Chapter 15

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It has been 3 months since the battle at Victor's castle. The Kingdom was now at peace. Shortly after the battle, we had to bury Alec's father. It was a very sad time, in which Alec was quiet and not talkative. To make matters worse, Valerie had passed away from disease. When we lowered him into the ground, I had noticed tears fall down Alec's cheeks. Unfortunately by the time I had made it to Bill's side, he was already gone. I shook my head, trying not to relive the past, but instead focus on the future. I waddled around the castle, looking for James. Today was going to be James and I's coronation. We were soon to become the new King and Queen. Everyone decided it would be best to unite both of the Kingdoms into one. I was expecting the baby any day now, and James couldn't be happier. "Hello my future Queen," A guard bowed to me. "The King and Queen wanted me to find you, it's time for the coronation to begin." I was was a nervous wreck, I definitely wasn't prepared for this. Making my way to the garden I walked out and saw James already standing there, looking dapper as ever. When he saw me, he smiled lovingly.

Stepping up to the platform, I looked around the garden. Tons of people from the Kingdom were in attendance. James and I stood in front of the Archbishop. "Great the Princess is here, it's time to begin." The Archbishop started with James, asking what he needed, and then at the end placed a crown upon his head. Turning toward me, he repeated it. "Do you swear to protect your people, to the best of your ability? To rule them as a whole, as a merciful Queen? Will you do everything you can to help them, no matter what?" Kneeling down, I spoke strongly, "I solemnly swear." The Archbishop's voice rang out loudly, for all to hear. "Then I now announce you, as the new King and Queen." Placing the crown proudly above my head. I stood up, facing the people below. Cheers rang out through the air, James and I joining hands.

After the coronation, I felt a heavy weight placed on my shoulders. James seemed to notice, and comforted me. "What seems to be the problem Elizabeth? I can see the stress on your face." I took in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "I just feel so much pressure now, to be the best I possibly can." James put his fingers under my chin, tilting my head up. "Just be yourself, they all love who you were before. Nothing will change as long as you stay true to yourself." His words seemed to soothe me, and I nodded. "Thank you James, you really are a gentleman." Suddenly, I doubled over in pain, liquid leaking through the bottom of my dress. "Eliza!" James called, holding me. "Are you alright?" Shaking my head furiously, I managed to grunt out. "I think.. The baby is on the way." This alarmed James, and he managed to swoop me up into his arms, running into our bedroom. After placing me on the bed, he ran out the door. I could hear him yelling frantically, "Someone, please get the midwife. The Queen is having her baby!" A short time later a woman ran into my room, standing next to the bed. "It's alright my lady, I will help you through this, no matter what."

The next ten hours were filled with the most immense pain imaginable. I was exhausted, but knew I had to stay awake. "Keep going, we're almost there... And..!" I heard small cries fill the air, as a breath of relief left me. James walked next to my side, holding our child in his arms. "It's a.. Boy." James said, beaming at me. "What would you like to name him, my love?" Thinking for a few moments, I whispered. "How about.. Cole?" James loved the idea, and nodded happily. "Cole Davenport... I love it." He handed me Cole, and I looked into his little blue eyes. "His eyes are a beautiful shade of blue.. Just like his mother's." James murmured, staring at him. "He's the most perfect child. One day, he will make a fine ruler." I agreed with James, kissing Cole's head. It's hard to believe but now I'm 25 years old. Time passes quickly when you're with the ones you love . It was quiet, except for the sounds of Cole's small coos. After he had been put in my arms, he seemed to almost instantly calm down. I knew he was probably hungry, so I gently re-positioned him. He latched onto my breast softly, and began to eat. I looked up at James, and saw awe in his eyes as he watched our son. "I'm quite jealous of him." He joked, causing me to let out a small laugh. "When he ages, I can't wait to teach him everything there is to know." James had a small smile on his face, as he kissed Cole's head. I realized just how tired I was,l after that long ordeal. "I'm feeling rather tired, would you like to watch him for awhile while I get some rest?" James grinned at me, and I handed Cole to him. Cole looked so small in James's arms, which made me smile. "I'll come find you later, you two have fun." James left the room, and I closed my eyes. Falling asleep with a smile on my face.

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