Joyboy & Imu

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+This is more of a story. Of joyboys defeat and the world governments beginning. I heard this story somewhere but I have no idea if it was canon or not, but the story sounds like a good theory to me+

·So joyboy used to be king of the world (800 years ago). Him and Imu were friends/acquaintances(something like that) and one day imu decided to visit him. So she sailed to his destination and find him.

-However, Imu had wanted to make an organization that would rule the world, without pirates, with her at the top, so she went behind his back planning it for months. She had gathered information and found the only material that can kill him once pierced in his heart, and made it into a sword, long enough to pierce his heart from behind- as he's a big man.
-Why did she decide to use an object?
She was powerful. Hell, she was one of the strongest people in the world. But if joyboy used 100% of his power she would get defeated. But joyboy could only use 90-95% of his power but she decided not to risk it. Plus if they did have a fight the news would be massive-she wanted to be unnoticed/undiscovered for the crime-, and would cause to much destruction, and as said previously it would be a very risky fight to begin.
-So she sailed to his destination, to execute the final part in her plan. Worried she might get caught (once on the island) she hurried off to find him.
It all happened vey quickly. One moment he's relaxing in his castle, the next he's backstabbed by her (literally and metaphorically). Once she was sure he would die (and that no one is around/would know) she explained her envy for his power and a 'perfect' world without pirates.
-He then asked her to bring him to the forest, to at least die in peace (there isn't anyone there) and she agreed, since his she had at least some dignity left (was that the word?). She then left him to die in the peace in the forest.

- She made the world government and added her 20 (?) supports, to the second to top places, as she was at the top. Over the years, 20 supporters were made to be 5 for reasons. However she made only them known to the public, them being introducing after saying that joyboy died from a dieses and wanted them to now rule, most believed+accepted, that but others spread rumors of what could of happened 'instead'.
She made Japanese the global language, and outlawed the civilians knowledge of reading poneglyphs and kept that information to herself and the 20 higher ups, but over time only her and a few people in the world, who ignored that law/rule could read them. At the moment 2 of the higher ups can read poneglyph language but only some words so it doesn't do much good. She also outlawed people from becoming/being pirates, and the navy was to catch the people who disagreed, and carried on being a pirate. -This is all planned and decided by her but the higher ups present it to the public so No one knows of her existence.

· Unknown to her, he suspected something like this would happen, so a few months prior he had a meeting with Zunesha to asked for information on joyboy in the future. Will there be a reincarnation, or will there not,will the world be terror or freedom, ect. And he got his answers.
·Once imu left, joyboy said his last words quiet enough so she wont hear just in case. And they were:
-One day, in the future, someone will come, someone powerful, much more powerful than me, and will free the world from imu's grasp, defeating her forever. No one will see it coming, especially from them, for they, will want freedom and peace. And That will come from the family of the D's ; The will of D will be that!
· No one but the ocean heard his last words and so the ocean spread his words, Zunesha heard it and tried to spread his words but the people with the 'Voice of all' (I think that was what it was called) were decreasing so in the end, people only remembered that the D's had a prophesy- The will of D- but not what the 'will' was.
-Imu heard about a 'will of the Ds' but not much other information ,like from who it was prophesied, was revealed to her, since the ocean knew imu killed joyboy and knew if imu knew, all members from the D family would be sought after until no more D's existed.

± I really hope that made sense, and I'm sorry if it didn't. Ask about it if you didn't understand something and I will try to answer the question ±

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