~Chapter 10

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Hawks POV

I clapped my hands together as I dusted my feathers. "All in a days work, am I right, Endeavor" I called out as I walked up to the new symbol of peace. Endeavor however just hummed as he waved me off. I raised an eyebrow, Endeavor seemed to be staring at the burning building. As many people pitched in to help put out the flames, firefighters and any pro heroes that had a water quirk. Endeavor seemed to be lost in thought, I watch as even his son.

Shoto, helped cool down the flames using his ice quirk. "So...how are your kids" I asked, trying to make small talk. Endeavor turned to me with a raised eyebrow, Endeavor, strangely enough chuckled. "Since when did you have kids" Endeavor questioned, I instantly flustered. "Kids...I don't have kids, wha-wha-what would make you think that..I-I...I meant you know, Bakugo and that Midoriya kid...you know, Tokoyami has been doing so well lately on his work studies, have I told you about him, he's honestly such a sweet kid I-" I paused as Endeavor held up a hand, to silence my rambles. "Is something the matter Hawks, you haven't quite been yourself lately" Endeavor questioned as he continued to cross his arms.

I glanced for a moment at the inferno, "is it about your mission" Endeavor whispered. I was so close to flinching, the thoughts about my true mission ran through my head. My eyes narrowed self consciously as I looked at the withering flames. My face straightened as I stared up at the sky, "it's under control" I said in a monotone voice. Without another word, I opened my wings up and headed for the sky. For once in my life, I flew slowly, soaring across the sky.

I wasn't flying to save a life, I was flying to feel the breeze through my hair and in my wings. I just kept flapping my wings until I flew to the tallest building I had seen. Up there, I landed, staring down below, I wonder how Dabi is doing. Maybe I should check up on him, but first, I guess I should drop by my agency. Yeah, I should check and see what Tokoyami is up too. It's been awhile since I properly helped with Tokoyami's training.

My mind has been fogged up ever since the egg incident happened. I don't know what to do, I'm needed here but I'm also needed there. But it isn't like I can be in two places at once, be a pro hero and parent the child of a villain. Save the world by completing my mission and endanger my child. Either way, if I go through with my mission or don't, my unborn child will be endangered either way. So what is there for me to do, I'm lost and deep down....I'm scared.

Not for myself, but the little being that lives in that egg, cause now, the citizens aren't my only responsibility. Now I have the responsibility of a father, maybe even a mother. I chuckled to myself, maybe it's motherly instincts, or maybe it's more than that. My heart is constantly aching, craving to stay close to the egg. It makes me twitch and squirm, I can't help it if my mind is fogged with worry. I've never been so worried before, so anxious, I quite explain it.

I guess these are just one of the crazy perks of becoming a paranoid parent. I never been one to cave in on pressure because I never really been afraid before. Never really had a reason to be since all I ever known is as long as your fast. A quick thinker and agile on your feet and defeat your foes fast, then you will always end victorious. But it's different, I don't know why but it's different for the egg. It's as tho, if I make one wrong move with the League then I'm done for.

One wrong step and it could mean the end, one wrong choice and it would be my fault. It's like a game of chess, one move could mean game over. The citizens and pro heroes are the pawns in the villains game, the knights are the students that train to be pro heroes. The rooks are the teachers that carve the students into becoming the greatest heroes they can be. The bishop is complicated, more so, one of the most overlooked pieces in my opinion. They represent the families, the fathers and mothers that allowed us to take care and train our students to be the very best.

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