Chapter Nine: Familiar Mornings, Part. 3

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 I yawned as I opened my eyes and sat up in my bed. The sun had rudely awoken me. I scooted to the side of my bed and locked my prosthetics into place. I stood up and looked around. Everything was normal. But it didn't feel that way. I scratched my scalp as I thought about today and today alone. It felt like it was the same. The same everyday. But maybe I'm just losing my mind, I sighed.
 "Noriaki? Are you finally awake in there?" I heard Jotaro ask as he came into the bedroom. I gave him a thumbs up. "Is everything alright? You look sick." He asked me as he walked up to me and held my face. 
 "Everything's fine, I'm just anxious." I muttered, he kissed me on the forehead. 
 "I'm sorry, it's all gonna be over after today. I promise." 
 "Speaking of today- What time are we leaving to meet up with Rohan?" I asked as I pulled away from him. 
 "8:30." He answered as he glanced at his watch. "It's 7:38, we should get going soon. We'll be walking." I nodded. 
 "I'll be ready in a minute."

 We left the hotel 20 minutes later, at 7:58. It was freezing this early, despite it being summer. And it was pretty cloudy too. I groaned as I realized I'd put my faith in the weatherman for today, Jotaro noticed me shivering and handed me his jacket, and we continued walking down the hill.
 After we were in the busier areas of Morioh we ran into Koichi, I almost forgot Rohan had called Koichi, Josuke, and Okuyasu to confront Hayato today. 
 "This might sound a bit silly- but I forgot what street Rohan mentioned! So I'm so glad I ran into you two!" Koichi explained to us as he walked besides us, I nodded and smiled at him. 
 "We're always happy to help, that's what we're here for." I reminded him. We rounded the intersection to the street we were meeting Rohan on, and it started to rain. I groaned as two women ran past us giggling and complaining about the rain. It was exactly 8:30 when we saw Rohan standing in the rain in front of his car. 
 "Rohan-sensei!" Koichi called out to him as he rushed up to him. Jotaro followed Koichi. But I stood there. This whole thing about repeating the days that I thought of was really getting to me.
 "Come on, Noriaki." Jotaro said as he turned around to me. 
 "Oh right! Coming!" I smiled to him as I started running towards them all.

 "Where's Josuke and Okuyasu?" I asked as we all stood in the rain. 
 "Forget them, where is Hayato Kawajiri? I did extensive research; He should be here and walking to school." Rohan glared at his watch that now read 8:32. I shrugged.
 "Maybe he's being slower because of the rain, I'm always a little late when I walk to school in the rain." Koichi added as he held his schoolbag above his head. "But Josuke and Okuyasu should be here by now.." 
 "I bet Josuke slept in or something, he's never on top of anything!" Rohan scoffed. "And don't even get me started on Okuyasu..." He trailed off with a glare. We fell into a silence as we waited for them. The only thing you could hear was the rain. Jotaro jumped after a certain sound at 8:46.
 "What's wrong?" I asked him. 
 "Nothing.. I just thought the rain sounded like Josuke." He shook his head. I slightly laughed.

  It finally stopped raining at 8:58, but there was still no sign of Josuke. "I'm so sick of those two idiots being late all the time!" Rohan glared at his watch. "I'm sick of waiting for Hayato too, where the hell could they be?" 
 "Give them time, Rohan-sensei!" Koichi exclaimed.
 "We should go look for them, off in that way." I suggested. It was 9:03.
 "Good idea," Jotaro said. 
 "You two go look, me and Koichi will stay here." Rohan muttered. Jotaro and I began to walk in the direction they should've been coming in. We walked past a bunch of empty houses, nothing was out of the ordinary. Until I spotted a man crouching down out of the corner of my eye. I turned. He was bleeding!
 "Jotaro!" I exclaimed as I tugged on his shirt. He turned to me and then the man crouching on the floor bleeding. I rushed towards him. "Are you ok-"
 "Ms. Kakyoin!!" I heard a familiar voice shout. I turned away from the man. 
 "Okuyasu!! Josuke!!" I said as I noticed them. My eyes widened when I noticed Josuke was bleeding. "Josuke are you okay!?" 
 "Don't mind me, get away from that man!!" Jotaro finally came over and noticed as well. "Both of you get away from him!! That's Yoshikage Kira!!" We both froze and looked at the man on the floor. I recognized him after looking at him again, it was Kosaku Kawajiri! Rohan was 100% right!! Jotaro grabbed me by the arm and ran over to Josuke and Okuyasu. I noticed what appeared to be Hayato crouching down besides them. 

 "You're all idiots!! I could never be defeated!!" Kira shouted as he got up and began to back away from us. "I'll kill all of you!!! I have before, and I'll do it again!! My stand is superior to all of yours!! You will all keep dying and dying until the end of time, and it will all be Hayato's fault!!" Kira screamed at us. What the fuck is he talking about? We all stood there in shock. Rohan and Koichi rounded the corner. 
 "Are you two alright? We heard a-!!" They both paused as they saw Josuke and Kira bleeding. Rohan rushed over to us while Koichi stood there, shocked. I grabbed him with Hierophant Green and threw him over here. 
 "It's over. Kira. You won't be able to hurt any of us, ever again." Jotaro glared at him. Kira began to laugh. 
 "You're wrong!! You're so wrong!!" He shouted between his insane burst of laughter as he fell to the floor, blood gushed out of his wounds. The sound of a fire truck began errupting behind him. That's when we all noticed the house next to us was on fire. The cars all parked and people began rushing around. A woman noticed Kira groveling on the floor and ran over. 
 "Hey!! We've got wounded!! Someone call an ambulance!!" She shouted as she ran over to him and sat beside him. "Sir- can you hear me? Everything will be alright! We're calling an ambulance."

 "Get away from her!!" Hayato screamed, but the woman ignored him. She noticed Josuke's injuries. 
 "We have more wounded!!" She shouted and more people ran over. Some taking Josuke off to the side and examining him. Kira sat up and grabbed onto the woman's hand. "Don't move! The ambulance will be here soon, sir." We all watched in horror as Killer Queen appeared next to him, touching the woman. 
 "Di... Did he just.." Koichi asked in horror. 
 "He did. What a sick motherfucker." Rohan muttered. The woman began to ask Kira questions. And Rohan scooted closer to Jotaro. "Jotaro.. It's time to use The World." I looked at Rohan as he whispered this. 
 "I'm perfectly aware of that, Rohan. But I'm too far away to do anything." 
 "What do you mean? I could totally grab him with Hierophant Green while time is frozen and we could beat the shit out of him, together." I glared at Jotaro. Rohan's eyes widened, he didn't know that I had powers like Jotaro.
 "Kira!! Go ahead and blow that dumb girl up!! I dare you!!" Josuke shouted from behind us. 
 "Josuke!!" Hayato exclaimed. "Calm down!"
 "Sir, please relax the ambulance will be here soon." A firefighter said to Josuke.
 "Yo-You all! I need to tell you something!!" Hayato shouted, we all turned to him. "I couldn't say it before- for the past 3 days if I said anything to you guys you would all blow up!! Kira has a secret ability called Bites The Dust!! He uses it to manipulate and bend time!! He's trying to erase you all from the universe!!" Hayato explained in horror. We all paused and stared at him. 
 "Is.. that really true?" Okuyasu asked. 
 "Yes!! And it only happens when you tell someone his real name!!" Hayato shouted. Kira slightly turned to us with a glare. He was still whispering to the nurse. She kept giving us dirty looks. 

 "Sir.. I need you to give us your name!" She said, finally being loud enough for us to hear. Kira laughed and looked at us again. 
 "Well.. If you must know.. My name is Yoshikage Ki-!!" 
 "HIEROPHANT GREEN THE WORLD!!!" I shouted before he could finish. The whole world stopped and me and Jotaro looked at eachother. "I was waiting for you to say that." I glared at him with a smile. 
 "It sounds cooler when you say it, now.. Do you wanna do the honors of beating the shit out of this guy together?" He asked, with the same smirk he had from when we were younger. I smiled. 
 "I'd love to!" Without any other words we began running over to Kira with our stands at our sides. Star Platinum grabbed Kira by his neck and threw him up into the air. Before him and Hierophant Green began to hit him with a barrage of punches.
 Time resumed, and Kira went flying backwards. Everyone gasped besides our commrades. The woman screamed in horror as he fell onto the concrete, I heard the ambulance finally showing up. 
 "No!! Stop!! There's someone back here!!" Jotaro immediately covered up my eyes as I heard Koichi gasp in horror and everyone make digusted sounds. He removed his hand after a moment. My eyes widened as I saw that Kira had been crushed underneath the ambulance that just showed up.

 He was dead...
 "It's.. It's all over." Jotaro said as we saw medics surround Kira's dead body. 
 "Thank god." Rohan sighed. We heard crying from behind us, we all turned. Hayato was sobbing on the floor. 
 "I'm never gonna see my dad again.. Am I?" He asked as he looked up to all of us. I frowned and bent down, I wrapped my arms around him. He began to sob into my shoulder. 
 "It'll be okay, Hayato. I promise." 

 Word Count: 1744

 Aaahh!!! I'm actually writing again!? I'm so happy right now!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I'll begin working on the last chapter tomorrow or tonight(or even after I post this). I know it seems kind of rushed, but I am so excited that this book is almost finally over!!! After I finish it I will began working on The Extras book, and post it back up for everyone to read once I have 100% finished it!! Jeez- I am so fucking happy right now!!
 Love Misa<3

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