Chapter 8

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I stood there, shocked. "Hun, now don't be mad or anything..." My dad trailed off. I felt all my anger rush forward, making itself known. How could he just spring this on me, the arranged husband!? A part of me thought this might happen, but was trying to deny it. Did I really think I would become a princess so easily? "I'm not marrying them," I answered easily, frowning. My father let out a loud sigh, "It's already arranged sweetie, the wedding date and everything." I shot him a venomous glare, "I don't even know who this person is! Let alone love him!" He frowned at me, "You'll get to know him, and you both will fall in love." I was very frustrated, and without thinking I shouted something I immediately regretted. "Oh yeah!? Well how is that possible when I'm ALREADY in love with someone?"

He turned to me slowly, "Who...?" I looked away so he couldn't see the lie on my face, "It's not important, not like you'd care." Suddenly, my dad grabbed me and spun me so I faced him. "You're my daughter Elizabeth, of course I care, but there's a reason for this." I scoffed, "Oh yeah? Like what." My dads face grew visibly softer. "You have to marry him so that our two kingdoms can have peace and harmony, we don't want to risk a war and we need them as an alli." I sighed deeply, turning away and ignoring him. "Look Elizabeth, I wouldn't force you to marry someone unless it was absolutely necessary. Your mother and I were in an arranged marriage, we resented one other at first but we fell in love quickly." I turned to him, "I can't do it father, I just can't."

Now, it was his turn to look upset, "I tried to show you I care Elizabeth, but now that you're a princess you have responsibilities, you're always supposed to do things for the good of the people! You put the needs of the people before your own, that's what a good Queen does." I glared at him, and spat out venomous words. "I never asked to be a princess! All I want is to be normal again, I miss my life, it was so simple compared to this!" Before he could react, I ran out of the throne room down the hallways, not really caring where I went. Who does he think he is?! I missed my old life, I hadn't even seen grandma much lately, so that's where I decided to go. I asked a guard for directions and headed to her room. Hopefully, she would have some answers about what I should do.

I knocked on the door, upon hearing a muffled "Come in," I entered. My grandma was sitting near the window, knitting. She glanced up at me and her face broke out into a smile. She rose and hugged me tightly. "Eliza dear, haven't seen you in awhile." I hugged her back and motioned for her to sit on the bed. She did so, and I sighed, "I need some advice." She smiled at me, "What is it?." I shifted so I was facing her, "My father wants me to marry someone I don't want to, a prince. I don't know what to do because I'm in love with Alec." Her smile faded, and she sighed, "I know what you mean dear, it's hard to be a Princess, you have many responsibilities that normal girls don't. It's worse for you because you didn't have time to process it, before you were thrown into this world." I groaned, "So what should I do? I don't want to marry someone I don't even know, I love Alec, and I want to be with him."

My grandma paused for a few moments, contemplating what to say. "Well, think about the people, if you marry this prince then our kingdoms will be in peace. On the other hand, if you follow your heart, you'll be happy, but will the people in the villages be? When their loved ones are sent off to fight in a battle because the kingdoms weren't united. It's all up to you really, I just want you to think about the consequences and good things that will come out of both situations. Whichever one you think would be the best, then do it. Although don't discard the prince without getting to know him first." I nodded slowly at her, "Thanks Tabitha, I have a lot to think about, I'll visit you later, I promise." I kissed her forehead and stood up. "Thanks for visiting me, see you soon." I left the room, softly shutting the door behind me. She had given me things to think about, which I would sort through later, but right now I wanted to see Alec.

I walked to Alec's room, and rapped lightly on the door. "Come in," I heard from within, so I opened the door and walked in. Alec was looking down at a map, "What are you up to Alec?" He looked at me and instantly his face lit up, "Just looking at the Kingdoms and planning areas of attack for battles incase it's ever needed, what are you doing here?" I sat down on a chair and smiled, "Just came to see my protector." Alec chuckled, "Oh yeah?" He slid down next to me, pulling me into his lap. I giggled, "Yeah." Alec whispered in my ear softly, "I'm happy you came to visit, I've been missing you." He started trailing kisses down my neck, causing me to blush. The next thing I know I'm laying on the bed with Alec above me, looking into my eyes. "You're beautiful Elizabeth, do you know that?" I blushed and felt a smile creeping it's way onto my face, "I'm nothing compared to you, handsome." Alec brushed my hair behind my ear, "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on, all I want is you, and you're the only girl I ever think about." I gushed, "Awww, Alec you're too sweet." Alec placed a single kiss on my nose, smiling at me. I bit my lip, pouting at him. "You drive me crazy when you do that," he said while kissing around my neck.

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