Chapter 11

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Upon walking into the room, the first thing I noticed was the two people sitting at the dining table. Obviously the King and Queen, they held their heads high and proudly. Both of their hairs had already grayed from stress and age. The King had a hard expression on his face, while the Queen was gently smiling. James pulled me along and we approached their side of the table. They both stood up, and the King held out his hand for me to shake. Reluctantly, I shook his hand and was about to shake the Queen's when she randomly enveloped me in a tight hug. Releasing me, she flashed me a huge smile, "Hello, I am Queen Dahlia, but you can call me Dahlia and this is my husband King Ronald. When we heard our little Jamie was bringing a girl home..." James quickly cut off his mom, "Mother, please don't get any ideas, you don't even know why I brought her here yet."

Dahlia sighed, "Oh Jamie, always have to spoil all my fun." King Ronald cleared his throat and gestured towards the table, "Please, have a seat you two, I would like to hear the news." I went to sit at the table and was surprised when Jame's pulled out, and pushed in my chair for me. I heard Dahlia let out a soft Awww, and was kind of surprised that she was less uptight then I thought she would be. It was kind of awkward around the table for a few minutes until King Ronald spoke. "So, what exactly is this news that you so badly wanted to share James?" Clearing his throat, James stood up, and grabbed my hand and pulled me up next to him. "Well, mother and father... Elizabeth and I are engaged." Shock covered their faces but quickly overcoming it, Dahlia grinned wildly. "Oh my goodness this is such great news! I'm so happy to hear it!! I was hoping that's what you were coming home for you know, now we have to plan the wedding and get every-" Ronald cut his wife off quickly, "Please don't mind her excitement, this is a great thing."

We chatted with King Ronald and Dahlia for awhile longer, laughing and having a good time. Soon it was time for everyone to retire to their sleeping chambers. Standing up from the table, Dahlia hugged me gently and gave me a pat on the back. "Goodnight dear. Pleasant dreams, daughter." Dahlia seemed quite pleased with the word, and waved as she left the room. King Ronald on the other hand was quietly talking to James in the corner. I cleared my throat to get their attention and they both turned towards me, "Go on without me Eliza, my father has something he wants to discuss with me." I nodded at James and quietly left the dining hall, wondering what they could possibly be talking about. Arriving at my room I couldn't help but feel happy, my heart was beating faster and I felt a small smile on my lips thinking of James. This was just a fake engagement, so why was I feeling this way? I brushed off the feelings and collapsed in bed, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I ran through the castle as fast as I could, I looked around for anyone but the whole place was empty. Pushing myself to run faster, I heard the sound of quick footsteps behind me, chasing me. I quickly went into a room and slammed the door shut, fumbling to lock it quickly. Finally locking it, I backed up a few feet from the door while staring at it. All was quiet for a few moments, until BAM! A heavy force made contact with the door, shaking it on its hinges. There were a few more bangs until all got quiet. "Elizabeth.." A voice said from the other side of the door, sending shivers down my spine. "Elizabeth.. He's coming for you... There is no escape... Just accept your fate." I yelled out angrily, "NO! I will NEVER give in!" Suddenly the entire door broke down as smoke poured into the room, suffocating me. My last thoughts were of James as I blacked out, envisioning his bright smile in my mind.

I felt a hand shake me awake, stirring me from my sleep. "Five more minutes grandma..." I groaned, facing the other way and ignoring them. I felt a warm breath on my neck, and heard a familiar voice whisper in my ear, "Elizabeth wake up we have to talk." I finally stirred slowly and turned toward the voice, locking eyes with James. He smiled at me softly, "Hey sleeping beauty." Suddenly remembering the dream, my throat went dry. I drank some water and sat up, turning to face him. "What is it you want to talk about?" James flashed me a huge smile, "My father said once this wedding is through with, he'll release Valerie. Apparently my parents are both proud that I moved on and realized what was truly important." I smiled gently at him, "That's great James.. But what exactly is going to happen once she is free?"

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