Part 1

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"How was the gym?" My housemate Loraine asked me when I got home.

"It was a good workout." I said as I leaned down to kiss her on the forehead, then went to shower. Once I was done, I pulled on some black skinny jeans along with a black V-neck. When I was dressed I went to the safe in our room and grabbed a Glock from it, put it in the holster on my side and went downstairs to eat breakfast. As I came to the kitchen, I saw that Loraine had made pancakes. She smiled and filled my plate with a couple.

"I'll be out of town for the week but I should get a break and then we can hangout like old times." Loraine nodded, she was my best friend and I knew she missed me. I worked for a security company. My job was to offer protection for anyone who hired us. I was to use any means necessary to keep my client safe and sometimes that meant being with them 24/7, which was not ideal, but it was what I was good at. I was hired to protect people but this time was different. I was supposed to protect someone, yes, but that wasn't what I had planned. Before I had met Loraine I was on a job when something went wrong, very wrong and this was going to be my revenge.

"Allison! Where are you?" I screamed as I ran through the house. All I heard was muffled crying.

"ALLISON!!!" I flew around the corner and saw a man hovering over Allison. Her clothes were torn into pieces and she was covered in blood. I cursed under my breath then shot the man that was standing over her. He fell back as I rushed over to Allison.

"Its..It's... it's okay."

"Shh everything is gonna be alright Allison. You are going to be okay." I tried to speak evenly but it came out broken. This is not how it was supposed to go. I was supposed to protect her but I had gotten too close. My hand moved over to the knife sticking out of her stomach.

"It do-doesn't hurt anymore." She can't die, not like this.

"Allison, keep your eyes open. Come on baby, stay with me." I demanded as calmly as I could.

"I can't, I'm just going to take a little nap."

"I'm so sorry. I should have seen them, I should have been watching." I whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"It's okay, really, I-i know I'm dying."

"No! Yo-"

"Asher. Stop. I need you to promise me something. Promise me you'll let him be. I want- I want you to move on, he isn't worth it.

"I can-"

"Asher please." I just nodded, I couldn't bring myself to say it.

"I love you, Ash. Take care of-"

"Allison, no. Allison! I love you, too! Please wake up!" I shouted, but she couldn't hear me. I was going to kill that bastard. Even if it was the last thing I did.

*end flashback*

"Asher! Are you okay?" Asked a very worried Loraine. I shook my head as if to get rid of the terrible memory that had just overcome my mind.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I have to get to work." I said with urgency. I could tell Loraine was worried and just wanted to help, but the only thing that would help, was something no one else but myself could make happen. My mind was empty as I drove to the expensive apartment where my client lived, well target in this case. I got out then popped my trunk and put on my earpiece and strapped a knife into my left boot. Then I holstered another gun to my right leg, closed the trunk, then went inside for my briefing. Once I had gotten to the apartment, I punched in the code then walked in. I was a little early and it didn't seem like anyone was home so I decided to start checking the apartment for bugs. I didn't find any. I spun around as I heard footprints and voices at the front door. I put my hand on my gun just in case. The door opened to reveal the client and other bodyguards, one of them being my new partner. They all immediately drew their guns on me and stepped in front of the client.

"That's my new partner." Said the guy who drew his gun last. Great, I have a newbie. Works for me I suppose. The other guys nodded then put their weapons away.

"The place is clear. No bugs. Let's get on with this briefing, shall we." I said after a few seconds.

"We know it's clear. We already swept the place." Said one of the men with irritation.

"I didn't see you in here a minute ago and if I really wanted the lady dead, then I would have gotten the code and planted stuff while you were out." They didn't say anything in response.

"Are you incompetent? Or are one of the two of you going to brief me and my new partner?" I snapped.

"Yes, sorry. Hailey? Would you like to sit in on this or go somewhere else. We will be discussing possible threats."

"She stays." I answered for her, she looked taken back but she nodded.

"Okay. So as you know we are on full protection detail. One of us must remain with her at all times. She has a medium threat risk, but she has received multiple untraceable phone calls. Her father is a business man and has made a lot of people mad, so that is why we are here. So far my partner and I have had a smooth week but anything can happen."

"I'm well aware of what can happen." Was all I offered in response to his brief, he scoffed.

"Thank you both so much, I will see you next week! Enjoy the break, I mean it!" Hailey Emerson said to the two other body guards, they both just smiled. She shook each of their hands and kissed them on the cheek. They both blushed.

"I'm sure you know who I am but I like to properly introduce myself, I'm Hailey Emerson."

"Nice to meet you ma'am! I'm Jax." My new partner responded as he extended his hand out to shake, which she happily returned.

"Just Hailey please." She said kindly but with authority. Jax nodded. She looked in my direction.

"Name's Asher." She reached out to shake my hand and after a second I took it.

"I'm going to step outside with my partner here. When I'm back I'd like to know what you have planned for more importantly the day but the rest of the week also." She looked irritated but she nodded.

"Shouldn't one of us stay there with her?" Jax asked once we were outside.

"She'll be fine, if anyone opens any windows I'll know and I already checked the place for bugs so I know that no one is in there." Jax just nodded.

"You're new, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am sir. I'm really eager to learn from you, you pretty much have a perfect record!" Yeah, except for Allison. I hid my hurt with a chuckle.
I was honestly glad I had a newbie, that would make it so much easier for me to get to her. Well him, but his security was too tight so the next best was his 18 year old daughter. After what happened to Allison I had to find the man that killed her and take away everything he has. After a year of digging I found the man who had hired those mercenaries to hunt her down. Walter Emerson. He was a businessman who was now the owner of a company which produced drugs for people suffering with MS. As it turned out Allison was a new reporter who got wind of a report from a whistleblower that said that their drug was making it worse and causing faster deaths. Two days after Allison received the report the whistleblower died in an accident, then she received a visit from Walter. She told me that he had said that she should drop the story or she might get in an accident herself. That's when Allison hired us. Now I was going to take someone he loved. Just like he did to me.

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