Episode 6: Truth Seekers

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In a darkened green-lit room, a small monitor screen showed a clip of Moxxie stopping Blitzo from firing his rifle at Martha at her house.

Another screen showed a clip of Millie and Scorpion teleporting back to shore after killing the fish monster at the beach.

A third one showed Millie and Moxxie French-kissing with their long tongues while swinging above the stage during the battle.

As a fourth screen zoomed in from a field of grazing horses and focused on an excited Blitzo, mouth agape, tongue out and holding a crushed can in one hand and the grimoire on another, the clip paused.

A white finger touched the still screen.

"Right there," said a male voice. "This was the first sighting."

Another white hand appeared, gesturing to the screen as a female voice spoke. "They are definitely from Hell. They must use this dark magic to cross over into our world..." The fist clenched.

In the room, more screens displayed various scenes of I.M.P. during their adventures.

The female agent, Agent Two stood up. She had short curly blonde hair, dark skin and dark shades over her eyes. Her attire consisted of a dark suit with a white undershirt, a black necktie, red collar cuffs and red sleeve ends. Pinned on her suit was a logo; a white D over a red triangle. She adjusted her sunglasses and put her hand to her chin as she pondered in thought.

"And they seem to be killing specifically-targeted people. But why?"

The male, Agent One then stood up. He had white skin, a pointed chin and light brown short hair on his angular head. He too, adjusted his shades and wore the same colored suit and logo as his partner.

With a swoop of his hand, he added, "They always attack at random, all over the country. There's no way to predict where they'll show up next!"

Just then, the agents gasped and turned as they heard a rattling and screeching cat noise from outside. They peered through a barred window and some lopsided blinds. The male agent pulled the blinds aside and spotted Blitzo with one foot toward a dumpster.

Agent Two grinned evilly. "Ah well, that's convenient!"

"Shh!" Blitzo shushed to Moxxie as he held onto the dumpster lid. "Remember, we can't be seen!" Blitzo slammed the lid before losing his balance and tumbling to the ground. He landed head-first into a garbage bag.

Moxxie face-palmed and shook his head while Millie giggled nearby as Scorpion rolled his eyes.....or something like that as they walked passed them. Moxxie glanced around before addressing his boss in a harsh whisper.

"Pardon my word, sir, but you're currently being the loudest."

Blitzo got out from the bag and angrily poked Moxxie in the face. A soiled pink garment hung from the tip of one of his horns, a lollipop was on his face, a piece of paper lay on his forehead and on his finger...was a used up green condom. Moxxie starred in utter disgust.

"I said shush your dick-sucking lips, Moxxie!" Blitzo spat, poking hard at Moxxie who then flinched and shooed him away.

From behind Moxxie, a red glow emitted from a nearby portal. Moxxie turned and spotted Loona, Scorpion and Millie in the opening, with Millie waving. Moxxie happily began to stroll toward the portal when...

"Get down!" Blitzo yelled.

A shout rang out as Blitzo leapt onto Moxxie and shoved him hard onto the ground. A millisecond later, a net shot from the distance with a wheezt. Blitzo growled on top of Moxxie, staring at a shadowy figure in the background. It was Agent One, holding a large cannon-like weapon with three white barrels with nets in the center. With a click, another net opened up at the ready. Falling from a rooftop, Agent Two landed gracefully on the ground, standing between Blitzo and the portal. Blitzo and Moxxie were surrounded by two armed humans. If these human strangers soon saw the portal to Hell...

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