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Mandy: "Here you are, little girl! I hope you enjoyed your stay at the Candy Palace!" She states with a wide grin while handing Jessie her bag of candy.

Jessie: "Well, thank you, ma'am." Jessie takes the bag and walks away.

Mandy: "Hehe, I'm not that old!" She says through her gritted teeth somewhat aggravated.

Jessie leaves the store with the jingling of a bell to signify her departure. Seeing that the customer has exited the premises, Mandy rests her arm atop the front desk, and she lays her head upon the hand connected to said arm. She strums her fingers along the counter as she looks about the shop. No one. Not a customer in sight. A ghost town if you will.

Mandy: "Huh, it's only 4:45. . .Where is everyone?" She stews upon her throne.

An eerie silence set in. So much so, that one could hear the chandelier overhead creaking. Mandy swings her leg over an armrests while resting her head upon the other.

Mandy: "*Pop* *pop* *pop* All right, I oughta ask, where's Chester? It's been. . ." She checks her phone. "Two minutes and I haven't heard a peep."

Mandy sits up, and she gazes at the room. No faint snickering. No glitter bombs. No nothing. She hastily shoots a glance at both sides of her throne to ensure that Chester isn't there. After all, he does have a way of sneaking up on people despite his bells.

Mandy: "Ugh! Chester, I swear, if you're hiding somewhere I'm gonna lose it!" She shouts.


Mandy: "*Sigh* I guess I gotta look for that fool, not that he would do the same for me." Mandy rises from her throne.

Mandy walks throughout  the store with her honey staff hung over her shoulder. She suspected to see something out of place or a trace of his whereabouts, yet she found nothing.

Mandy: "Yeash, it's quiet without someone talking to ya."

Suddenly, Mandy hears scuffling and murmurs from the employee break room.

Mandy: " *Knock* *knock* oh my God, CHESTER! What are you doing in there?! You better not be eating any of the products, or else I'll put your head on a pike!" She shouts while furiously knocking on the door. She attempts to open the door. However, no matter how much force is applied to the doorknob, it won't open.

Chester: "Mmm. . .no. . .no! T-That c-c-can't be it. . .B-B-But what if. . ." The sound of a dry erase marker is audible from behind the door. "Yes! YES!"

Mandy: "CHESTER! What are you doing in there?!" She bangs on the door.

Chester: "T-That's it! That's their m-m-motivation! Hehehe! O-Of course, h-h-how c-c-could I have n-n-not seen it b-before?!

Mandy: "That's it, Chester! I'm giving you to the count of three to open this door!"

Chester: "B-B-But what would th-th-they want with u-us?"

Mandy: "One."

Chester: "P-P-Pleasure?"

Mandy: "Two."

Mandy: "P-Power?"

Mandy: "THREE!" Mandy rams against the door, and it falls with a loud crash.

Chester: "Boredom?" He taps the end of the marker against his chin.

Mandy: "Cheste-" She becomes mute once she sees the break room in its current state.

Within the break room lies a round table that is surrounded by chairs with candy cane legs, pink backs, and pink seats. However, these have all been knocked over as well as scattered about the room. Several gingerbread cupboards line the walls. Also, a gingerbread counter exists below the cupboards. While being nice in its clean form, it is certainly a grizzly sight to see partially full cola bottles covering it with its contents. Pools of cola dot the area around the counter. Several candy wrappers lining the ground. Finally, there's Chester who seems to have not noticed that Mandy has entered the room. He remains consumed in his work. His work sprawls across a white refrigerator, which has several markings, words, arrows, and pictures drawn upon it.

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