stopped talking when a car pulled up next to us. It had the Speedwagon Foundation logo on it's side.
 "Are they here for me?? I already did my monthly check-up." I said as I looked at Jotaro. He shook his head and almost said something back until-
 "Noriaki? Is that you?" A voice asked from behind me. I turned around, my eyes widened. 
 "Joseph!! What are you doing here?" I asked as I stood up. I was so happy to see him, it had been forever-... wait. I looked at Josuke, and then back to Joseph. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!! HOW COULD YOU CHEAT ON YOUR WIFE!??!?!" I shouted at him as I stood up and put my finger in his face. I was almost taller than him, he'd gotten shorter since I last saw him. Joseph just stared at me, and everything went silent. 
 "What was that??" He asked as he put his hand up to his ear.
 "What!?" Has he really gotten that old?? I could've sworn... Ugh! I recollected myself with a sigh, Joseph was still oblivious to why I had been so frustrated. I sat back down and crossed my legs as Jotaro pulled up an extra chair. And on went the evening of much, much more explaining. 

 After a while Jotaro left and took Joseph with him, saying he'd come back and get me in a bit. Which left me alone with mostly people I didn't know. 
 "It still surprises me that you're Jotaro's wife! He's so picky when it comes to girls." Yukako spoke up  after the awkward silence had gone on long enough. I laughed,
 "Mhm! Trust me, he was even more picky when we were dating. It still kind of surprises me that we share the same last name now.. Haha!" I replied as I crossed my arms. 
 "I can't see why, he could definetely get someone prettier." I heard Rohan mutter. Josuke immediately turned to him with a glare. 
 "Do you have a girlfriend, or boyfriend, Rohan?" I asked with a glare. He returned my glare and turned away, "Figures." I chuckled. 
 "What's that supposed to mean?!" 
 "Oh nothing, just curious!"

 Jotaro finally came and picked me up before I started a brawl with Rohan. Who knew "celebrities" were such assholes, I do love his books though.
 I was so glad to be finally home and in bed that I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.


 Word Count: 1080

anyways gn uwu ily

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