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·He Definitely has ADD/ADHD(Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). Since he can never listen or concentrate/focus, mostly seen when he ignores his crew or allies and does as he seems fit for the situation (impulsiveness). And is obviously, very energetic, rarely running out it (hyperactivity).

·We know he gets tortured as a child (apparently for 7hours (did some research)). So physiology speaking, he would be very traumatized by that situation, and so would probably have nightmares with 'gloves'.

-After bluejam pirates, marineford (other trauma) ect, his 'trauma collection' would consist of gloves, fires, losing family/ friends, not being strong enough, survivors guilt, being the only brother left
+For me, I think, after ace dies, he.would also get nightmares from.when.sabo 'died',

-So ultimately there is a high chance he gets PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). As he did get nightmares (post to marineford, canon), flashbacks and were very severe(also canon). And, in my au at least, he has trouble sleeping, after such events.

·I think luffy would spend a day with each crew member, just them, spending time with luffy, him learning about what the crew members do in their free time.
For Example: Franky - shows he new invention or new additions to the ship ;Zoro- showing his new sword skills, training together ;Sanji- shows new dishes, training as well.And so on

·In luffy's captain cabin, I think he would have: a log book (I think he would of recorded his thought, dreams, voyages and nightmares); extra meat; something to remember his family&loved ones; a drawing pad(sabo's) ; some of Robin's books (that he 'borrowed'); bounties of friends/family(eg. Ace's, Sabo's, Shank's)
-Most/all of the others don't know of this(robin might), and this is my au-

·What he remembers loved ones (family's part) by(objects):
Ace-His necklace(Ivankov collected the beads for luffy, after he died)
Sabo- The pole (from when they were kids), and his pad(where he drew their hideout)
ASL-Their Asl flag and drawing of their hideout
Dadan- a red marble with white details(a gift from her on his birthday)
Shanks-the strawhat(obviously)
Makino- a brownish-greyish scarf with warm-white poka dots
Dragon- a black cloak (don't ask me when)
Garp- "after garp dies" his vice admiral marine cloak(part of my au)
+Instead of a log book, Rayleigh tells him of his voyages with Roger

That's it for now

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