Chapter 4

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~~~Ravin's POV~~~

I was so excited I made a new friend. I'm not sure why, but people don't really accept me. After Elizabeth took off, I decided to follow. "I feel like a stalker..." I whispered to myself. Oh well, I don't care. Soon Elizabeth stopped at a small house and went inside. I peeked in through the window and watched her. She was talking to an old woman, probably her grandma. After awhile Elizabeth headed upstairs and I sat down. "Now what?" I hadn't really planned what I would do next. I didn't even think I would get this far!

I decided to knock, so I did. The old woman came to the door. "How may I help you? She asked politely. I did a little bow, "I'm a friend of Elizabeth's." She had a shocked expression but smiled wide. "How nice of you to visit! Elizabeth is in her room to the left of the washroom."I thanked her and she moved aside and I walked in.

I went to where she said her room was, and peeked in the door. I was shocked to see Elizabeth kissing someone! I felt slightly jealous that she had someone and I didn't. The guy was very handsome, and I wanted someone like him. Elizabeth's eyes wandered upwards and landed on me. Her eyes widened and then she frowned at me. "Oh..! I'm so sorry to intrude on you two." I felt incredibly awkward getting caught spying on them. I only hoped it didn't make her think anything different of me. 

~~~Elizabeth's POV~~~

When I saw Ravin watching us I felt kind of creeped out. She hadn't really done anything but... There was something about her. It almost felt like something.. Sinister. "Can you please leave?" I asked as politely as I could. She didn't respond at first, she looked confused. Finally she said, "Are you two together?" I felt my face heat up a bit, we hadn't really talked about what we were. I looked toward Alec and he nodded his head. "Yeah we are." He smiled brightly with a twinkle in his eye. 

She stared at us blankly and rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm so sorry I'll go now!" She quickly exited the room. Alec looked at me and I shrugged. I was just glad that she left. I sat on the bed and let out a sigh. Alec shushed me with a kiss, and then he rubbed my back. It's great to have someone who cares.

Alec went home and I laid in my bed and sighed. I wasn't sure what to do. I stared at the ceiling for what felt like hours, until slipping into an uncomfortable and restless sleep.

I awoke later and went out to the market. Picking through the vegetable cart, I noticed some girls watching me. They were laughing among themselves and pointing. I was really confused as to why they were acting so weird. I walked over and demanded what their problem was.

"We heard you're the town whore! They said giggling. "Sleeping around with all the men, gross!" One of them looked at me seriously and said, "Don't you dare come anywhere near my man. Or you'll regret it." Before I could say anything they walked away.

My day didn't get any better. Men would walk up to me, and try to get me to sleep with them. Girls would point and stare in disgust. That's how the entire day went. My heart felt numb and I struggled to hold in my tears, how did this happen? I wasn't quite sure who had started this lie but it disgusted me.  I decided I had enough and followed a path into the woods.

Whenever I was upset, I enjoyed going out for a walk. It always helped clear my head and what not. Today was no different, and I quickly felt better. The sounds of birds chirping calmed me down. I sat down by a large tree Alec and I always climbed, and cried. I let my tears flow freely, letting years of pain escape. Once I was done I felt better and fell asleep.

~~~Alec's POV~~~

After leaving Eliza's home I went and walked around the village for awhile, lost in thought. That girl had been kind of weird, and I didn't quite understand it. The look she gave Elizabeth was one of envy. I've known Eliza for a very long time and wasn't quite sure what she could've done that would make her envious of her. I was walking but was stopped when there was a hand placed on my arm, turning me to face them.

Confusion crossed my face but my expression hardened upon seeing who it was. The girl from Eliza's cottage stood before me, with a giant grin on her face. "We got off on the wrong foot earlier, greetings I am Ravin." She gave me a quick bow and smiled at me. "I'm very sorry for what happened earlier. I didn't mean to watch or anything. Please let Elizabeth know I'm sorry, will you?" I nodded my head at her. "Okay, I'll let her know." Ravin seemed okay, I figured she felt bad for the whole thing. 

"Do you know where she went off to? I saw her running away from town earlier with tears in her eyes. She seemed very upset." Ravin looked at me with concern on her face. "Really? Do you know where she went to?" Ravin stood there for a moment with a thoughtful look on her face. "It looked like she was heading for the forest." There had been some wild wolves spotted in the area recently, making me worry. After I said thank you I left in the direction of the forest, very worried for her safety.

I knew I couldn't do this on my own, wolves were quite dangerous and I didn't have anything to fight them with. I quickly ran to the nearest guard outpost and told them that Elizabeth was in trouble. They urged me to stay here and wait for them to come back, but there was no way I wasn't going to go with them. Elizabeth meant everything to me and I would be there for her no matter what. We quickly headed off in the direction of the forest. 

Elizabeth and I spent a lot of time there as kids. I knew the layout inside and out. I was pretty sure where she would head to if she was upset. There was a specific tree that we spent a lot of time at. It was very large and we spent our days trying to conquer it. She was actually the first one to climb all the way to the top. 

~~~Elizabeth's POV~~~

I awoke some time later and yawned. It was a peaceful sleep, I stood up. Looking up at a large old tree Alec and I used to climb all the time, bring a smile onto my face. I hadn't climbed in a long time though, so it was doubtful that I still could. Suddenly, I heard howls coming from somewhere nearby and I panicked. I thought there were no wolves in England anymore! Obviously there are though, I took off running as fast as I could.

I heard growling coming from behind me and I stole a glance over my shoulder. There were about 6 wolves chasing me, gaining fast. I ran and ran, when suddenly my foot caught on a tree root and I sprawled on the ground. Ouch, I stood up, and the wolves were completely surrounding me. Quickly I jumped onto my feet, and leaped at the tree, trying as hard as I could to get a firm grip and pull myself up. One of the wolves lunged at me and his jaws closed around my ankle, trying to pull me down. Pain exploded in my ankle and I felt blood start to pour out of the wound.

I screamed for help, hoping someone would hear me. Suddenly, the wolf that had a firm grip on me tugged me down, and I sprawled out onto the ground, groaning in pain. The wolf quickly retreated to its pack and snarled menacingly. His muzzle was covered in blood, and his teeth had a red tint to them. The wolves circled me, closing the distance. One of them lunged forward and snapped at me, catching my leg. It tore through my dress and ripped it. The wolf had ripped through part of my leg, and I was bleeding. As the blood went down my leg, the wolves got closer.

I was confused, I didn't know what to do. I could sit here, and die, or I could try to fight back. I put up my fists, and readied myself. A wolf lunged at me and I punched it in the nose. It yelped but that just got the others angry. All at once the wolves pounced at me, only once reached me though, past the wolfs shoulder I saw the others were being shot down by arrows. The wolf on me was pried off, and its throat slit. I looked up to see my savior.

I was surprised to see the Kings knights looking at me. There were 3 of them. A guy that looked like the leader said, "Are you okay, miss?" I nodded, "A few scratches... But I should be fine." He saw my leg and ankle bleeding and gasped. I looked down and saw just how much blood I had lost. I started feeling faint and weak and I fell to the ground. I could just barley make out a voice, "We'll get you help it's okay..." The last thing I saw before I passed out was Alec's concerned face staring down at me. Then, my world went dark.



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