Chapter 10

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"Hey... Wake up!" ...... "Helloooo, wake up, come on." ..... "ELIZABETH WAKE UP!" Shooting out of bed, a warm pair of arms caught me, saving me from hitting the floor. I looked up, and saw none other then Alec. "Alec...? How did you get in here without anyone seeing you?" Motioning to the window, he smiled warmly at me. "I just climbed." Suddenly realizing he was still holding me, my cheeks flushed. Alec noticed and laughed, "I missed seeing your beautiful smile... How have you been doing? I heard about what happened..." I realized he was shaking with anger, and wrapped my arms around him.

"Shh, it's okay Alec, I'm fine." Setting me down gently, he sighed. "I just don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you..." His face turned away, but I grabbed his chin and made him look me in the eyes. "I'm fine, okay? Don't be upset.. The person will be caught." Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. I panicked, grabbing Alec's hand and shoving him under the bed. "Come in." A maid walked in carrying my breakfast, "Good morning princess, Prince James made this for you and requested I bring it to you." Setting the breakfast down on my bed, she bowed. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No thank you, please tell James thank you for me." Nodding she headed out, shutting the door behind her. A few moments later there was a hand on my shoulder, "Princey made you breakfast huh.." I looked at him, frowning. "He's really not that bad Alec.. He feels the same way I do about it, he was forced into it. Alec wrapped his arms around me, leaning down close to my face. "Good... Because you're all mine." Alec started planting kisses all over my face and neck, making my legs weak. "Oh Alec..." I pulled his lips to mine forcibly, our lips melting together. Pulling me on the bed with him, Alec put me under him, kissing me deeply. Wrapping my fingers in his hair, I kissed him fiercely.

In between kisses Alec huskily whispered, "I missed you Elizabeth... So much." Slipping my hand under his shirt, I rubbed his bare back. Slipping his shirt off, I placed small gentle kisses all over his chest, making him groan. "Eliza..." Suddenly we were interrupted by the sound of the door turning very slowly. Alec quickly jumped off the bed and climbed out the window, whispering to me. "Until later my love," before he vanished.I turned to the door just as it burst open. Patricia waltzed in, smiling oddly at me.

"I heard what happened with the whole poison thing, I feel so bad. Are you okay?" I looked at her oddly, "I'm fine... why do you ask?" Patricia grinned at me, "Well, I wanted to hang out with you today, to take your mind off of what happened." I don't really think I trust her... But I guess there's really no harm in it. "Sure... What are we gonna do?" Patricia beamed at me happily, "I was thinking we could walk to the southern woods, there's a place I want to show you."

"Um... No thanks Patricia.. I don't really trust you enough to go anywhere like that with you, sorry." Her face fell, "Well okay... Maybe next time." She stalked out of the room angrily, slamming the door. Sitting down, I sighed, wishing that none of this had happened. Maybe everything would finally go back to normal, and nothing else bad would happen. Of course though, with my luck, this was only the beginning.

A few weeks passed without incident, everything seemed normal around the castle and the guards had basically given up on trying to catch who poisoned me. With the lack of technology we had, it's easy to understand why. I walked past Alec's room, letting my eyes casually slide over his door and sighed. We still weren't allowed to see each other and it upset me to no end. Over these few weeks James and I had gotten to be good friends, though. He was a lot sweeter once you got to know him. Patricia kept pushing to go out with me, but I kept turning her down. Something just doesn't seem right about her.

I had been thinking about how James loved that girl who was locked in the castle dungeon, and I had decided what I was going to do. I wasn't ready to tell anyone about it, and was waiting for the perfect time to tell James. I was walking through the kitchen and Patricia grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. I looked at her annoyed, "What is it you want?" She stared at me with wide eyes, "I have a message for you from Alec..." A loud gasp escaped my mouth, "Really? What did he say?" She twiddled her thumbs and mumbled, "He said that he really misses you, and to meet him at the fountain at nightfall."

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