Innocence Is Waning

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Brawl Talk releases.

Mandy: "*Shudders* Eugh!" Mandy grips the sides of her sweatshirt, and she displays a disturbed face.

Chester: "What's wrong? Spent too much time looking at your face?" He smirks pompously while glancing at her.

Mandy: "Sh-Shut up! *Shivers* Eugh! There it is again." She sits upon her throne. She then tucks her knees in the direction of her chest.

Chester: "Uhh. . ." He raises a finger to his chin. "Oh!" He points upwards while his mouth is open. "Ya know, for being a candy queen, you are rather sour." Chester acts as though he's holding a microphone, with one hand, and doing stand up comedy. "Eh? Eh?" He shrills.

Somehow, somewhere, a tomato is launched at Chester. The contents of the tomato cover Chester's face. Chester furrows his eyebrows and stomps his foot.

Chester: "Oh come on! Where did that even come from?!" He exclaims.

"Boo, you suck!"

Chester: "I-wha? I-err!"

Chester wipes his face, he tosses the remnants of the tomato in a random direction, and he stares at Mandy.

Chester: "All right, I'll bite. What's wrong?" He says exaggeratedly while placing his elbows upon the counter.

Mandy: "I don't know. I think something's wrong." Mandy lifts her hand to her head. She displaces her hair in the process.

Chester: "What could possibly be wrong? It hasn't even been. . .Wait, hold on." Chester quickly draws a crude wristwatch atop his wrist. "Ehh. . ." He squints at his wrist for a surprisingly long time. "Oh yeah, that's right. I can't read clocks." Chester maraciously removes his newly drawn wristwatch." Still, what's there to worry about?" He inquires.


A dark room is shown, and a flickering lamp provides light for the table below. Four fingers emerge from the darkness. Their faces bear the logo of certain apps.

Wattpad Writers: "Okay, we strike now!" They slam their fist upon the table.

Insatagram Artists: "Hmm, shouldn't we wait? It hasn't even been a second yet." They levitate a couple of centimeters above the ground.

Wattpad Writers: "No, we must act while there is still time. God knows how long this period of time will last until there are hundreds of stories and art about these characters!" They shout

Rule 34 Artists: "***** ***** ***** ********** ********** ** ******** ****** *** ** **** ******** **** ***** **." I. . .I can't even describe that.

Wattpad Writers: "Exactly! You see? They get it!"

Twitter Artists: "I don't know guys. . .Maybe we shouldn't start now."

Wattpad Writers: "*Sighs* And Maybe you should stop shipping Max and the newest female brawler all the time," they state sternly.

Twitter Artists: "I. . . ," they murmur meekly.

Wattpad Writers: "*Sigh* Guys, look, I'm looking out for all of us here. We all help each other. I mean, without you guys, I wouldn't have any art to steal from and poorly credit?" They point to the figures with the Instagram and Twitter logo. "And you. . ." They point to the figure with the Rule 34 logo.

Rule 34 Artists: "***** *** ** * ****** **** ** **** ** *. ****** **** ** ******** *** * ** * *****?"

Wattpad Writers: "You. . .you. . .exist. . . Look, fellas, if not for me then do it for the people who like Brawl Stars, who love Brawl Stars, and the people who would support Brawl Stars through thick and thin." They speak confidently with one of their hands by their chest.

Silence is the only response they receive.

Wattpad Writers: "And for the shippers," they mutter.

The other beings speak cheerfully of that response, and they place their hands in the middle of the table with excitement. However, the figure with the Wattpad logo held some reluctance.

Wattpad Writers: "Ready?"

Twitter Artists: "Ready!"

Instagram Artists: "Ready."

Rule 34 Artists: "*****."

All Four: "Break/*****!"

Hence, the four beings retreated to their corners of the internet. Legend has it that they are still creating new forms of Brawl Stars Candyland media to this very day.

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