02 | runaway delinquents

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Wednesday had no idea that the red haired girl had noticed her the day before staring at her, watching her little movement

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Wednesday had no idea that the red haired girl had noticed her the day before staring at her, watching her little movement. She didn't need sight to know when someone was watching her — it was routine by now for her to sense people's focus on her from afar, but something about the dark haired girl's presence felt completely different.

Brushing off the feeling of the girl's gaze she made her way down to the common area where she knew Principal Weems would be waiting. The girl has been assigned therapy as a court order a few years back after she hexed another kid for making fun of powers, they thought it was in her best interest to deal with her 'issues' in therapy rather than a metal cell.

"Ah Ms.Harding, glad you could join us." Weems spoke in a cheery tone that was laced with impatience, earning a confused glance by the redhead who was still stuck at the plural term in her sentence.

"I've asked Ms.Addams to join us as she also has therapy today, I thought no better way to make her feel welcomed then to have you escort her through Jericho." She stepped aside slightly revealing the girl that was watching her yesterday. She seemed as repelled to the idea of therapy as the witch in front of her.

Principal Weems got the two silent girls in the car before excusing herself quickly to get something she left behind.

Wednesday, who was in the passenger seat turned her head back to watch the blue eyed girl she had seen yesterday in such envious solitude.

"Wednesday Addams." She spoke quickly and matter of factly.

"I know who you are, I read that wolf's blog." The girl in the back seat barley moved as she shifted her eyes towards Wednesday.

"Her blog is severely incoherent, I've read serial killer diaries with much better punctuation." The girl in the front scoffed at the thought of reading the poorly written posts about her.

"I read you tried to kill a kid." She looked right into Wednesday's dark eyes.

"It was two kids, I don't see why everyone misses the second one." The girl all in black was rather annoyed that people had the audacity to get her story wrong.

"Well regardless — sorry you didn't get the chance to get the job done." The witch smirked very slightly at the sight of Wednesday's eyes widening at her response.

"Thea Harding." Finally returning the greeting the dark haired girl began the conversation with. And as if on cue, Principal Weems made her way back to the car quickly and sat back down in the drivers seat.

"Let's get a move on shall we?" The woman spoke as Wednesday turned her head back to the front, staring outside of the dashboard.

*. * ·

The ride to town was quiet, apart from a few failed attempts of conversation starters thrown by principal Weems, neither of the students spoke.

"Now I'll be waiting here for the next hour or so until both of you are done with your sessions." The tall blonde shooed off the two girls.

Slamming the door shut Wednesday took a look around, noticing the air here felt slightly more polluted than the air at the school. She watched her surroundings with deep focus as the crossed the street, standing in-front of the therapists office.

"You're planning on running away aren't you?" Thea watched as the dark eyes looked at every building around her trying to find some sort of way out.

"I've tried, it's not easy you know." The red haired girl stood in front of Wednesday.

"Anything that's easy is child play, I've always loved a challenge." Her eyes locked with Thea's her expression staying firm although it was clear she was excited to get as far away from here as she could.

They walked into the building as Wednesday still scanning her surroundings as best she could.

"The only window that you can fit through is on the second floor by the way." Thea's voice was slightly below a whisper as she kept walking along side the braided haired girl eyes widened shocked to believe she had knowledge of that.

"And how do you suppose you get down from that second floor window?" Wednesday glanced back at Thea who was now gesturing towards the stairs they had to make their way to.

"It's really not that high a jump." Thea smirked and shook her head before continuing.

"But I suppose if you're dying to know, there's a tree branch mid way down that makes the perfect step." The slightly taller girl finished.

Wednesday couldn't help but feel a burning pleasure in her viens to the fact that the girl knew so much about escaping. Intriguing to her how alike they were.

"I'll make you a deal Addams, I'll help you run away on one condition." Arriving at the top of the stairs, slumping down in the rough plastic chair across from the many offices.

Shooting a distasteful glance at the choice of brightness and color in the room she sat down next to the girl. "And that is?"

"I get my freedom too. It's only fair if I'm going to break my back for you to get away from here" Thea looked down at her hands, feeling them warm up with a stinging sensation of her powers at her finger tips.

"So you want to be a pair of runway delinquents?" Her tone was quiet and sounded like she was apposed to the idea, yet again that was her tone for everything.

"Unless you have any suggestions." The redhead now fidgeting her fingers in distraction. The pair were much more similar than they realized, apart from the fact that Thea wasn't capable of masking her emotions like Wednesday to be emotionless no matter how hard she tried.

"I'm in." Wednesday's voice almost hummed, she wanted nothing more than to run as far away as possible from Nevermore and was willing to sacrifice solitude for it — although with their similarities she figured it couldn't be so bad.

"Furthest door to the left is the bathroom with the window I'm talking about." Thea's voice lowered as she saw Kinibott — their therapist walk into her office.

"I'll go now, meet me in three minutes and then we'll make a run for it." She finished leaning close into Wednesday's proximity so she could hear her better.

Wednesday turned her head facing the blue eyes girl, their noses practically touching, Thea couldn't help but notice Wednesday not blinking despite how close they were.

"Don't disappoint me Harding." Thea stood up after the dark haired girl spoke, giving her a quick wink before walking towards the bathroom.

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