Why Hello There

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Chester meticulously snuck throughout the Candy Palace. The moonlight from the upper windows struck the ground giving him light. Candies such as B Gum, Toxic Gobstoppers, Balls-O-Honey, and other such teeth rotting material lined several shelves and racks.

Chester: "Don't go eating the candy, Chester! We have to save those for the customers, Chester! Don't give me the excuse of magical fairies, Chester! I won't believe that again!" Chester raises his voice to a higher pitch. "Well, Mandy, you might've been able to stop me in the morning, afternoon, and during my break, but you can't stop me in the middle of the night!" Chester whispers.

Chester continues to traverse throughout the store until he reaches a pink door with a golden doorknob. Chester gazes upon a nameplate that had Mandy's name ingrained and an oh so very small part of it which read, "No one is allowed in here without permission, especially Chester."

Chester: "Pfft. As if I would ever do that."

Chester then noticed an even smaller piece of text which read "And don't say that you would never do that. We both know you would."

Chester: "I'm not that predictable. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. But, you can never fool a fool."

Mandy & Chester: "Three times."

Chester: "AAAH!" Chester precedes to jump backwards against the door. "H-H-Hey, M-M-Mandy. H-How are you d-d-doing," Chester says wearily while he starts to sweat.

Mandy: "Oh, you know. I was just continuing my TWENTY FOUR HOUR SURVEILLANCE to ensure that no one would do anything to the new candy shipment when I heard the jingling of bells. At first, I thought Santa had come early this year, but I discovered someone who was more like Krampus." Mandy jitters. She consumes black jellybeans within a mug.

Chester: "H-How were you a-able to stay up this long?" Chester fiddles with his hands.

Mandy: "Oh, that?" Mandy swirls the mug in her hands. "The wonders of coffee flavored jelly beans. Only $4.99 a pound. So, what are you doing here?" She says rather haphazardly.

Chester: "I was just here to. . .get an early start to work?"

Mandy: "HAHAHA! Good one! Keep that up, and you might be an actual jester!"

Chester: "Yeah. . .haha!" Chester says wearily. "Well, I'm just gonna go." Chester points in a random direction with both hands and starts to walk away.

In an instant, Mandy grabs the collar of his shirt.

Mandy: "I never said that you couldn't work now." She takes a "sip" of her "coffee". "Grab a broom. Rock candy chandlers don't necessarily leave this place the cleanest." She pushes Chester towards the janitor's closet.

Chester: "But I-"

Mandy: "Will do it? Of course you will! After all, you're my f-a-vorite employee." Mandy struggles to say the word favorite.

Chester: "But I'm your only employee."

Mandy: "Exactly. I have no one to compare you to. You should feel so proud!" She pleasantly trotts towards her office. "I'm going to take a nap. When I wake up, I want to see this place spotless. Got it?"

Chester: "*Sighs* Got it," Chester says defeatedly.

Mandy: "Good. Well, good night. Or, good morning I suppose since it's 4:28 in the morning," Mandy states cheerfully (or at least as cheerfully as a sleep-deprived, caffeinated woman could say it).

Chester: "But that's two hours and thirty two minutes until my shift starts!"

Mandy: "And that's how long it should take you to clean the entire store."

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