The World's System

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± After the Governmental war (mentioned in chapter 'Wars'), the worlds system was changed, so this is how the system is now. It will make sense later on ±

·Yonko's (4 only): They are the strongest pirates on the sea (not including the pirate king)
·5th emperor: They are the backup yonko, so if one of the yonko die, they take their place- unless the yonko git defeated by someone else.
·Warlords/Shichibukai: They 3rd powerful to yonko's. Although they got disbanded, after the Government war they still had a sort of alliance with marines, so they made the group again
·King of the world (guess who): He is technically incharge of everything however the kings, queens ect of countries still have control over their countries. But he makes sure they are suitable and not going to abuse their power.
·New 'elders': This is 5 people who help the king with decisions & fights since their the kings closest friends. They also help other rulers to help out with the kings duties.
·Marines: They are only to arrest people with a criminal record that is unreasonable, for example luffy's is reasonable so he wouldn't get arrested
·Revolutionary Army: They got disbanded, since they're goal got completed(even if it wasn't by them directly)- to remove the government of their power.

-Some 'laws' or 'mottos' in the new world:
·A child is not to be judged by their parents action

± I hope you understood this chapter, and I might add more 'laws/mottos' larer on, Bye ±

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