Strawhats 5

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± I hope you like these- these are actually headcanons ±

·Usopp sometimes tells the crew some of his stories when their low to cheer them up- it does work most of the time.

·Chopper once had to paralyze Zoro because he just got stitches and he wouldn't stop moving, tearing his stitches.

·Luffy has an internal instinct on when one of the crew is feeling undeserving of happiness, unnecessary, useless ect. So he just goes to that person and makes them feel better then spends time with them. (This is sort of like a maternal feeling, if you ask me)

·On one night every month, the Og trio would(Luffy, Nami & Zoro), would take watch duty and spend the night watching the stars, training/fighting, and talking about the other members ect.

·Luffy normally trusts people however he always has gut feeling telling him who to trust- and so far it has been accurate.
-Like the gut feeling, this is similar. He can normally make quite accurate assumptions on people, which he also uses to judge people. It normally happens when he stares into their eyes. They feel like someone is staring into their soul and that all their 'imperfections' are on display.
Zoro can also, sort of, do this but not all the time, on some occasion-plus Luffy can do it much better/accurately.
> An example of this is when Luffy and Zoro could see Teach is 'they' and not 'him'. They could see/sense, he is more than one soul in the body.

· Jinbe teaches fish-man karate once a week for anyone- Luffy recommended it.

· I think in the older era, in Brooks era (before Rogers & Xebec era) there might of been some swordsman techniques that haven't carried on and so, aren't used anymore. So once a week(again), Brook teaches/tells Zoro about some of these techniques.

· Unknown to the crew, Luffy and Robin like to spend one night a month (or whenever Luffy has the energy for it), to read books about the past era(Rogers era), discus possibilities on it and she teaches him new words whilst reading. She is a bit like a english tutor to him, and they do it about Rogers era since it makes it interesting for him and Robin enjoys it.

·Because of Luffys 'sense', he tells Chopper when someone in the crew's mental health starts declining, and so, Chopper talks to them and lets them pet and cuddle him. In return of this information, Chopper lets him off from some stuff,like eating his greens.
-Since Chopper helps with physical, mental and emotional health of the crew.

·After joined Brook, Robin decided to write an information book on what goes on in the crew ect, for new members and later made a timetable as well. So like fish-man karate once a week ect.

± I'm actually quite prod of this chapter ±

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