Part 2

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"Mind if I ask you a question sir?" Jax asked.  I shook my head in response.

"You don't seem to like your Hailey. Why not?"

"I have nothing against her, but I looked at her social media enough to know that she is a trouble child. She just has zero regard for her safety. She only lets us hang around so daddy doesn't cut her out of the will. In the meantime if something happens to her because she was careless it affects our careers."


"Yeah, see learning already!"  I said with a smile, Jax just laughed.

"We can go back inside now. I just wanted to let you know how this job is going to be." Jax shook his head in thanks, then followed me inside.

"I'm going out." Hailey said as soon as we walked inside.

"Where to?" I asked.


"Out where?"

"Somewhere." What is she? Five? She went to walk out the door but I slammed it shut.

"You aren't going out until you tell me where you're going, who you are going with, and until we approve it."

"Move." She challenged, while taking a step towards me.

"Just tell us where, Hailey." Jax chimed in.

"The mall." She said finally.  Of course she picks the mall! Let's just pick one of the hardest environments to control.

"With?"  I repeated. She didn't answer but pointed to herself. I nodded towards Jax and he left to go make sure the car was safe. Hailey went to follow him out the door, but I once again used my hand to push it shut. She turned around leaving our bodies only inches apart. I took a step back but she smiled devilishly then took a step back towards me. I just rolled my eyes. Then I turned to walk away, but she stepped in front of me, almost causing me to be corralled against the wall.

"Ever heard of personal space?" I said dryly.

"Nope." I decided I had given Jax enough time to clear the vehicle, so I pushed her out of the way then walked out the door.

"Talk about uptight! Seriously, what's your problem?" She said while following me.

"Hey!" She said as she ran in front of me. I tried to keep walking but she put her hand on my chest to stop me. Having enough of this game that she was playing, I grabbed her arm and brought it behind her. Then I gently pushed her against the hall, keeping her there.

"I'm here to protect you, but if you want a friend I'm not your guy. My job is to keep you safe, but you already aren't doing me or yourself any favors. We just want to help and you are already making it so darn hard." With that I let go of her arm then walked down the stairs and straight to the parking garage.

Hailey and Jax talked all the way to the mall. They talked about everything from high school, to 1st dates, pets, and hobbies. I wanted to kill them both right then and there. When we got to the mall, I dropped them both off at the entrance, then went to park the car, and reluctantly went inside.  You know the same shop till you drop? Well that's exactly what she did, except she wouldn't drop. We went into every store where she spent thousands on ugly designer crap, using both me and Jax for a cart. I was actively trying so hard not to murder her, while he just looked amused. When she was done she had us take her to her apartment to drop off her stuff.

"I'm going clubbing tonight with a few girlfriends. I plan on leaving at 7, Jax do whatever you want until then. Asher, I need to speak to you for a moment." With that she turned around and walked to her bedroom, Jax gave me a look and I just shrugged.

"What can I do for you Miss Emerson?"

"Well for starters I told you the name is Hailey. Second I want to let you know that if it were up to me I would fire you. But my father assures me that you are the best and insists on you staying on my security."

"And I needed to know that why? Was that supposed to make me feel bad? Cause if it was, you are more naive than I thought you were, which was very."

"I don't care if you feel bad or not. I thought you should know that I am waiting for you to slip up and when you do, well let's just say it is not going to do wonders for your career." She finished with a smirk, I simply rolled my eyes. You sure are going to make killing you super easy for me. I don't think I'll mind one bit!

"Is that it, Miss Emerson?" Now it was her turn to roll her eyes. She didn't answer but stormed off to the bathroom. Real mature. I walked out and was met by a curious Jax.

"Stay with the princess. I'm going to check the club out."

"How do you know which one?" Jax asked.

"I read the notes from her last protection detail." He nodded, then I walked out. Ugh, finally. Peace. Once I got to the club it was close to the time Jax and Hailey should arrive, and as if right on cue they walked in. Speak of the devil. Hailey was now wearing a shiny black dress that didn't come down anywhere close to her knees. To say she was gorgeous didn't do her justice. Too bad her personality is trash. 

"I'm gonna go get wasted. See you boys around." She said while waving her fake little ID around in the air.

"This ought to be fun." Jax said with wide eyes. He had no idea......

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