Chapter 6 - Half-Blood "Prince"

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"I found this book with cool spells to help me kill people and stuff!" Harry bragged to Ronnie and Hermy, "It says here it belongs to the half-blood prince, which is definitely me! This book and I must be sole mates! Right guys? Guys?"


"Aw come on, Hermy! You- hang on. I'll be right back." Harry disappeared into the crowds of students and slithered here and there. He finally saw his victim, Draco, nervously looking around and finally briskly walked into the second-floor girls' lavatory. Harry silently followed him and spied- uhh, observed... what happened next.

"Aww, it's okay and stuff. Being emo isn't all that bad. You want to have my knife to commit suicide so you can be a ghost and join me?" Moaning Turtle batted her eyelashes at Draco, who was bailing his eyes out.




"Look, Draco! You've got yourself a emo girlfriend!"



*Blood spilling everywhere and stuff*

"MURDERER! MURDERER! THERE'S A MURDERER IN THE BATHROOM!" Moaning Turtle shrieked just loud enough for no one to hear except for Snake.

Snake flounced into the room and bent down in the pool of blood. He waved his wand over him and guess what? Healed him, sadly (Should've just let him die).

"Mr. Potter! Did you do this?" Snake snapped.

"NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! I didn't know what that spell did! Honestly, poofessor!"

"I don't believe you, but since I love your mother and you have your mother's eyes, I'll let you off. By the way, Potter, has anyone ever told you how you have your mother's eyes? Yours is green and hers is brown, you really do have your mother's eyes!"

"No, poofessor, I really don't think-"


*one minute later*

"Don't you understand? I have to do this. I have to kill you...or he's going to kill me. I was chosen!" Draco pulled up his sleeve to reveal his very impressive and cool dark mark.

"Oh my goodness! That is so suprising! I never guessed THAT would happen!"

Yeah, yeah, I know. Impressive, alright.

"OH WELL GUESS WHAT, Mr. Draculaura/Dracula/Draco/emo/super nice/uwu/half-demon half-angel/sad/depressed/sussy baka/red amongus/baba grill/single/very single/VERY VERY single/VERY VERY VERY single? I, ME, MYSELF, MINE, HARRY POTTER. AM. THE. CHOSEN ONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!"

 *Harry doing a superman pose infront of everyone to show off his scar and stuff*

"Yer a show-off, Harry."

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