9. Trick

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Many years ago

Helaena always knew she was different. She never thought much on it though when she was younger it was as she grew and didnt grow out of liking insects and her riddles that made her mother's face pinch.

When Jace and Luke were born she was curious. Helaena looked like her siblings, silver hair and violet eyes but her looks were not what her cared most about. Alicent wanted Helaena to be normal. 

What was normal though? Helaena thought as Alicent ushered her into her studies and hoped that her fascination with insects would wean away and her strange dreams would fade. Her riddles would stop and she would be the perfect little lady. 

But her passions shifted. 

"Stop, stop, stop." Helaena demanded standing on the table in the kitchen. "We can't eat meat. Meat is animals. Did you know that?" Helaena questioned the kitchen staff. They blinked back at her. "It's wrong and unjust. It must stop. We must stop this." she declared.

Helaena had hoped her little decree of no more killing and eating animals in the capital would expand throughout the entirety of westeros. She hoped that all the little bunnies and chickens and cows, all the animals being feasted upon would be free. 

Her hopes plummeted when Viserys vetoed her orders and the knights and Aegon and Aemond went out on a hunt.

"No, no did you not know?" Helaena questioned trying to stop them. "Meat, is animals, we have been eating animals. Little bunnies and deer's and it needs to stop. I'm sure you didnt know, I didnt know either but now that you do know. We must put a stop to it and save the animals." Helaena had told Viserys. 

He laughed in her face. Helaena sucked in a sharp breath as he told her that he knew and he didnt care. They were good protein and their skins and furs would be used for clothing, no part of the animal would go to waste, so it was fine. 

That didnt make it any better though. She screamed in outrage that such cruelty was going on right under their noses and everyone seemed to know about it. 

She set out to save the animals of kings landing. 

Helaena joined, Aegon, Aemond and Ser Harwin on a hunt and proceeded to call out to the animals, warning them.

"Be free!" Helaena screamed. "Swim, can you swim?" She asked chasing after them as Aegon groaned out. "Perhaps the narrow sea, the free cities, perhaps they will be safer my furry friends!" Helaena declared. 

Harwin watched as Helaena scared off the hunt flapping her arms and demanding the animals run for their lives for their own protection. He admired her gumption but it wasnt going to work. There were too many people all over westeros and her little message wasnt going to be heard. 

"You are rather tall." Helaena remarked coming up to Harwin. "You have a loud voice, I presume." Harwin chuckled. 

"I do." He agreed. 

"Could you tell the knights for me? ANd the guards, maybe people will listen because you are so tall and scary." Helaena offered. "No one seems to be listening to me." 

"Oh princess," Harwin whispered kneeling before her. How could he tell her that people would not change no matter what she said or what he said. 

"Also if you could tell the king that hunts are failing and the animals are getting very smart, that would help as well." Helaena offered innocently. 

She just wanted to help, so save little lives, she didnt understand why it was so hard. She didnt know what she was doing wrong. Aegon called her idiotic and Helaena gnawed at her cheek as she looked to Harwin. 

"Would you? Could you help me?" Helaena asked hopefully. 

"I will try my best." Harwin agreed. 

"Thats all anyone can ever hope for." Helaena offered.

"I will go on a hunger strike with you Hela." Aemond offered. 

"I'm not, not eating." Helaena corrected. "Just meat. Did you know they have been tricking us into eating animals for years?" 

"Idiot, what did you think was in chicken stew!" Aegon cackled. Helaena's face turned down as she fisted and unfisted her hands anxiously. 

"It's okay Hela." Aemond assured. "Now you know and you can... they were making chicken stew today though... it's my favorite." Aemond told her and she could see the dilemma in his eyes. "Could I start next moon?" 

"Do you think anyone would notice if I brought home a rabbit?" Helaena countered. "I would take good care of it, I would love it and give it carrots and lettuce and maybe dress it up." 

She never did get that rabbit.

A Place in This World // Helaena TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now