07 | i'll owe you one

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Reluctantly walking back to Thea's dorm after not finding anything, Wednesday spent most the night staring at the the piece of paper in different angles and lights

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Reluctantly walking back to Thea's dorm after not finding anything, Wednesday spent most the night staring at the the piece of paper in different angles and lights. Thea had attempted to stay awake and help as much as she could, but a few hours before dawn came she fell asleep draped over her grey couch.

As she awoke a few hours later, her neck sore and slightly confused on why she was on the couch rather than her bed, her eyes fell to her desk that had Wednesday slumped over it, asleep in what looked to be a very uncomfortable position. Thea couldn't help but smile seeing the braided haired girl in such a vulnerable state, simply allowing herself to rest, something that she figured Wednesday didn't allow herself to do much in the short time the witch had known her.

Thea got off the couch slowly praying it wouldn't creek as she shifted her weight off of it. Slowly making her way toward the girl sleeping, debating whether or not she should wake her.

She took a step back after noticing that if Wednesday were to wake up at that moment and saw Thea inches from her she'd probably be rather confused. She glanced at the wall that held her clock, she knew classes were cancelled for the day in preparation for the Poe cup but she figured the girl was not one to sleep in.

"Wednesday." The witch half spoke between a whisper and her normal tone, hoping that just that would be enough to wake her. But with her luck the braided haired girl didn't move a muscle.

"You have to be kidding me." Thea spoke in the same tone, she had spent enough time with the clairvoyant to know she wouldn't hesitate to drop kick Thea for bothering her.

"Wednesday" this time holding the last syllable a little longer, now stepping closer to her once more reaching her hand out to place on the girls shoulder.

As Thea's fingertips brushed Wednesday's arm softly she shifted and jolted up, as confused as Thea was when she woke up.

"How long have I been asleep?" Wednesday turned her head to face the witch, noticing the fact that her hand was still placed on her — not understanding the fact that it didn't make Wednesday want to grab her hand and break it.

"I have no clue, I just woke up now." The redhead pondered, and she quickly remembered her hand was still on Wednesday and she swiftly removed it hoping the clearly tired girl wouldn't think much of it.

Wednesday remembered Thea falling asleep rather well in fact because she remembered almost letting herself feel relief that the redhead was getting some rest, but Wednesday had quickly shaken off that thought and went back to the page.

*. * ·

"What benefits are there to this childish game?" Wednesday spoke as she glared at Enid painting the canoe with such detail. She had just returned from Rowan's room, his side now empty — as well as getting the pleasure of hiding under his bed while Xavier walked in with Bianca.

"Team spirit, bragging rights, and some other privileges." The wolf was practically singing in excitement. Wednesday loved the feeling of revenge, and she loved acting upon it, so much so that she was willing to sacrifice being seen engaging in such a revolting act.

Without a response the dark haired girl left to find Thea, knowing exactly where she'd be — the spot where she first saw her.

She made her way to the far end of the quad quickly, walking up to the witch who was against the tree sketching the logo they couldn't figure out. Thea knew Wednesday was standing above her but she chose to keep drawing, letting Wednesday speak first.

"You said something about us being this sort of team?" She spoke matter-of-factly, her eyes falling down to the paper that Thea was sketching on.

"I recall that conversation." The witch looked up at the girl with deep brown eyes waiting for her to continue her train of thoughts.

"Well I have a suggestion for you, as my partner and all." Wednesday blinked a few times quickly trying to regain control of her eyelids. She was nervous, not quite sure why but she was.

Thea looked up at her, finally putting her her pencil down and motioning for Wednesday to bend down to her level. The dark haired girl followed the request and bent down, resting one of her knees on the ground.

"The Poe cup, I want you to join with me." Her tone was firm but not in an agressive way as she watched Thea raise her eyebrows.

"You want us, the two outcasts in a school of outcasts to join a team spirited competition?" The red haired girl laughed slightly.

"It is purely for revenge purposes — and let's just say I'll owe you one afterward." Wednesdays dark eyes locked into the witch's blue ones.

"Can I at least know whose revenge we are seeking?" Thea spoke as Wednesday got up, putting out her hand for Thea to grab on to. The witch was surprised with the initiation of hospitality — let alone touch, but she grabbed her hand anyway and pulled herself up.

"Bianca Barclay's."

*. * ·

Now the pair were in Jericho, their therapy sessions back to back once again. As they walked close together but not touching they saw Tyler walking out of Kinbott's building.

"You guys are always together, what are you a package deal?" He made his way to the girls, his eyes going from Thea to Wednesday, his eyes staying on the dark haired girl longer than he intended.

"Something like that." Wednesday broke the silence that quickly filled the three of them. They knew he would try and bring up the harvest festival.

"Before you call us crazy like your dad, we know what we saw coffee boy and we don't intend to stand here and hear your so called reasonings." Thea snapped at him before he had the chance to speak, she didn't trust the normie. She did however gain a very sly smirk from the girl next to her.

"No that's not — I agree with you guys." He lifted both his hands slightly in surrender, trying to get his message across.

"Agree that it's not a bear?" Wednesday was now the one to speak, her tone firm once more but this time roughly.

"I've seen my dad's files, no bear could do that." The curly haired boy spoke again.

"Okay, now go before you get caught talking to us outcasts." Wednesday shot back, slightly less rude than her words before but certainly not civil.

"I'm glad we're on the same page." Tyler began to walk, reaching out his hand to place on Wednesdays shoulder before she ducked out of his way before he could even touch her.

He walked off quickly after that, Wednesday looked down to see Thea's hands suddenly burning with black rage, she watched as the witch noticed it herself and shook her hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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